Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 390 Ghost King Cauldron

Chapter 390 Ghost King Cauldron (fifth update)
Even Gao Li, seeing this scene, stared wide-eyed, on this Qianshang Island, there are people who dare to make things difficult for him like this?
The opponent's kick was just his dog's leg, but it was him who was ashamed!

On this Thousand Merchants Island, who would dare not give him face?

He leaped to the ground and stood up directly. A strong aura exuded from his body, and killing intent flashed in his eyes. He looked at Li Changkong opposite him with extremely fierce eyes.

"Young Master Gao, Young Master Gao, can you give Sister Hong a face for this matter and deal with it after the auction is over? Now the auction will start right away."

At this moment, a beautiful woman came down from the venue. Although she looked a little older, she was well maintained, and her skin was as elastic as a girl's.

"Hmph, I'll just give Sister Hong a face. After the auction is over, I want you to look good!"

Gao Li snorted coldly, glared at Li Changkong fiercely, and then sat down.

That bastard, with blood all over his face, felt extremely hated at the moment, but even the young master sat down, how dare he continue to make trouble, he could only leave with a resentful face.

The glamorous woman, Sister Hong, also shook her head, cast a pitiful look at Li Changkong, and then turned to leave.

From her point of view, if this kid offends Gao Shao, he will definitely not end well, and even the two girls around him will end extremely miserable.

However, who made this kid blind to Mount Tai and offended Young Master Gao?
Those who cast their gazes seemed quite disappointed, as if they were disappointed that they hadn't seen a big show.

"This Gao Li is so arrogant. We just sat in the private room next to them. Does this offend them?"

Zhou Xia was very angry, she was too domineering, she didn't pay attention to them at all.

This feeling of being scorned by others made her feel very uncomfortable.

"Little uncle, why don't we sneak away now? Get out of here quickly before the auction is over?"

Fear also flashed across Yue Linger's eyes, here, after all, is Qianshang Island, and Gao Li is the young owner of Qianshang Island.

No matter how confident she is in the little uncle, it is impossible for her to think that the little uncle can fight against the entire Thousand Merchants Island.

Qianshang Island is not comparable to Qinghu Island. A hundred Qinghu Islands are far inferior to Qianshang Island.

"This is the way it is in this world, strength is the most important thing, especially in this sea of ​​death."

"However, so what if he is the Young Island Master? We have to leave, and he can't stop us!"

Li Changkong said softly, he had no fear at all, he still looked like the old god was there, and he didn't take this matter to heart at all.

The young island master, after all, is the young island master, but not the real island master.

Such dude disciples are worthless in his eyes.

Zhou Xia's eyes flickered, and a strange look flashed in her eyes. Under such circumstances, the little uncle was so calm and not nervous at all, which made her feel very strange.

Yue Ling'er even let her eyes go, and firmly grasped the little uncle's hand, this is a big backer!
Soon, the auction was declared to begin. The Bafang Chamber of Commerce is worthy of being one of the top ten chambers of commerce in the entire Qianshang Island. Every auction item that can appear in their auction venue has something extraordinary.

It's just that Li Changkong never had anything to look up to, so naturally he didn't bother to bid.

On the other hand, the young island owner next to them was Gao Li, who shot out again and again, and took a lot of panaceas, and gained a lot.

"The next auction item, I believe many people will be very interested!"

At the venue, Sister Hong showed a charming smile, which made many men lose their minds.

Soon, someone brought up the auction item, and it was a large cauldron with clear lines and mysterious runes that kept flickering.

Seeing the appearance of this big cauldron, Li Changkong's eyes lit up, and the gleam in his eyes flickered, but soon, the gleam fell silent, as if nothing had happened.

At the venue, Sister Hong turned her body around, and pressed her exquisite little hand on top of the cauldron, pouring spiritual energy into it, revealing her impressive cultivation.


The next moment, the big cauldron was filled with runes, the light flickered, and the power soared!

"This big cauldron is called the Ghost King Ding. It was made by an elder of the Corpse God Sect. The Ghost King personally refined it. It is a middle-grade treasure of the spiritual sea. It can be kept, and it can also be used for alchemy. It has a wide range of uses. A very nice treasure."

"The starting price of this Ghost King Cauldron is 100 million catties of spiritual liquid, and every time the price increases, it must not be less than [-] catties of spiritual liquid!"

Sister Hong spoke so eloquently that it moved people's hearts, and then she announced: "Now, let's start bidding."

"It turned out to be the ghost king cauldron!"

But at this moment, Zhou Xia couldn't help but be speechless.

"The Ghost King of the Corpse God Sect?"

Li Changkong frowned, feeling puzzled, why did the elders of the Corpse God Sect come to the Dead Sea?
"Little uncle, don't you know? This Ghost King seems to have offended some powerful person and had to flee to the Sea of ​​Death to take refuge. When this guy first came to the Sea of ​​Death, he caused a lot of trouble."

Zhou Xia grinned. As a person in the Dead Sea, she was very clear about this matter.


Li Changkong showed some interest.

"This ghost king is very powerful and possesses the strength of the Ninth Layer of the Spiritual Sea. After escaping into the Dead Sea, he became extremely arrogant and attacked some large islands one after another, causing public outrage!"

Satisfied, Zhou Xia continued: "One of the large islands has a lot to do with the owner of Longyuan Island. Later, the owner of Longyuan Island took action himself, and within ten moves, he killed the ghost king!"

"All the wealth of the ghost king fell into the hands of Longyuan Island, but for some reason, the ghost king tripod fell into the hands of the Bafang Chamber of Commerce."

"Hehe, it turns out that this Ghost King Ding has such a legendary experience, and it turned out to be so, so I will take a picture of it!"

Li Changkong chuckled, then raised his voice, and shouted, "I'll deliver 130 million catties of spiritual liquid!"

The first time he bid, he was extremely arrogant, and he raised the price by 30 catties of spiritual liquid all at once.

All of a sudden, a lot of eyes were directed at the private room where Li Changkong was, with surprise flashing in their eyes, as if it was unexpected that these three people, who had offended Gao Li, were still free to come to participate auction?
Isn't it time to worry about how to save my life?
Even Sister Hong at the venue showed a flash of surprise, as if she was very surprised by Li Changkong's bid at this moment.

"I will give out 150 million catties of psychic liquid!"

At this moment, a rather cold voice came from the private room next to Li Changkong.

The bidder was Gao Li!
PS: Thank you for the reward of 100 book coins for a note with ink marks and unstained tears, and thank you for the rewards of 388, 388, and 100 book coins from Aaaaaaaa. You can eat two packs of instant noodles at a time, quack!

(End of this chapter)

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