Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 401 Entering the Realm of the Spiritual Sea

Chapter 401 Entering the Realm of the Spiritual Sea
It is a watershed for the Shenfu to step into the spiritual sea. For the southern region, many young geniuses are in the realm of the Shenfu, while most of the older generation of strong people are in the spiritual sea realm .

For the younger generation, anyone who can enter the realm of the spiritual sea can be called the pride of heaven!
Of course, although an evildoer like Li Changkong has not been promoted to the realm of Linghai, his combat power is extremely terrifying, and the name of Tianjiao is absolutely not worth the slightest bit.

It is definitely extremely difficult for Shenfu to step into the realm of the spiritual sea, but fortunately, Li Changkong has already made preparations.

On the palm of his hand, there appeared a crystal clear elixir, exuding astonishing medicinal power, it was the nine-turn spirit-gathering elixir he had previously refined!

The Nine-turn Spirit Gathering Pill is the ultimate product among the Spirit Gathering Pills, and it will definitely have a great effect on his breakthrough to reach the realm of the Spirit Sea.

"Now, break through the spiritual sea, the spiritual sea is [-]%, the spiritual power is like the sea, and the combat power must be greatly improved!"

Li Changkong's eyes were bright and radiant.

Different from the breakthrough of ordinary warriors, he possesses the Nine Great Divine Palaces. This is why his starting point is much higher than that of ordinary warriors.

Once the nine great divine palaces converge into a spiritual sea, the power that erupts will be even more extraordinary!

The blood-colored dragon shadow behind him directly swallowed the Nine-Turn Gathering Spirit Pill. Immediately, a vast medicinal power rippled out, enveloping his whole body, and the Nine Divine Palaces in his body were all shattered in an instant. , and then merged, the endless spiritual power began to gather!
A huge vortex appeared in his body, surrounded by majestic and vast spiritual power, these spiritual powers were incomparably condensed, exuding an incomparably powerful aura.

The spiritual sea is the foundation of spiritual sea warriors. The larger and vaster the spiritual sea that is born, the more astonishing its potential will be!

Li Changkong opened his eyes, and he knew in his heart that this level was not enough. He possessed the Heaven Swallowing Dragon Emperor Art, and his starting point was much higher than others, and his vision was naturally higher!

Even though the huge vortex was scary enough, it was obviously not enough for him.

"Before, the Su family had sent ten fifth-order elixir, now, it's time to devour all ten fifth-order elixir!"

With a slight movement in his mind, ten fifth-order elixir plants appeared on the palm of his hand, and each elixir plant emitted a huge medicinal power.


He drank softly, and suddenly, the blood-colored dragon shadow rushed out and directly swallowed ten fifth-order elixir in one gulp.

The power of the ten five-stage elixir is astonishing. Now, he swallowed it all at once, and immediately felt that his body was as red as fire, and his whole body was extremely hot, as if his body had turned into an oven, burning the sky.

He only felt that the majestic medicinal power almost exploded his physical body.

At this moment, he seemed to be the pill furnace himself, using himself as the oven to refine the supreme pill!

However, the medicine is too powerful, and there is a danger of frying the furnace!


He endured the pain that his body was almost bursting, and let out a stern voice, and then, all the medicinal power gathered and poured into the huge vortex.

In the vortex, the spiritual power was like a sea, and it was crimson, as if it had turned into a sea of ​​red.

It is impressive that the spiritual power is highly concentrated, and the spiritual power contains explosive energy, which is extremely violent!
His eyes became blood red, and the gaze in his eyes was extremely strange.

I don't know how long it took.


Following Li Changkong's long howl, suddenly, a spiritual sea condensed in his body, it was a vast space, spiritual power was like a sea, and the highly concentrated spiritual power turned into an ocean.

The ocean of spiritual power was crimson, and just a trace of power emanating from it made one's heart palpitate!
He opened his eyes suddenly, golden lights flickered in his eyes, and his whole body was covered with a thick layer of fog, as deep as the sea.

His aura has undergone astonishing changes, the aura is restrained, and it is difficult for outsiders to detect his true cultivation.

If he deliberately hides his strength, I am afraid that only those who are several small realms higher than him can see through his cultivation.

"The spiritual sea realm has finally been cultivated!"

Li Changkong let out a long breath, and his heart was full of joy.

Linghai is ten percent, in the entire southern region, not only the younger generation, but even counting the older generation, he is considered a strong man.

In the past, his strength was only relative to the younger generation, but now, he looked at the entire southern region and was no longer limited to the younger generation.

He could feel that his body was condensed, his spiritual power was incomparably condensed, as vast as the sea, and he slapped out with a palm. Suddenly, the air trembled, and a big hole was blown out above the ground, and the soil splashed.

"So strong!"

Even he himself couldn't help but be speechless.

Not only that, after being promoted to the realm of Linghai, he also felt that his spiritual consciousness was more sensitive than before, and every move within a few miles was under his perception.

"Zhou Xia, Yue Ling'er, hurry up and bring your master here, I have a way to cure him!"

At this moment, Li Changkong spoke, his voice was wrapped in spiritual power, and the voice spread far away.


Outside, Zhou Xia's eyes lit up, her jaw almost dropped in surprise.

"Uncle, is what you said true?"

Yue Linger's eyes blinked, and there was an unconcealable surprise in her eyes.

One must know that their master, Zhong Yue, is a strong man who once made a name for himself in the entire sea of ​​death. With his master, no one would dare to despise them.

In the past, although Fenglin Island was only a small island, it was ranked above the 32 islands, and it was one of the 32 islands in the Dead Sea!

Without him, it is because their master is the pinnacle powerhouse in the sea of ​​death!
All these years, the reason why they have been so downcast is because the master has lost his temper and gone completely insane.

Ever since their master became insane, their status has plummeted. In the beginning, others were still a bit jealous, but recently, they have become more and more presumptuous. As for Qinghu Island, they even came to bully them.

If the master is restored, then their status will be completely restored!

"Go quickly, if you delay the time, the powerful enemy will come to kill you."

Li Changkong spoke softly.

"Okay, little uncle, let's go now!"

In Yue Ling'er's voice, she couldn't hide her excitement, and soon she and Zhou Xia trotted to find Master Zhong Yue.

Zhong Yue, after all, is his elder brother, he can't just ignore death and refuse to save him.

Before, it was because of strength that he couldn't save it, not because he didn't want to save it, but because he couldn't save it.

But now, after being promoted to the realm of Linghai, he can feel that his Heaven Swallowing Bloodline seems to have become stronger.

The stronger the power of swallowing the bloodline, the greater his grasp will be!

(End of this chapter)

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