Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 42 Get the hell out of here

Chapter 42 Get the hell out of here (second update)

The four major clans were all shocked by the news brought by Lin Qing'er. Many elders of the four major clans were all murderous, looking at the entrance of the secret realm, waiting for Li Changkong to come out.

"How to do how to do?"

Lian'er panicked, she was very nervous, staring at the entrance of the secret realm, afraid that the young master would walk out of the cave, but also afraid that when the cave was closed, the young master would be trapped in the secret realm.

But at the next moment, Xiaoman's eyes swept to Lian'er, and a trace of coldness flashed across her.

"Master, this little lotus is Li Changkong's servant girl. Li Changkong regards this servant girl very highly. Why don't we control her first?"

Xiao Man said to the Great Elder beside him.


The Great Elder had long been furious, but now that Li Changkong hadn't come out, he had nowhere to vent his anger. Now, seeing Lian'er, it seemed that he had finally found an outlet.

"Go, capture her for me!"

A cold light flashed in the elder's eyes.

"Yes, sir!"

Xiaoman got the order, and immediately joined several handymen and walked towards Lian'er.

"What do you want to do?"

Seeing Xiaoman and the others approaching, Lian'er had a look of vigilance.

"What do you want? Haha, now I want you to do whatever you want!"

Xiaoman showed a smug smile, and suddenly, several handymen beside him rushed out, rushing towards Lian'er.

Although these servants are only servants, it is so easy to follow the servants beside Li Shaochong. Almost all of them have the cultivation base of the fourth level of body training.

Soon, Lian'er was captured and brought to the side of the Great Elder.

The Great Elder slapped Lian Er directly, and immediately slapped Lian Er away. Immediately, Lian Er's face was red and swollen, with blood overflowing from the corner of her mouth, and she was seriously injured.

If she hadn't practiced the True Martial Body Refining Art, her cultivation level was not bad, but this slap would have been enough to kill her.

Seeing this scene, Xiaoman's heart felt extremely happy.

"Put her aside and deal with them together after Li Changkong comes out."

The great elder snorted coldly, and his cold eyes fell on the entrance of the secret realm again. As for the life and death of a maid, he never cared about it at all.

A series of figures walked out of the secret realm.

Finally, Li Changkong's figure appeared in the cave entrance and walked out from the cave entrance.

"Li Changkong, wait to die!"

Seeing Li Changkong coming out, Lin Qing'er felt extremely happy, as if her revenge had been avenged. In her opinion, no matter what, Li Changkong would not escape death today.

But she is still the genius of the Lin family, she can still live a good life, and she is still the one who has the last laugh.

Li Changkong walked out of the cave with a calm expression on his face. From the moment he blatantly killed Li Shaochong, he knew that when he came out of the secret realm, he would face a storm in the future.

But even so, so what?
He, Li Changkong, had he ever been afraid?

The four chiefs were all murderous, and many elders, with sharp eyes, kept sweeping over Li Changkong, but even so, Li Changkong still looked indifferent, as if he hadn't seen it.

"Master, go, they want to kill you!"

Lian'er's voice sounded very abruptly.


Li Changkong looked in Lian'er's direction, and saw that Lian'er's face was swollen and blood was overflowing from the corner of her mouth. It was obvious that she was seriously injured.

Seeing Li Changkong's gaze sweeping towards her, Xiaoman smiled triumphantly. As if provocative, she slapped Lian'er on the face in front of Li Changkong.

This slap was so loud that Li Changkong's expression sank.

"Your name is Xiaoman, right?"

Li Changkong's body was filled with murderous aura, like an angry King Kong, he gave Xiaoman a hard look, and said coldly, "Today, I will kill you!"

Kicked off by Li Changkong's gaze, Xiaoman couldn't help backing back again and again. She felt a shocking killing intent from Li Changkong's eyes.

"Li Changkong, it's not your turn to be presumptuous here!"

Li Tiansheng, the head of the Li family, stared at Li Changkong, his body was rolling with energy.

"Li Changkong, let me ask you, did you kill my son?"

The Great Elder even jumped out, pointing at Li Changkong, his body was filled with murderous aura, and his anger was soaring.

And the patriarchs of the other three major clans all looked at Li Changkong with unkind eyes.

They also wanted to know whether Hong Tong, Zhou Chu, Lin Jun and others were killed by Li Changkong.

This news was so shocking that until now, they still couldn't believe it. How could a mere Li Changkong kill Hong Tong, Zhou Chu, Lin Jun and others?
You know, Hong Tong, Zhou Chu, and Lin Jun are all the first geniuses of the three clans, and their cultivation is at the peak of the ninth level of body training, and Li Changkong seems to be only at the eighth level of body training now.

"Yes, they were indeed killed by me, didn't they just kill a few trash? Is it worth making such a fuss?"

Li Changkong's expression was indifferent, and he directly admitted it.


Lin Qing'er showed a look of astonishment, which was completely different from her expected reaction. In her opinion, Li Changkong would argue in every possible way and refuse to admit it.

And when the time comes, she can stand up, in the name of justice, and severely reprimand Li Changkong in front of everyone, standing on the commanding heights of morality.

But now...

"How dare he? How dare he admit it? Doesn't he know that the four major families will not let him go, and the great elder of the Li family will kill him soon?" She was stunned and found it hard to understand.

"How many trash?"

"He, Li Changkong, what right does he have to say that other people are trash?"

"That is, does he think he is still the same Li Changkong?"


All around, many elders couldn't help frowning when they heard Li Changkong's words.

And the patriarchs of the four major clans even shook their heads. Could it be that Li Changkong has lost his mind?
Zhou Chu, Hong Tong, and Lin Jun are the first geniuses of the Zhou family, Hong family, and Lin family. To Li Changkong, such a genius is just a few trash?

Li Changkong ignored the reactions of these people, and walked straight towards Lian'er with a murderous look in his eyes.

"Li Changkong, what do you want to do?"

Xiaoman was frightened into a cold sweat. Although Li Changkong was no longer the Li Changkong he was at the beginning, she was not something a maid could resist after all.

"catch him!"

The Great Elder even drank loudly.

Immediately, many guards of the Li family rushed out in unison, none of them were weak, and almost all of them possessed the seventh level of body training.

"Get out of here!"

Li Changkong shouted loudly, and he was very angry. Seeing Lian Er like this, he couldn't hold back anymore.

Afterwards, he punched out, and the majestic power burst out. The fist glowed brightly, and suddenly a group of guards fell to the ground.

The power of a punch is so powerful!

The patriarchs of the four major clans looked at each other, seeing horror in each other's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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