Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 374 Nine Turns Gathering Spirit Pill

Chapter 374 Nine-turn Gathering Spirit Pill (Fourth)
Li Changkong acted as if he hadn't heard the stares from all around, or Ling Tian's sarcasm, and he devoted all his attention to alchemy.

This time, he had to take the refined spirit-gathering pill by himself. If he didn't refine it, if he wanted to refine it, he had to refine the best spirit-gathering pill!
The powerful blood power in his body gushed out and turned into a raging pill fire. The pill fire burned, and a vast spiritual power came from inside the pill cauldron.

This is a sign of impending success!
However, the next moment, he resolutely dissipated the pill fire, and the spiritual power condensed like a torrent, washing away in the cauldron.

Originally, the elixir that was about to be formed was immediately dispersed and turned into a liquid elixir again, and more spiritual power was fused into these liquid elixir.

"What is he doing?"

The old alchemist beat his chest and stamped his feet immediately, with a distressed and regretful look. Originally, he was about to complete the alchemy, but now, he was completely destroyed by this kid.

Everyone's eyes widened, and their eyes were full of shock.

Is this self-defeating?
"Could it be, Mr. Shengzi, knowing that it is impossible to beat Mr. Ling Tian, ​​so he simply smashed the jar, and didn't want to let the Spirit Gathering Pill take shape?"

Someone looked disappointed, shook his head and smiled wryly.

It's not the Holy Son's fault, it's really Ling Tian from the Zhan Royal Clan, his strength is too powerful!
So powerful that even the Holy Son felt hopeless.

"How could this be?"

Withered Wood Danjun stared fixedly at Li Changkong in the distance, his eyes were full of regret.

Originally, as long as Li Changgong refines into pills and spirit-gathering pills, even if he loses this time, it won't be too ugly.

But now, this son actually ruined the Juling Pill that was about to take shape. Such actions are really too impulsive and too disregarding the overall situation.

Red Lotus Pill Lord raised his brows, and the smile on his face became stronger and stronger, and it was a little hard to suppress.

"It's really what I said. You have refined it like this. It must be a waste pill. Hey, it's a pity that there is a batch of high-quality elixir!"

Ling Tian shook his head, looking extremely regretful, but his eyes were full of sarcasm.

Only Pill King's eyes lit up, and he looked at Li Changkong with piercing eyes!

The next moment, Li Changkong's palm reappeared raging pill flames, and above the flames, powerful blood power emanated, and he started refining again.

In the Danding, bursts of Danxiang came out again, and the smell was even stronger than before.

Many people frowned, not knowing why, not knowing what the Holy Son was doing.

In just a short moment, Li Changkong extinguished the flame again, and his spiritual power condensed into a torrent, constantly scouring!

So repeated, nine times in a row!
The entire Dan Ding trembled violently, and a majestic coercion emanated from the Dan Ding, giving people the feeling that a real dragon was trapped in the Dan Ding, and the real dragon struggled No end, it seems that it is possible to rush out of the alchemy at any time.

Around the Danding, there is even more auspicious and precious light, and the precious light emerges, and the brilliance is dazzling.

"How could this be?"

Some powerful alchemists felt incomparably inexplicable at this moment. Previously, Shengzi had clearly dispersed the pill fire several times. It is impossible for this pill to take shape!
But now, in the alchemy cauldron, there was a sign that he was about to become an alchemy again.

The old alchemist who has become a alchemist, at this moment, shot out a few bright lights in his cloudy eyes, as if he remembered something, his face was full of excitement and excitement.

Even, because of excessive excitement, his body kept shaking.

Even Ling Tian couldn't help frowning at this moment, he felt something was wrong, but no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

Don't say you have seen this kind of alchemy, but you have never heard of it.

Many alchemists also stared at each other with a concentrated look, for fear that they would miss a wonderful scene.

At this moment, the cauldron exploded, and the medicine dregs and fragments of the cauldron were scattered all over the place. The astonishing fluctuations produced a frightening wave of air, which suddenly spread to the surroundings.

The moment the cauldron exploded, a white beam of light shot up into the sky, rushing out like a real dragon, and then, on the white beam of light, nine colors of light appeared, rushing straight into the sky.

Gathering pills, after nine times of dispersing pills and nine times of condensing pills, now, the pills are finally completed!

Dancheng, superb!
This is the real unrivaled elixir, Nine Transformations Gathering Spirit Pill!

After a while, the rays of light dissipated, and a white elixir appeared on Li Changkong's palm. The white elixir was crystal clear. Inside the elixir, there seemed to be a real dragon coiled around, ready to fly through the air at any time. the feeling of going.

A majestic and astonishing medicinal power emanated from this elixir, upon smelling it, one felt refreshed, and the eyes of many elixir disciples present widened, and their eyes were full of confusion.

"What grade of spirit-gathering pill is this?"

Finally, a disciple of Dandian couldn't help asking a question.

"Nine-Turn Spirit Gathering Pill is naturally a top-notch Spirit Gathering Pill. I dare say that this is definitely the only Nine-Turn Spirit Gathering Pill in this southern region!"

Li Changkong said proudly.

As an alchemist, all the pills he refined contained the alchemist's painstaking efforts, and this Nine-Turn Spirit Gathering Pill contained the blood power of the Heaven-Swallowing Bloodline in his body.

It can be said that this nine-turn spirit-gathering pill is priceless, unique in heaven and earth!

After all, in this world, he is the only one with the blood of swallowing the sky!

"Peerless Spirit Gathering Pill?"

Ling Tian sneered, although the scene of alchemy just now was indeed amazing, but this does not mean that the elixir refined must be a top-notch elixir.

Even a genius of alchemy like him can't refine the peerless Spirit Gathering Pill, so he will never believe that this Holy Son of Danbao Pavilion can refine the peerless Spirit Gathering Pill!
"Li Changgong, with your little ability, do you still want to refine a superb spirit-gathering pill?"

Ling Tian couldn't stop laughing, and said with a smile: "Perhaps, you created the amazing scene just now, and the purpose is just to cover up your own failure!"

"Whether it is a top-notch pill or not, Lord Pill King, please have a look at it yourself, and you will naturally know the truth."

Regarding Ling Tian's doubts, Li Changkong just smiled coldly, and walked straight forward, preparing to hand the Nine-Turn Gathering Spirit Pill to the Alchemy King.

"No need, this is indeed the Nine-Turn Spirit Gathering Pill, and it is the best of the best!"

At this moment, King Pill spoke and made the final decision!
As soon as the words fell, Lin Wanxue was ecstatic, she was so excited that tears dripped down her cheeks, and that feeling seemed to be a hundred times more pleasant than her own refined elixir.

"No, no, it's not true!"

As if Ling Tian had been hit by a heavy hammer, he shook his head again and again, and stepped back, with a look of shock and horror on his face!

(End of this chapter)

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