Chapter 399
At the same time that Mo Qinghu's eyes swept over, Li Changkong's eyes also fell on Mo Qinghu.

This person's cultivation is very good, he is already in the fourth level of the spiritual sea, and he is much stronger than the Tianjiao of Qianshang Island.

No wonder, with such arrogance, he can do whatever he wants in the nearby waters, and no one dares to provoke him!

But obviously, the cold-looking middle-aged man next to Mo Qinghu has a stronger cultivation base!
This person didn't speak at all, but his whole body exuded a rather powerful saber intent, and his cultivation was at the fifth level of Linghai.

In terms of strength, it is even stronger than Ye Aolong.

After all, this person's age is probably 50 to [-] years old. Although his talent is far from being comparable to Ye Aolong's, his strength surpasses Ye Aolong's.

"Presumably, he is your background, right?" Mo Qinghu squinted his eyes, staring at Zhou Xia like a poisonous snake, which made Zhou Xia feel very uncomfortable.

"Is he your background?"

At this moment, Li Changkong strode out, blocking Zhou Xia and Yue Linger, his eyes fell on Dao Er, and the corners of his mouth raised, revealing a trace of mockery.

The fifth level of Linghai is indeed very powerful, but unfortunately, in front of him, this strength is not enough!
Although he is at the ninth level of the Divine Palace, his real combat power far surpasses the ninth level of the Divine Palace.

He possesses the blood of swallowing the sky, so he is powerful in battle, but he has also cultivated into the nine great gods, the body of the blue dragon, and the blessing of the four great swords. His combat power is so strong that ordinary spiritual sea warriors cannot match it at all.

"Unfortunately, your so-called background, in my eyes, is nothing more than that!"

Li Changkong sneered.


Dao Er's brows were raised, and his expression was quite strange. A martial artist of the ninth level of the Divine Palace was so arrogant in front of him that he threatened that he was nothing more than that?

Where did the courage come from, to dare to say such things in front of him?
Dao Er felt incomprehensible.

"Senior Dao, this son is the one I told you about, the one who killed the three deputy island masters of my Green Tiger Island with one move!"

At this moment, Mo Qinghu saw Dao Er showing doubts, and immediately spoke.

"It's him? You paid such a high price to invite me here just to deal with a kid from the Ninth Layer of the Divine Palace?"

Dao Er's eyes widened immediately. Obviously, the news shocked him quite a bit.

"Senior Dao, this son should not be underestimated, he is very powerful, you and I will join forces to deal with this person!"

Mo Qinghu, with a serious look on his face, did not dare to underestimate Li Changkong. After all, he learned from his subordinates that this person entered Qinghu Island that day, as if he had entered the land of no one. None of the three major deputy island masters can stop this person!

You know, the three major deputy island masters are all in the third level of Linghai!
Even he himself can't do this.

It is precisely because of this that he is so cautious and spends a lot of money to invite Dao Er to help him out.

"Hmph, to deal with this kid, I alone will be enough!"

Dao Er looked disdainful, and it would be a shame for him to deal with a mere ninth-level warrior of the Shenfu.

"Stop talking nonsense, all of you, let's go together!"

"Anyway, the battle will end soon!"

Li Changkong raised his brows, his aura suddenly increased, and he exuded a powerful aura, appearing domineering. He stared at Dao Er and Mo Qinghu without any fear at all.

At the same time, the sound of piercing through the air came one after another, and above his body, sword weapons and magic weapons emerged one after another. The densely packed sword weapon magic weapons were all suspended around his body. Exuding a sharp sword aura.


Seeing this scene, whether it was Mo Qinghu or Dao Er, they all changed color at the moment.

Especially Dao Er, he finally put away his contempt, and his eyes revealed a dignified look.

This kid's kendo cultivation base is simply so powerful that it makes one's heart palpitate!
"Let's do it together!"

Dao Er and Mo Qinghu looked at each other, and then they spoke together.

In Dao Er's hand, there was an extra golden sword with a blazing glow. Obviously, this golden sword was a treasure of the spiritual sea, exuding a mighty power.

In Mo Qinghu's hand, there was also a big knife. This big knife was more than two meters long. On the blade, the bloody aura was extremely thick.

The next moment, Mo Qinghu and Dao Er rushed out, like tigers descending from the mountain, and each rushed towards Li Changkong.

Sensing the powerful aura of Mo Qinghu and Dao Er, and the surging spiritual power coming, Zhou Xia and Yue Ling'er couldn't help but retreat again and again, their faces pale!
The aura of these two people is too strong, like a hungry tiger rushing to eat, that aura has a bloody aura that devours people.


Seeing these two people rushing forward, Li Changkong's face remained unchanged, he drank softly, and immediately, all the swords and magic weapons were cut out, and the sword lights roared out, and the sound of piercing through the sky was sharp. Incomparable.

490 swords and magic weapons gathered together and turned into a torrent of sword energy. Under the blessing of the four major sword intents, the power is so great that it is simply beyond imagination.

The torrent of sword energy was like a mountain torrent erupting, unstoppable.

"Tiger Fury Slash!"

Mo Qinghu let out an angry roar, his voice trembling, and he held the knife in both hands, and slashed straight down.

All of a sudden, all the majestic spiritual power gushed out, and a burst of sword light slashed out, like a blue tiger pounced, carrying the aura of the king of beasts.

"Break the water with one blow!"

Knife [-] shouted and scolded, the light of the knife slashed down with incomparable speed. This knife can break the flow of rivers and rivers, and possesses unimaginable power.

Bang bang bang!
The next moment, the blade light they cut out collided fiercely with the torrent of sword energy.

Mo Qinghu felt as if he had been hit hard, and his whole body fell backward like a kite with a broken string.

He spat out blood, his face was like gold paper, his breath suddenly plummeted, and he became extremely sluggish.

Under the sword energy that was like a torrent, he couldn't hold it for even a moment, and he was defeated.

And Dao Er's performance was obviously much better than Mo Qinghu's. He swiped his sword again and again, and every time he cut it, he was astonishingly fast, with a shocking sword intent, shaking the void, and shaking with the torrent of sword energy.

blah blah blah!
In the entire sky, the violent fluctuations that came continuously made everyone present tremble in their hearts.

"Your strength is very good!"

Li Changkong saw that Dao Er had blocked most of his sword energy, and a glint of praise flashed in his eyes. Based on this alone, Dao Er could be proud.

But at the next moment, golden flames were jumping in his eyes, and a fierce power of flames radiated from his whole body.

"This is?"

At this moment, Mo Qinghu's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of horror.

"This is the supernatural power of flames, Senior Dao, get out of the way..."

However, before his words fell, a fire dragon rushed out in an instant, sweeping across the sky, and the surging flames turned the entire sky into a sea of ​​flames. Yi Dao Er, at this moment, was completely submerged in flames!
(End of this chapter)

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