Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 420 Hidden Arrows Are Hard to Guard

Chapter 420 Hidden Arrows Are Hard to Guard (No.18)
Ma Laosan and Bai Yunhe's bodies trembled violently. This son is only at the first level of Linghai, but his strength is so powerful?

That young man possessed the fifth level of the spiritual sea, and was no weaker than any of them, but in the end, in Li Changkong's hands, he couldn't catch a single move, and was blown away with a direct punch.

If they are replaced, I am afraid, the result will be no exception.

The two of them, remembering their previous arrogant attitude, couldn't help but turn pale. Their actions were like walking on the verge of life and death. Just now, if they took the lead, they would definitely be the ones who fell on the ground now!
It was Ye Chongjun who was shocked at this moment. The strength of the young man Tang Feng was not weak. Even he might not be able to kill him in one move.

His eyes flickered, looking at Li Changkong, his expression finally changed.

Li Changkong didn't even look at Ye Chongjun at all. He swept his eyes towards Ma Laosan and Bai Yunhe, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and said calmly: "Just now, didn't you all fight to kill me? Now, I will give you a chance , you go together!"

Both Ma Laosan and Bai Yunhe's expression changed dramatically, their faces were pale. They could already see that Li Changkong made a move earlier. Although this Li Changkong's realm is extremely low, his strength is so strong that he may be comparable to the sixth stage of Linghai strong!
Even if they went together, they would definitely not be Li Changkong's opponent.

"Li Changkong, it's not your turn to be arrogant here, Ma Laosan, Bai Yunhe, let's fight together to kill this son!"

Ye Chongjun suddenly shouted coldly, and he also knew that at this point, either they joined forces to kill Li Changkong, or they were defeated one by one by Li Changkong!

If you make a move, there is still a glimmer of life. If you don't make a move, you will just sit and wait to die.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

Ma Laosan and Bai Yunhe responded together, their bodies erupted with powerful aura, charging towards Li Changkong.

And Ye Chongjun didn't hold back at all. A long spear appeared in his hand, and the long spear swept forward, with the potential to wipe out thousands of troops. The light of the spear formed a semicircle and swept across a large area.

As for the people behind Ye Chongjun, they all shot out separately, and all of them bombarded Li Changkong with fierce attacks.

Li Changkong sneered again and again, these people, do they think they can kill him together?

too naive!

He glanced over, and there was an heavy sword in his hand, it was the Dragon Killing Sword. Today's Dragon Killing Sword, after being refined by Zhong Yue, has an astonishing weight, and when the sword falls down, it has great power. The power is like a whole mountain, held in Li Changkong's hands, sweeping out.

The sword light was blazing, sweeping across a large area, bombarded one after another, all were blown away, and the opponent's weapons were broken in response, swords, swords and guns were scattered all over the place.

Ma Laosan, Bai Yunhe and others were directly sent flying by the huge force from the sword, vomiting blood from their mouths, and fell to the ground, extremely miserable.

Even Ye Chongjun, at this moment, his arm was also numb from the shock of the huge force, and it was extremely sore, and a look of horror flashed in his eyes.

Even though he looked up to Li Changkong again and again, Li Changkong's strength still surpassed his imagination.


Li Changkong sternly shouted, and the Dragon Killing Sword in his hand slashed out again. The light of the sword fell, and it actually split a person in half from the beginning to the end!
It's so fierce!

Ma Laosan, Bai Yunhe and the others, their livers and gallbladders were torn apart, they didn't have the courage to continue fighting with Li Changkong, they didn't care about their injuries, they turned around and fled.

"Want to go?"

Li Changkong sneered again and again, he never knew how to deal with those who wanted to kill him.

Holding the Dragon Killing Sword in his hand, the sword light soared, and the incomparably blazing sword light turned into a sword rainbow, sweeping across.

chi chi chi...

Ma Laosan, Bai Yunhe and others were all swept by the sword light and fell to the ground one after another. The blood stained the whole land red, it was extremely bloody.

Ye Chongjun was trembling all over, terrified in his heart, looking at Li Changkong, as if he had seen a devil, lost his mind, where did he still have the slightest arrogance before?

This kid, no matter what kind of prey he is, he is clearly the hunter who has been lurking for a long time, but they are the real prey, and they are also extremely stupid prey. They bumped into the hunter's gun without knowing it.

After killing several people, Li Changkong turned around, and his eyes fell on Ye Chongjun coldly.

"What? Earlier, you said that you wanted to take my head to win Fairy Wuchen's favor. Why don't you do it now?"

Li Changkong raised his brows, his eyes were full of teasing.

"Li Changkong, don't kill me, don't kill me..."

Ye Chongjun's legs were weak, and with a plop, he fell to his knees on the ground, begging for mercy repeatedly.

"Give me a reason not to kill you."

Li Changkong snorted coldly.

"I have a elixir that I just obtained. It is blood ganoderma. It has strong medicinal power. It is a fourth-order elixir. I will offer it to you now."

Ye Chongjun was so frightened that he took out a elixir and handed it out, his hands were still trembling.

"Have you gained something so quickly?"

Li Changkong showed a hint of surprise. The secret realm of Shenyuan has just been opened. It seems that this Ye Chongjun's luck is very good.

He stretched out his hand, and was about to take the blood ganoderma, but at this moment, there was a sudden change. On Ye Chongjun's right wrist, a poisonous arrow glowing with cold light sneered, and shot out rapidly, silently. Breath, the speed is surprisingly fast.

Li Changkong's body suddenly moved sideways, and he reacted so quickly that it was unimaginable. He dodged the poisonous arrow, and then he slashed down with a sword, immediately chopping off Ye Chongjun's hands.


Ye Chongjun let out an incomparably shrill howling sound, and the severe pain made him break out in cold sweat, with an incomparably ferocious expression.

"Li Changkong, you cut off my arms!"

Ye Chongjun's eyes were full of hatred, and that devouring gaze seemed to swallow Li Changkong.

"You still dare to plot against me?"

A cold light flashed in Li Changkong's eyes, full of murderous intent. Just now, if he hadn't reacted quickly enough, I'm afraid that he would really fall into Ye Chongjun's way and be plotted by him.

"This is the sea of ​​death, and each one of them is a vicious person. You must not be soft on these people, otherwise, you don't know how they died!"

His heart turned cold, and behind him, the bloody dragon shadow rushed out with a howl.

"what is this?"

When Ye Chongjun saw that dragon shadow, his body trembled violently. From that dragon shadow, he felt a terrifying coercion, which suppressed his whole blood, almost freezing it.


Li Changkong didn't even look at Ye Chongjun. The bloody dragon shadow behind him opened the dragon's mouth, and suddenly, a stream of blood rushed out from Ye Chongjun's body and rushed into the dragon's mouth.

Soon, the power of Ye Chongjun's blood was completely swallowed by Li Changkong, and even the blood ganoderma that fell on the ground was swallowed by Li Changkong.

The huge medicinal power was soon refined by Li Changkong. The spiritual power in his body gathered and turned into an ocean, surging endlessly, and a powerful aura emanated from his body.

After devouring Ye Chongjun's blood power and blood ganoderma, his cultivation has improved a lot. Although it is still far away from breaking through the second level of Linghai, but here, there are treasures of heaven and earth everywhere, and powerful people everywhere. If the martial artist is devoured continuously, his promotion speed will become extremely terrifying!
(End of this chapter)

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