Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 381 The Wind Lands on the Island

Chapter 381
In the Dead Sea, there are countless islands.

On one of the islands, there are green mountains and green waters, birds singing and flowers fragrant, and the aura is quite strong. It is an excellent place for cultivation.

On the island, there are few people and there are only a few dilapidated houses. Obviously, it is a place of decline.

"Elder Sister, Elder Sister, it's not good, Master, he's gone crazy again!"

A dexterous little girl with two braids rushed out in a panic, walked up to a woman in her twenties, and shouted again and again.

"Huh, Linger, didn't I tell you? If he is crazy, let him be crazy. It has been so many years, and it was only during the time when you started, you were still a little sober. After that, you have been crazy all the time. These days, he can ever sober?"

The woman in her twenties, wearing a green robe and long skirt, had a stern look on her face, and was completely indifferent to what the little girl said.

"But, but..."

The little girl raised her mouth involuntarily, her face full of grievances, tears welled up in her eyes, and she said aggrievedly: "But if this continues, I'm afraid Master will die..."

In the second half of the conversation, the little girl couldn't hold back at all, and burst into tears with a wow.

The woman in the green robe glared at the little girl a few times, but it didn't help at all, it just made the little girl cry louder and louder, crying until tears glistened, which made people feel pitiful.

Seeing this, the woman in the green robe stomped her feet, with a look of helplessness on her face, and muttered in a low voice: "I'm so pissed off, a lunatic, a crybaby, just this is enough to upset me, but now , the three-day period is approaching, what should I do?"

After all, the green-robed woman couldn't stand it any longer, so she forced a smile and comforted her: "Okay, okay, don't cry, Master, he has a strong cultivation base, how could he die?"


The little girl stopped crying and raised her head. Her big bright eyes were blinking. I felt sorry for her.

"Of course it's true, when did senior sister lie to you?"

The woman in the green robe spoke seriously.

"That's great, Master, he won't die, it's really great..."

The little girl suddenly turned from crying to laughter, with tears still hanging from her eyelashes, which made the rather serious woman in green robe burst out laughing.

With this smile, it seemed that the sorrow in his heart had been resolved a lot.


At this moment, in the sky, a black beam of light pierced through the void and smashed down from the sky.

"what happened?"

The green-robed woman raised her head, eyes full of confusion.


The next moment, one of the houses was hit by the beam of light and collapsed, turning into ruins.


Seeing this, the woman in green robe rushed over.

And behind her, the little girl blinked her eyes again and again, looking at the figure walking out of the ruins in the distance, she couldn't help but say: "Heavenly descended god, this must be the heavenly descended god that Master usually mutters about, my lord!" Senior Sister, we are saved!"

The little girl had an excited look on her face, she was so excited, she ran over in a hurry.

At this moment, Li Changkong's face was depressed. What kind of broken teleportation array is this? The space is unstable. His clothes were all smashed by the turbulent flow of space. At this moment, his whole body is bare.

If it weren't for his physical body, which was strong enough, I'm afraid that the physical body would be torn into pieces by the turbulent flow of space.

"who are you?"

At this moment, there was a loud shout, and the green-robed woman rushed forward with strides, a long sword appeared in her hand, the light of the sword surged, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at Li Changkong.

But the next moment, the green-robed woman staggered and fell to the ground with the long sword in her hand, screaming "Ah", her face blushing, she hurried over and took a thorough look at Li Changkong's body.

"Shameless, rascal!"

The green-robed woman shouted loudly and reprimanded her.

Li Changkong also blushed slightly, this was the first time he encountered such an embarrassing situation.

"That, accident, accident..."

Li Changkong could only smile mockingly.

"Senior sister, who are you scolding?"

Behind the green-robed woman, the little girl chased after her.

"Don't look!"

The green-robed woman even turned around and covered the little girl's eyes.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Changkong took out a spare set of clothes from the ring and put them on.

"Ahem, er, this is Fenglin Island?"

Li Changkong coughed a few times, and until now, he still felt embarrassed.

"who are you?"

"Tell me, are you from Qinghu Island?"

The green-robed woman didn't answer at all. She picked up the long sword again and pointed it at Li Changkong. A powerful aura emanated from her body.

Her cultivation was not weak at all, and she actually had the Ninth Layer of the Divine Palace. At this moment, she seemed to completely treat Li Changkong as an enemy, as if she was ready to fight.

"Senior sister, he is not from Qinghu Island, he is a man from heaven, who is here to help us, as Master said before!"

The little girl stood behind the woman in green robe, her childish face was full of seriousness.

"Do you believe what that lunatic said?"

The green-robed woman scolded directly, and the vigilance in her eyes did not diminish at all.

At this moment, Li Changkong and the second monk Zhangkong couldn't figure out who the big and small in front of him were?

What about the promised big brother?
Master, are you cheating on me?

Li Changkong's mentality exploded, but at this moment, he could only hold his breath, looked at the green-robed woman opposite, and said in a calm tone as much as possible: "I'm not from Qinghu Island, I'm here to find Zhong Yue."

"You came to see Master? It's a pity. If you came three years ago, you would have been fine. Now, Master's illness is getting worse and worse. I'm going crazy. I'm afraid I won't recognize you. "

"By the way, you are a man from heaven, can you cure Master's illness?"

The little girl's eyes blinked, and she looked quite agile, her eyes were full of expectation, and her intuition told her that the brother in front of her was not a bad person.

"Brother, is he going crazy?"

Li Changkong finally figured out the situation. From the looks of it, the woman in green robe and the little girl in front of him should be the disciples of the elder brother.

But he quickly frowned again. It seemed that the situation here was no longer what it was when Master left.

After all, it may have been decades since Master left here, so great changes will naturally take place here.

"Eldest brother? Are you a junior uncle?"

The little girl's eyes lit up, she broke free from the green-robed woman's hand, and ran straight towards Li Changkong.

"Well, indeed, in terms of seniority, I am indeed your little uncle!"

Li Changkong nodded seriously, and stretched out his hand to wipe away the wet tears on the little girl's face.

However, the green-robed woman still had a look of vigilance on her face, half-believing in Li Changkong's words.


At this moment, a huge warship docked in the distance, and soon, more than a dozen figures rushed towards the direction where Li Changkong and the others were.

"Little girl, the three-day period has come. Now, Fenglin Island belongs to our Qinghu Island!"

"You all, get out of here!"

Before the person arrived, a stern voice came from afar.

When the voice came, Li Changkong's eyes narrowed slightly, and a sharp look flashed in his eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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