Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 396 One Sword Comes East, Like a God in the Dust!

Chapter 396: A sword comes from the east, like a god coming to the dust! (Second more)
"Boy, you are courting death!"

Gao Li yelled, his expression was cold and stern, his body exuded a powerful aura, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"There are as many people who want to kill me as crucian carp crossing the river, but unfortunately, I killed them all!"

Li Changkong also sneered, this guy actually acted like he was going to kill him.

But he didn't know that such a gesture fell into his eyes, it was ridiculous and extremely ignorant.

After the voice fell, the people watching from a distance were all stunned. This guy, isn't he too arrogant?
Now, the young island master led many guards to surround this kid, there was no way to escape, and he was besieged on all sides.

But even in such a situation, this son was able to maintain his composure, and sneered at the young island master. Is this really something to rely on, or is he pretending to be calm?

"How dare he speak to the young island master like that?"

But at this moment, in the Bafang Chamber of Commerce, that sister Hong, who had seen many big scenes, had her eyes flickering, and a strange thought flashed in her heart.

"Could it be that he really has a way to deal with such a situation?"

Sister Hong's heart trembled slightly, and for some reason, she felt a sense of calmness and composure from the boy's body, as if Mount Tai collapsed without changing his face.

This kind of calmness doesn't seem to be pretending, it seems that there is really some kind of background.

Her eyes were bright, her eyes were unblinking, and she was staring into the distance.

"Since you are looking for death, then I will help you!"


Gao Li's eyes froze suddenly, he was so angry that he couldn't be bothered to say anything, and gave the order directly.

Immediately, the four guards all around rushed out and rushed towards Li Changkong.

The four guards all possessed the second level of the spiritual sea. Each of them was fully confident that they could kill Li Changkong.

And at this moment, they didn't make a move alone, but all four of them made a move together!

In the eyes of many people, this is a situation that must be killed. I am afraid that just one meeting is enough to kill that arrogant and ignorant kid!

Only Yue Ling'er and Zhou Xia looked normal, and they didn't seem to be worried about Li Changkong at all.

At the beginning, on Qinghu Island, Li Changkong was alone facing the three deputy island masters, but in just one meeting, he killed all the three deputy island masters!
The three major deputy island masters all have the third level of the spiritual sea, and even so, the four major guards are only the second level of the spiritual sea.

Naturally, they wouldn't worry about Li Changkong, because they knew in their hearts that with the strength of their junior uncle, they could deal with these four guards.

Swish swish!

A series of four astonishing sword lights attacked Li Changkong from four different directions.

The four sword lights, with an astonishing sword intent and sharp intent, spread throughout the entire space.

Many people were awed in their hearts. These four guards were so powerful. Few of the people present could survive this attack!
One must know that all the disciples present were from famous families on Qianshang Island, each of them had extraordinary cultivation bases, and almost all of them possessed cultivation bases above the first level of Linghai.

Even they didn't have the slightest confidence that they could withstand this wave of attacks. In their opinion, only Li Changkong, who was only in the ninth level of the Divine Mansion, was even less likely to be able to withstand such a fierce attack!


But at this moment, an astonishing aura erupted from Li Changkong's body, like a wolf king roaring, like a tiger king roaring, the momentum was surging!

In his eyes, killing intent was awe-inspiring, and four immortal sword lights shot up into the sky.



The four immortal sword glows all rushed out, carrying the immortal sword intent, mighty and mighty, trembling the void.

The four sword lights cut out by the four guards were immediately overshadowed by Li Changkong's immortal sword light, and were completely smashed by the immortal sword light in an instant.

The radiant and immortal sword light was dazzling, and the momentum was still unfinished, each of them slashed at the four guards.





The sound of four sword beams piercing through the body came, and blood flowed out. Under the gaze of everyone, the four guards all fell to the ground at the same time, in a pool of blood!
Four guards, die!

At this moment, there was silence all around, and for a while, no one spoke.

All the disciples of the aristocratic family who originally believed that Li Changkong must die were stunned and shocked beyond words.

Sister Hong's body shook in the distance, and there was an astonishing look of shock in her eyes.

The four guards, all possessing the cultivation base of the second level of the spiritual sea, are very powerful, but now, in the hands of that young boy, they failed to take the next move and were killed!
How powerful is this kid?

Even Gao Li, at this moment, his face was pale, and there was a flash of shock in his eyes.

Is this guy really human?

If it is really a human fighter, how could it be possible to be so powerful at the ninth level of the Divine Palace?

He looked at Li Changkong in front of him, as if seeing a ghost, his heart sank to the bottom, and he couldn't even arouse the slightest desire to fight.

This result was so unexpected that everyone present was speechless.

But at this moment, after Li Changkong killed the four guards in an instant, he did not retreat at all, and his eyes suddenly swept towards Gao Li.

"Gao Li, don't you want to kill me? Now, I'm here waiting for you to kill me, why? Don't you dare?"

Li Changkong sneered. In his eyes, the fourth level of Linghai was like an ant. How dare he act arrogantly in front of him?
"Li Changkong, don't be arrogant, I admit, I was wrong!"

Gao Li's eyes flickered, facing Li Changkong's gaze, he actually flashed a hint of fear.

But soon, he raised his head again, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Now, I can give you a way out, as long as you hand over the Tianxuan Shentie, I will not care about this matter with you anymore!"

Gao Li suddenly spoke.


Li Changkong laughed. This guy is really crazy. Now that he has shown his strength and clearly has the upper hand, this guy actually threatened to give him a way out?
Is this a joke?
"Hmph, Li Changkong, you are very powerful, but after all, you are only at the ninth level of the Divine Palace! And I am at the fourth level of Linghai!"

Gao Li snorted coldly. As the owner of the young island, he had his own pride, and shouted: "Besides, I am the owner of the young island of Qianshang Island. How dare you touch half of my hair? Everyone on Qianshang Island will surely Take your life, my father, and I will not let you go!"

"It turns out that your background still comes from your status as the young island master."

Li Changkong chuckled, indeed, Gao Li's strength was nothing in front of him.

But given the status of this person, even if he is a strong person in the seventh or eighth level of the spiritual sea, he would not dare to kill Gao Li, because the consequences of killing Gao Li would be too serious.

It was precisely because of this that Gao Li felt confident. He believed that even if Li Changkong was stronger than him, he would not dare to kill him!
"If I met someone else, I really wouldn't dare to touch you, but unfortunately, it was me who you met!"

As soon as the words fell, Li Changkong's eyes were full of murderous intent, and a long sword suddenly appeared in his hand, and he directly chopped it down.

This sword, blessed by the four great sword intents, the sword is as powerful as a dragon, and the nine gods in the body are all opened up, it is unimaginably strong!
A sword comes east, like a god coming to the dust!

At this moment, Gao Li's eyes widened. He never expected that Li Changkong would actually dare to kill him even though he knew his identity.

Above his body, there is also a powerful aura erupting, and the majestic spiritual power hangs upside down like the sea. As the pride of heaven, he is by no means weak.

He resisted desperately and tried his best, but it was useless. In front of this sword, it seemed that all resistance seemed so powerless.


The bright sword light penetrated Gao Li's forehead, and blood gushed out like an arrow.

With a thud, the extremely proud young owner of Qianshang Island fell to the ground with a thud, his whole body was cold and he had no breath at all.

And at this moment, the surroundings were deathly silent!

The young island master is actually dead!

(End of this chapter)

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