Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 406 Magic Seal Curse Killing

Chapter 406 Magic Seal Curse Killing (Fourth)

That cold middle-aged man is Gao Li's father, the owner of Qianshang Island, Gao Minghao!

He looked coldly, gritted his teeth, and stared at Li Changkong, his eyes full of resentment.

He swears to kill this son, whoever dares to stop him will only die!
However, he didn't intend to kill Li Changkong all at once, he wanted to torture him bit by bit, slowly, watching Li Changkong sink into endless pain, and then he shot, cutting off all hope of Li Changkong!
Only in this way can he vent his hatred!

On the battleship of the Bafang Chamber of Commerce, Sister Hong's eyes were slightly concentrated, and there was also a flash of horror in her eyes.

Even Lei Lao Liu, a strong man in the sixth level of the spiritual sea, was forced to retreat. It seemed that Lei Lao Liu was still injured!
She couldn't believe that this guy was so strong!
"Go, go together, kill him!"

Sister Hong yelled again, and she was a little anxious. Now, if Li Changkong cannot be captured, the Bafang Chamber of Commerce will not only be unable to take off, but will be suppressed by the island owner Gao Minghao.

At that time, the life of the Bafang Chamber of Commerce will be very miserable and difficult at every step!

Swish swish!
After the shock, many strong men rushed over again.

More than a dozen spiritual-level fifth-level experts, together with dozens of spiritual-level third-level fighters, rushed out together. On their bodies, spiritual lights flickered, and they all burst out with the strongest combat power.

Lei Laoliu also charged again, and he slapped out his palms again and again. The violent palm force was like a stormy sea, and its power was astonishingly great.

Just now, he was forced to retreat by Li Changkong, and he was only slightly injured. His strength didn't have much impact, but it made him feel humiliated. Therefore, he broke out with even stronger combat power.

bang bang bang...

The majestic palm force came through the air, so powerful that it trembled the void!

There are more sword lights, blazing sword lights, flooding this warship.

Facing an even fiercer attack, Li Changkong grinned, and there was an incomparable sense of chill in his smile.


He shouted loudly, and immediately, all the 490 swords and magic weapons around him rushed out with a roar, and under the blessing of the sword intent, each of the sword weapons and magic weapons turned into a torrent of sword energy, bursting out with amazing power .

Boom boom boom!
The astonishing torrent of sword energy, mighty and mighty, broke through together, submerging everything, and all attacks were submerged by the torrent of sword energy, dissipating without a trace.

chi chi chi...  

The sound of sword energy entering the body came one after another. The warriors of the Bafang Chamber of Commerce were pierced by the sword energy, and blood flowed out. They lost their fighting power and fell to the ground completely.

Kill dozens of people with one move!
Bodies were everywhere, and blood stained the decks.

That terrifying scene made the hearts of everyone on the warship tremble violently.



The shot was fierce, and he didn't hold back at all!

At this moment, for some reason, Sister Hong's legs softened, and a very bad thought rose in her heart.

The menacing aura that came before had disappeared without a trace at this moment.

"You are so cruel, you actually killed so many people at once!"

Even Lei Laoliu was stunned. These people are all good brothers who have been with him through life and death. They are invincible in normal times, but now, when they meet this kid, they are completely defeated.

"Cruel? If you want to kill me, then you must be mentally prepared to be killed by me!"

"Murderers, people will always kill them!"

"Don't you understand this truth? Could it be that if you want to kill me, can I still stand and wait for you to kill me?"

Li Changkong sneered, ruthless?If they didn't want to kill him, he and the Bafang Chamber of Commerce had no enmity, how could they attack them?

Simply ridiculous!
These people are used to being butchers and killing people, but when death befalls them, they will feel that death is so terrible, and then they will know how precious life is!

Unfortunately, everything is too late!

"Now, let me send you on your way!"

Li Changkong shouted loudly, and rushed out again, holding the Dragon Killing Sword in his hand, the sword light was blazing, and the dazzling light of the sword almost made people despair.

"Fight, fight to the death!"

Lei Lao Liu also shouted loudly, and he also knew that at this juncture, if you don't fight, you will just wait for death!

He rushed out, bursting out with all his potential, astonishingly burning his blood, and the aura above his body suddenly soared.

"Blood palm!"

He used the Blood Fiend Palm again, and this time the Blood Fiend Palm was much stronger than before. A bright red handprint full of blood bombarded down from the air.

He exploded with [-]% combat power, burning blood essence, and the power of the bloody palm that he blasted out increased by two or three times.

Even Li Changkong didn't dare to underestimate him.

At the same time, there were more than ten figures, all of them rushed towards Li Changkong, wanting to take advantage of this opportunity to launch an attack.

Seeing that Lei Lao Liu had actually burned his essence and blood, Sister Hong's eyes lit up, and hope was rekindled in her heart.

"Lei Lao Liu's strength is extremely strong. After decades or even hundreds of years of hard training, his blood is extremely thick. Now, if he burns his blood all at once, his combat power can be increased by as much as three times!"

"Maybe, he can defeat Li Changkong!"

"As long as I defeat Li Changkong, then I will finally gain something by coming out this time!"

Sister Hong's eyes flickered, and all she was thinking about was how to gain benefits. As for Lei Lao Liu's life and death, she didn't take it to heart at all.

A martial artist, after all, is just a target for her to use. Now, burning essence and blood has lost the value of using it, and it is useless to not die.

"Unexpectedly, you still have the blood of some warriors!"

"Since this is the case, then I will let you die dignifiedly, under my strongest blow!"

Seeing Lei Lao Liu swooping in with his blood on fire, Li Changkong put away the Dragon Killing Sword with a serious expression on his face.

Infinite magic appeared on his body, with many shadows and seals on his hands, as if he had opened the Nine Nether Purgatory and stole the demonic power of the Nine Nether Purgatory.

"Ten Thousand Demon Curse Seals!"

Li Changkong uttered a soft drink, and suddenly, a magic seal was condensed on both hands. On the magic seal, there was a word "magic", emitting a gloomy and terrifying aura, as if it could guide the laws of heaven and earth.

The magic seal appeared, and there seemed to be infinite hell demons coming out, all the demons gathered together, and the magic was surging.

"Curse kill!"

He uttered two words lightly in his mouth, and suddenly the situation between the world and the earth changed, and there seemed to be infinite mysteries emerging. Immediately, Lei Lao Liu's chest was burned with a demon fire, but in an instant, Lei Lao Liu's body was burnt. , incinerated to ashes.

Not only Lei Lao Liu, but all the strong men who rushed towards him were incinerated by the demon fire and turned into ashes.

On the battleship, all the powerful members of the Eight Directions Chamber of Commerce were slaughtered, only Sister Hong was still alive!

At this moment, Sister Hong only felt a chill in her heart, and her whole body was icy cold!
(End of this chapter)

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