Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 387 Looting 1 Empty

Chapter 387 Looted (Second)
Mo Tiantian rushed out first. He was holding a mysterious ruler. On the mysterious ruler, runes flickered. Obviously, it was absolutely extraordinary!
The Xuanchi slammed down, and the majestic spiritual power burst out suddenly, like a huge stick slamming down from the air, extremely powerful.

And a long whip appeared in Bai Wuchen's hand. This long whip was made from the tendons of flood dragons. When he whipped it at this moment, it carried a force to tear apart the void. Compared to Mo Tian, Not weak at all.

Ling Jiang slapped out his palms, and suddenly, the power of his palms surged, and his spiritual power surged!
Even Linghu Gao made a move at this moment, with both fists blasting out, rolling in force, continuously bombarding him.

The three strong men of the third level of the spiritual sea, plus one strong man of the second level of the spiritual sea, shot together, the power is so great that it makes people feel palpitating.

Even though it was far away, at this moment, Zhou Xia still felt a strong coercion coming from the sky, forcing her to have a spiritual shield around her body to protect herself and Yue Ling'er.

Both she and Yue Linger stared at the battle in the distance with scorching eyes.

This battle is a battle of life and death, if the junior uncle wins, then they can live on, if the junior uncle loses, then they will definitely die here!

Facing the attacks of the four strong men, Li Changkong's eyes were icy cold. He was as proud as Ye Aolong, possessing the fifth level of Linghai realm, extremely powerful, but he was still defeated by him.

What's more, there are only three Linghai triple warriors here?
As for Linghu Gao, he only has the second level of Linghai, which is not worth mentioning.

In his eyes, these people are like chickens and dogs, completely vulnerable.

"I gave you a chance, but unfortunately, you don't know how to cherish it!"

Li Changkong shook his head, as if sighing.

Immediately, golden flames jumped in his eyes, and the red dragon magic flame suddenly shot out from his eyes.

Immediately, surging flames, like a long dragon, swept across the sky, burning the sky with fire, and in an instant, the entire sky was turned into a sea of ​​flames!

Mo Tiantian, Bai Wuchen, Ling Jiang, and Linghu Gao, the four of them had just blasted halfway through their attacks, and before they could even hit Li Changkong, they were burned by raging flames, making extremely shrill howls. It was extremely sharp, like killing a pig.

The Red Dragon Demon Flame is not an ordinary flame. This kind of flame is powerful enough to burn gold and iron!

There was also a burning pain from the depths of the soul, which made the four of them lose the ability to resist in an instant, and they all fell to the ground. In just a moment, they were reduced to ashes!

Seeing this scene, both Zhou Xia and Yue Ling'er couldn't help being stunned, and Zhou Xia shuddered all over. This little uncle who descended from the sky, although she was only in the ninth level of the Divine Palace like her, was extremely powerful. , but beyond her imagination.

Before this, she had never thought that the warriors of the ninth level of the Shenfu could be so powerful that even the third level of Linghai could instantly kill them.

This has overturned her cognition!
Yue Ling'er's eyes blinked, her eyes were full of surprise, this little uncle is too powerful.

Li Changkong ignored the surprised gazes of Zhou Xia and Yue Linger, and continued to rush out.

There are not only these people on Qinghu Island, but also many warriors.

He killed all the way, and on this Qinghu Island, there is a big killing ring, and anyone who does not surrender will be killed!

However, Qinghu Island was too big after all. Even though Li Changkong's speed was astonishing, many people saw the situation was not good, so they drove the warships and fled in all directions.

Li Changkong didn't bother to pay attention to this. After all, he was only one person. In this vast sea, it was difficult to chase and kill these people.

"Junior Martial Uncle, he really did it. With the strength of one person, he leveled Qinghu Island!"

Zhou Xia's eyes flickered again and again, and her eyes were full of shock.

Before that, she didn't even dare to think about it, but now, it has become a reality.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Now, this Qinghu Island belongs to us, and everything here also belongs to us!"

Li Changkong suddenly turned around and smiled at Zhou Xia.

This is his plan, Qinghu Island, if he wants to wipe out Fenglin Island and seize Fenglin Island, then he will flatten Qinghu Island and loot all the wealth here!

With his way, he will also be used to his body!
Zhou Xia was overjoyed immediately, took Yue Ling'er and started searching around.

Anyway, all the strong people in the Linghai here were killed by the junior uncle. Even if there were some sporadic fish that slipped through the net, with her current strength, she could handle it!

"Long live my little uncle!"

Yue Ling'er shouted wildly, and she had an almost fanatical admiration for Li Changkong.

After all, since the appearance of this little uncle, the impossible has become reality again and again. In her heart, this little uncle is omnipotent, like a god.

Li Changkong shook his head and laughed a few times, then his eyes became sharper.

On Qinghu Island, the most precious thing is not others, but the middle-grade spiritual vein!
He rushed out directly, and with his own induction, he soon came to a spiritual vein.

A formation is arranged here, and the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth is gathered together, and the spiritual energy is liquefied, forming a strange scene like a lake.

"There's so much psychic liquid here, it's probably millions of catties, right?"

Li Changkong's eyes lit up, and the eyes were full of light.

Here is the most precious treasure in the entire Qinghu Island!

Of course, he couldn't take away the entire spiritual vein, but he could take away all the spiritual fluid here.

You know, he only has 300 million catties of spiritual liquid and 9000 yuan of low-grade spirit stones left on him now.

Added up, it was 200 million catties of spiritual liquid. This amount seemed like a lot, but in fact, given the speed at which he was consuming the spiritual liquid, it was astonishing.

After all, every time he advances to a level, he needs hundreds of times more resources than others!

Li Changkong took a big stride, walked into it, and soon touched the defensive formation here, only to see the luster of runes flashing, and a bright sword light suddenly cut down towards Li Changkong.

It's a pity that this kind of defensive formation is useless in Li Changkong's eyes. He popped out a finger, and suddenly, a majestic divine power directly suppressed it. The sword light was annihilated, and even the light of the formation was dimmed.

He took out a large ring and took away all the spiritual liquid. According to a conservative estimate, he harvested 800 million catties of spiritual liquid.

Today, he, combined, possesses more than 3000 million catties of spiritual liquid. If replaced by spirit stones, that would be 3 yuan of low-grade spirit stones, of which, 9000 yuan of spirit stones and 100 million catties of spiritual liquid!
"Now, the effect of the spiritual liquid on me is too small. After I go back, it's time to exchange all the spiritual liquid for spiritual stones!"

Li Changkong thought to himself.

For warriors above the spirit sea realm, spirit stones are obviously more useful. The spirit energy contained in spirit stones is majestic and rich, incomparably condensed, and more convenient to carry.

He just had a thought, and immediately rushed out, rushing towards the outside.

On Qinghu Island, there are not only spiritual veins, but also many treasures!
He wants to loot all the treasures here!
(End of this chapter)

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