Chapter 371
"Okay, now the test of the sword intent stone tablet is over, and the old man has a good idea, but to become the old man's son-in-law, he must be a genius of both alchemy and martial arts!"

The Pill King spoke again in a deep voice, and said: "This old man is the Pill King. If you don't know alchemy, then it is impossible to become the old man's son-in-law!"

King Dan's expression was solemn and full of majesty, and there was an undeniable taste in his words.

After the words were finished, Su Zhan, Su Leng, Luo Jiuyou, and Yan Long all stamped their feet with annoyed expressions on their faces.

Although they are the number one arrogance of the four sects and have outstanding talents, they have devoted themselves to studying martial arts, but they have never dabbled in alchemy.

Moreover, based on their previous performance in the first and second rounds, it is almost impossible for them to marry a beautiful woman.

After all, no matter whether it was the first round or the second round, their performance was far worse than that of Zhan Wangzu Lingtian and the holy son Li Changgong.

Even Ye Aolong, the head of the three heroes of Danwu Hall, performed much better than them.

But at this moment, Ye Aolong was stunned, he had already lost the position of the Holy Son, today, he came here with full confidence, and he was determined to become the son-in-law of the Alchemy King this time.

But now, all hope has come to nothing!
His eyes were full of unwillingness, and he looked quite depressed.

This blow was undoubtedly a huge blow to Ye Aolong, who had always been aiming at the entire Danbao Pavilion. He stared at Li Changkong in the distance, and a fierce look flashed in his eyes.

It's him!

He took away the position of the Holy Son and became a disciple of the Alchemy King, but now, he wants to become the son-in-law of the Alchemy King!
From his point of view, the "Shuangjue of Dan and Wu" mentioned by the king of alchemy undoubtedly refers to the holy son Li Changgong!
"I don't agree!"

Ye Aolong seemed to be roaring in his heart, his eyes turned blood red, and the raging hatred made his expression a bit ferocious.

In terms of strength, he has never been afraid. If he wants to compete in strength, he has full confidence that he can defeat this holy son.

It's a pity, now, it's actually a competition of alchemy!
And at this moment, the crowd around them also became a sensation.

Almost everyone felt that what King Pill had said was obvious.

The combination of alchemy and martial arts clearly refers to the holy son Li Changgong!
After all, they still have a deep memory of the life-and-death alchemy battle between the Holy Son Li Changgong and the Red Lotus Pill Monarch's disciple Zhong Lingxiu. Back then, the Holy Son Li Changgong mastered the alchemy and refined it into the emperor's Digang Pill, how amazing it was !

And the holy son Li Changgong is an alchemist, a fourth-rank alchemist!
The reason why King Pill didn't make his words clear was probably because he wanted to save face for the major sects. After all, the disciples and elders of the major sects present here all represent the huge sect forces.

But at this moment, Ling Tian didn't feel despair, even, there was no look of despair on his face, instead, there was a look of pride in his eyes.

Elder Ling Jue came out with a smile on his face, grinning and said: "King Alchemy, you may not know something, Ling Tian, ​​the arrogance of our war royal family, is not only a genius of martial arts, but also a wizard of alchemy, Now, he is already a little alchemist!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone in the room was shocked. Everyone present glanced at Ling Tian one by one, and their eyes flickered, trembling, envious, and suspicious...

Everyone has complex expressions.

Little Danjun?
Doesn't this mean that today's Ling Tian has become a peak alchemist, not far from alchemy?

Otherwise, how can you be worthy of the word Xiao Danjun?
Looking at the reactions of the people around him, Ling Tian raised his brows, his complacency was hard to hide.

Surprised everyone, their hearts trembled, and everyone showed envy.

This is the result he wants to see!

Ling Jue also laughed heartily, and said: "Pill King, Ling Tian, ​​as a young alchemist, definitely deserves the title of Danwu Shuangjue. I don't know, what the Pill King was referring to earlier was Ling Tian of our Zhan Royal Family." sky?"

Hearing the voice, Lin Wanxue couldn't help but turn pale, and stepped back a few steps in fright.

Although this Ling Tian from Zhan royal family looks quite outstanding, he is arrogant and defiant. If she wants to marry this person, she would rather die than surrender!

If she wants to marry in her life, she will only marry one person, and that person is Li Changkong!

However, now, the Zhanwang family is coming with power, intending to persecute King Pill and marry him. Although this kind of ancient family is declining now, the hidden power must not be underestimated.

She knew that even her father would not dare to offend the royal family of Zhan too much at this moment. After all, it was a powerful family with the blood of the king of Zhan flowing through them.


King Dan frowned slightly. He mentioned the dual mastery of Dan and Wu earlier, and the meaning was already obvious. He was referring to Li Changkong.

Li Changkong and Lin Wanxue have long had feelings for each other, and Li Changkong is his disciple and has already been recognized by him.

Therefore, in his mind, the most suitable candidate for son-in-law is Li Changkong!
But now, the attitude of the Zhan royal family is obviously unwilling to let it go.

"In my Danbao Pavilion, the holy son Li Changgong is also an alchemy master. If you compete in alchemy, you may not be inferior to Ling Tian of your royal family!"

At this time, Kong Wu, the deputy head of the Danwu Hall, strode out, and said in a deep voice: "Besides, he clearly has the upper hand in the first and second rounds of tests, so this candidate is naturally right and wrong. The Holy Son of our Danbao Pavilion is none other than him!"

"Hmph, in the first round of the test, I held the cauldron with one hand, but he beat Li Changgong. In the second round of the test, although I lost, it was only a tie!"

Ling Tian strode out, snorted coldly, and said, "Since there are endless arguments, it's easy to resolve, Li Changgong, do you dare to fight me for alchemy?"

Dou Dan?

After the voice fell, many people's eyes lit up. It has to be said that this is also a fairly fair way of dealing with it.

However, there were also quite a few people who showed signs of worry. That Ling Tian dared to say such a thing in front of the Holy Son, obviously, the other party was very confident.

Moreover, Ling Tian is known as the Little Alchemist, possessing the alchemy cultivation of the peak alchemy, and the holy son Li Changgong, although he is also an alchemy, seems to have not stepped into the realm of the alchemy peak.

This gap seems to be not small!
Swish swish!
All of a sudden, all eyes fell on Li Changkong.

At this moment, Li Changkong's every move is attracting attention.

"No matter what you want to fight, I, as the Holy Son, will take it one by one!"

Under the gaze of everyone, Li Changkong stood with his hands behind his back, exuding a domineering aura from all over his body, his eyes staring at him with a kind of domineering aura that regarded the heroes of the world as ants.

Seeing the aura exuded by Li Changkong, for some reason, Lin Wanxue, who was originally on tenterhooks, suddenly felt extremely calm, as if she had boundless confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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