Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 376 Canglong Sword Art?

Chapter 376 Canglong Sword Art? (first update)
After Li Changkong's voice fell, there was another commotion.

"He actually agreed?"

After hearing Li Changgong's answer, many people were stunned, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

In the eyes of many people, Ye Aolong launched a life-and-death contest with the holy son Li Changgong. This approach is too shameless!

After all, Ye Aolong has the fifth level of the spiritual sea, while Li Changgong, the holy son, only has the ninth level of the Shenfu.

Although Li Changgong is the Son of God, that only shows that his talent is against the sky. If you want to compare his real combat power, obviously, [-]% of the people present will think that Ye Aolong definitely has the upper hand.

At this moment, the holy son Li Changgong agreed so readily that everyone present couldn't believe it.

"He agreed?"

Even Ling Tian was surprised. How could he, Li Changgong, dare to agree?
This approach is simply asking for a dead end!

Many Danwu Hall masters, deputy hall master Kong Wu and others were all stunned at this moment.

Many people shook their heads and sighed. Although the talent of this Danbao Pavilion's holy son is unparalleled, he is still too arrogant after all. Facing a spirit-sea fifth-level powerhouse, this kind of behavior is simply courting death.

Pill King also frowned slightly, but in the end, he still didn't make a sound, and didn't stop this life-and-death fight.

In his heart, there was some expectation, maybe, this disciple of his might really be able to defeat Ye Aolong!
"You promised?"

"Haha, I really didn't expect, Li Changgong, that you actually agreed to fight me!
Ye Aolong was ecstatic, his eyes were full of excitement, and he laughed again and again.

Seeing Ye Aolong lose his composure, the people around couldn't help but shake their heads. Even though this leader of the three heroes of Danwu Hall is really powerful, such behavior is a bit shameless.

However, in this world, after all, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. If Ye Aolong really kills the holy son Li Changgong in this battle, then he will still be the number one martial artist in Dancheng.

"Ye Aolong, do you think you will win?"

Li Changkong glanced at Ye Aolong with disdain. Originally, he was looking forward to it, but just now, Ye Aolong's reaction made him quite disappointed.

With such a mind, although the realm of martial arts is high, the foundation must not be solid, and the name of Tianjiao is empty, but the name does not match the reality.

"Li Changgong, I will win this battle with you, I will kill you, take your head, and step on my feet!"

Ye Aolong swept his eyes condescendingly, and his confidence grew even higher.

There was resentment in his eyes, it was this person who stole the limelight, and now all the halos that belonged to him were taken away by this person.

But soon, he was relieved, why bother with a dead man.

"Let's stop talking nonsense, let's fight, let me see your strength, hope, you won't let me down too much."

Li Changkong felt very bored, and Ye Aolong's performance had already disappointed him.

The next moment, the Dragon Killing Sword appeared in his hand. The Dragon Killing Sword trembled slightly, and a sword intent emanated from his body.

The sword came out, and immediately, the momentum was extraordinary, and there was a supreme fighting spirit in his eyes!
At this moment, Ye Aolong also drew out his sword, the sword in his hand was silver, and in the silver light, there was a chill.

Above his body, a sword light soared into the sky, and the whole person seemed to be transformed into a shining sword, with a blazing sword intent.


The next moment, the silver long sword in Ye Aolong's hand stabbed out directly, and suddenly, a cold light shone like a falling star, covering a three-meter radius around Li Changkong's body.

In the sword light, there is a golden sword intent, sharp and capable of breaking through thousands of troops!

Break the army sword intent!

The sword intent comprehended by Ye Aolong is the sword intent of breaking the army, the killing breath is extremely dignified, similar to the killing sword intent, but it is fundamentally different.

"The dragon wags its tail!"

Facing this sword, Li Changkong only raised the corners of his mouth, showing disdain. Then, he performed a dragon wagging his tail in the Longwu Sword Technique, and the Dragon Killing Sword swept towards him with a majestic momentum.

The two long swords collided in the air, and there was the sound of gold and iron clanging, and the flames splashed everywhere.

As soon as Li Changkong's footsteps moved, his whole body moved forward, and the four great sword intents soared into the sky.


He drank softly, and immediately, above his body, immortal sword glows soared into the sky, and finally, those immortal sword glows converged into a bright immortal sword rainbow, which suddenly fell down.

It was the Immortal Sword Formation that he cultivated in the Gangyuan Realm!
That Immortal Sword Rainbow came tearing through the air, and its power was astonishingly great!

"Canglong sword technique!"

Ye Aolong roared angrily, and used a powerful low-grade earth-level sword skill. This is a powerful sword skill comprehended by the senior strongman after observing every move of Canglong.

The sword came out like a dragon's roar, with a powerful sword power, it was actually suppressed.


The two sword rainbows collided suddenly, and in the end, they were all annihilated.

"The Canglong sword technique?"

Li Changkong raised his brows. How dare this person use the Canglong sword technique in front of him?
He could tell from the trajectory of Ye Aolong's sword that this sword technique was obviously created by imitating some of Canglong's fighting techniques.

If this sword technique is used against others, it can produce miraculous effects. After all, the power is powerful, and the trajectory of the sword is also unusual.

But for him, he cultivated the Canglong Dominant Body, and now, he can become a Canglong.

In his eyes, this sword technique is so clear that he can see through all the changes and intentions as soon as he strikes the sword!

He chuckled lightly, and then rushed out again.

In his body, the nine great divine palaces were all opened, and his strength skyrocketed in an instant, and his aura increased tenfold in an instant.

The Nine Great Divine Palaces are his background. The opening of the Nine Great Divine Palaces allows him to surpass martial artists of the same level by a large amount. Fighting at a higher level is as simple as eating and drinking water.


Seeing Li Changkong rushing towards him, Ye Aolong threw out his sword brazenly, and the sword light fell, and there was an astonishing change in that majestic sword light.

But Li Changkong didn't even look at it. With a strange twist of his body, he avoided all the sword lights in an instant, as if he understood the flaws in the sword technique in his heart.

"how is this possible?"

Ye Aolong's heart trembled, and he lost his mind for a moment.

At this moment, Li Changkong made another move, stabbing out with a sword, and the four great sword intents were all revealed, and the sword light instantly soared, extremely blazing.

The next moment, Ye Aolong's shoulder was pierced by the sword light, and a huge blood hole appeared, and blood fell from the air.

And Ye Aolong's body also fell from the air, hitting the ground hard, his face turned pale instantly!
"You are defeated!"

Li Changkong whispered, his voice was full of disdain.

At this moment, Ye Aolong felt as if he was mourning for his concubine, and his heart felt like colic!
(End of this chapter)

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