Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 409 Big Brother Appears

Chapter 409 Big Brother Appears (Seventh Change)
Hearing that voice, everyone felt their bodies turn cold, and their faces turned ashen.

As for the island owner Gao Minghao, who was full of murderous intent and came riding the waves, his expression froze, the smile on his face froze suddenly, and his footsteps stopped, like a stone sculpture.

Hearing that voice, Zhou Xia and Yue Ling'er both showed bright smiles. Even though there are thousands of troops, they are still extremely at ease. Guard them.

Li Changkong also grinned, his eyes fixed on Gao Minghao, and the corners of his mouth raised, as if he was mocking.

"Gao Minghao, I'm standing here, but you're here to hit me?"

Li Changkong said, the words made Gao Minghao hate him so much that he almost gritted his steel teeth.

Damn, hate, son, it's too hateful!
"Damn it!"

Gao Minghao's eyes were resentful, and he cursed again and again in his heart. If eyes could kill, Li Changkong would have died thousands of times at this moment.

He was extremely clear about that voice, it was Zhong Yue, the true master of Fenglin Island, the strongest in the entire Dead Sea!

What are you really afraid of, what are you doing here!

What he was most afraid of before was Zhong Yue's recovery. He was just taking a gamble. After all, Zhong Yue had been in a state of madness for several years, so he bet that Zhong Yue would not wake up.

It was precisely because of this that he dared to go to war in such a way. If he knew that Zhong Yue had already recovered, even if he had a hundred guts, he wouldn't dare to do so!
As a person in the Sea of ​​Death, how could he not know that this Zhong Yue was powerful enough to run across the Sea of ​​Death, but he was extremely defensive, and if he offended his disciples, the consequences would be very serious!
Among the 32 islands in the Dead Sea, Qianshang Island is only in the middle of the ranking, but even the top three dare not easily offend Zhong Yue.

Not to mention his Thousand Merchants Island?

At this moment, Gao Minghao's eyes flickered, and thousands of thoughts passed through his mind in an instant.


At this moment, a figure appeared in front of everyone's eyes. That figure seemed to be a little old, and the clothes on his body were tattered.

But at this moment, everyone's expressions changed wildly, it was really him!
When they saw that figure actually appearing, the hearts of the people were turbulent. They originally had some expectations, but now, with the appearance of that figure, their expectations were completely shattered.

Zhong Yue strode out. At this moment, his eyes were blazing, his face was full of red light, and he was full of energy. How could he still have the slightest bit of madness before?
His body is in harmony with the Dao, and it seems that he can affect the laws of heaven and earth with every movement of his hands and feet, and merge with the Dao of Heaven and Earth.
One person can frighten thousands of troops, and all the strong men dare not move lightly.

This is the Daotai powerhouse, taking the way of heaven as a step, stepping on the peak of martial arts!
"Gao Minghao, who gave you the guts to invade Fenglindao?"

Eldest brother Zhong Yue glanced over, just a light sweep made Gao Minghao's hands and feet turn cold and his lips turned purple.

"Zhong Yue, you can't blame me for this matter!"

Under the eyes of so many strong men, Gao Minghao was unwilling to bow his head. He said in a deep voice: "This son, kill my son, and I have a sworn feud with me. I came here for revenge, not against the wind. Lindao!"

His eyes flickered, and in the end, he didn't dare to target Feng Lindao anymore, but stared at Li Changkong, even with Zhong Yue's protection, he had to avenge his son's murder!

"Oh? So you're going to blame me?"

Zhong Yue raised his eyebrows, and there was a sneer between his brows. With a movement of his body, he came to Li Changkong with a swish.

"No...don't dare..."

Gao Minghao was extremely aggrieved, but at this moment, he could only bow his head temporarily.


Zhong Yue snorted coldly, raised one hand lightly, and suddenly slapped it down heavily.

This palm slapped down, like the sky suppressing down, and slapped on Gao Minghao's body. The majestic divine power actually slapped Gao Minghao, a warrior of the ninth level of the spiritual sea, into the sea. On the ground, a terrifying vortex was blasted out, a deep hole appeared, and endless sea water poured in.


The waves splashed, and the terrifying scene shocked everyone present!
Gao Minghao, the majestic owner of Qianshang Island, had no strength to fight back in front of Zhong Yue, and was slapped into the sea without a trace.

Obviously, Zhong Yue not only recovered his sanity, but also recovered his peak strength. This level of strength, alone, can shake the entire sea of ​​death and cause countless turbulent waves in the sea of ​​death.

Now, Zhong Yue has recovered, and no one dares to provoke the wind on the island, and the powerful force of 32 Island has been restored!
The deputy island owners of the other 32 islands felt silent at the moment, and could not help but mourn in silence. Gao Minghao, the island owner of Qianshang Island, was in a terrible situation!

It was Li Changkong, who couldn't help sighing at this moment, this is the Taoist powerhouse!

One person suppressed countless strong men, making them dare not move lightly, and slapped Gao Minghao flying with one palm, making Gao Minghao dare not fart.

This is the real strength, the strength that truly surpasses the world. Although Li Changkong is unparalleled in talent, there is still a huge gap between him and this kind of powerhouse.

If, before, he showed such formidable strength as senior brother Zhong Yue, would Gao Minghao still dare to force him?
That sister Hong from the Bafang Chamber of Commerce, dared to be so contemptuous of him before?
In the final analysis, it is still not strong enough!

However, Li Changkong also understood that it is impossible to reach the sky in one step in martial arts cultivation. Senior brother Zhong Yue has been a disciple of the Alchemy King for decades, and he has practiced Ten Thousand Blood Body Refining Art. Over time, his strength will naturally be tyrannical.

And he, in the final analysis, still has a short background. Although the Heaven Swallowing Dragon Emperor Art is extremely powerful, after all, he has only practiced it for more than three years.

Given enough time for him, no one in the Southern Territory can stop his progress.


The next moment, Gao Minghao's body rushed out of the sea water. His clothes were soaked in the sea water, and his body was sweating like rain.

It was extremely embarrassing, and there was no more majesty at all.

"Li Changkong is my little junior brother. You want to kill him? That's against me, Zhong Yue!"

Zhong Yue's anger never dissipated, he stared at Gao Minghao with a cold gaze.

"You led many powerful people to attack Fenglin Island. It is impossible to let this matter go. Today, I will abolish your cultivation base. If you commit another crime, I, Zhong Yue, will definitely commit suicide on Qianshang Island. Destroy your Thousand Merchants Island!"

As soon as the words fell, Gao Minghao's face turned pale, as if mourning a concubine!

(End of this chapter)

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