Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 425 1 Spear Pierces

Chapter 425 Piercing with a Spear (Second Change)
"You? How can it be your turn to speak here?"

On the side, Sun Chenkong glanced at Li Changkong, and couldn't help but chuckled, his eyes were full of mockery.

Everyone present was a strong man above the third level of Linghai, and he, Sun Chenkong, was at the seventh level of Linghai, the second day Jiao of Longyuan Island!
People such as Fang Jin, Feng Qu, and others are all strong men of their own. Even though Li Changkong's combat power is not weak and can defeat Jiaolong, in their eyes, it is still nothing more than that.

What's more, the current Li Changkong, after the battle with Jiaolong, was exhausted and covered in blood, how much fighting power did he have left?
"It's just a dying person, shut up and enjoy this last time!"

"You don't have much time to breathe!"

Feng Qu looked at Li Changkong coldly, his eyes were full of disdain.

Everyone else was also secretly laughing. In their eyes, this kid is a person who must die. As a weak person, his fate has already been doomed.

"Boy, as a weak person, you must have the awareness of the weak. If the strong speak, where is it your turn to speak?"

There was even a strong man at the fifth level of the spiritual sea who sneered. Obviously, he did this on purpose. He wanted to see Li Changkong showing a desperate look and falling into despair, and then he shot and killed Li Changkong!

His name is Tu Qianshou, known as Qianshou Xuetu, and what he enjoys the most is the pleasure of torture and killing.

"Haha, from your point of view, I am weak, so fate is in your hands, but from my point of view, why not?"

Li Changkong smiled instead of anger, his brows were raised, his eyes were full of provocation, and he sneered: "You don't have to quarrel anymore, just go together, and I will send you on the road one by one!"

After the words fell, everyone burst into laughter. In their view, Li Changkong's words were nothing more than self-inflicted humiliation.

After all, no matter what Li Changkong's strength was, after the battle with Jiaolong, Li Changkong at this moment, in anyone's eyes, was already at the end of the road.

At this time, it is very unwise to say such words, it will only make you die faster!
Sun Chenkong laughed even more: "Boy, who do you think you are? No matter how hard you struggle, you can't change the fact that you are just an ant!"

"Let's stop talking nonsense, kill this son first, and then, according to their strengths, whoever is stronger can get this son's head!"

Feng Qu looked coldly, and said with a cold snort.

While speaking, he shot directly, grabbed it with one hand, and between the palms, the majestic spiritual power surged sharply, and the spiritual light flickered. Although it was only protruded at random, it contained many changes and great power.

"Feng Qu, don't you think too wonderfully?"

"Do you really think I don't know what you're thinking?"

At this moment, Sun Chenkong yelled angrily, and he also made a move, fearing that Feng Qu would succeed, he rushed towards Feng Qu first and stopped Feng Qu.

"Fang Jin, I'll stop them, you act and kill this son!"

While stopping Feng Qu, Sun Chenkong also shouted at Jin.

"it is good!"

Without hesitation, Fang Jin charged directly at Li Changkong.

Fang Jin's strength is very strong. He is also at the seventh level of Linghai. Although he is at the beginning level of the seventh level of Linghai, his strength should not be underestimated.

"It's really a group of self-righteous guys. Do you really think that you can eat me?"

Li Changkong raised his brows, and a powerful aura emanated from his body. He was extremely angry in his heart. These guys completely ignored his existence and regarded him as a trophy.

"You will pay a heavy price for this!"

His eyes froze suddenly, looking at Fang Jin who was rushing towards him, the golden light flickered in his eyes.


"Hurry up and take action to stop Fang Jin!"

Feng Qu fought against Sun Chenkong again and again, and the battles were inextricable. Although his strength was extremely strong, he couldn't get rid of Sun Chenkong's entanglement in a short period of time.

Behind Feng Qu, nearly a hundred strong men finally came to their senses and rushed towards Fang Jin.

But at this moment, it was obvious that Fang Jin was faster, and they couldn't catch up with Fang Jin at all.

"It's coming!"

Sun Chenkong was overjoyed. From his point of view, Fang Jin's killing of Li Changkong was just a matter of thought, and after he succeeded, the two of them joined forces and escaped from the predicament. It was not a problem at all.

"Haha, when I go out this time, I will be the deputy island owner!"

The smug look on Sun Chenkong's face was hard to hide.


But at this moment, Li Changkong shouted loudly, and at some point in his hand, a silver spear appeared. On the spear, golden lights bloomed, and the golden lights pierced the sky, emitting a fierce force. There was a palpitating killing atmosphere.

The next moment, the silver spear turned into a golden rainbow with blazing golden light, piercing through the void at such a speed that the physical body could not capture its trajectory at all.


The speed of the spear was too fast and too sudden. Fang Jin didn't have time to react at all. A powerful force of tearing forcefully tore his body apart. His body was turned into pieces. Fragments of flesh and blood fell from the sky, like a rain of blood.

At this moment, everyone was stunned, and everyone showed a look of astonishment, even Sun Chenkong and Feng Qu stopped their hands, and looked at Li Changkong with extremely shocked gazes.

This son, who fought fiercely with Jiaolong earlier, should have exhausted his spiritual power, and he didn't have much strength at all.

But now, this son activated the treasure of the spiritual sea, bursting into golden lights, and when he stabbed out with a spear, it exploded with astonishing power, killing Fang Jin in one blow!

This level of strength is simply chilling!
"So powerful?"

Tu Qianshou, who had uttered his voice before, stepped back at this moment. From Li Changkong, he felt a strong aura.

That aura, it seemed, was only seen in the bodies of the three top talents, Qin Tiange, Huang Wuchen, and Jian Wushuang!
His eyes were full of shock, and he couldn't believe it.

"Stop talking nonsense, come up together, and I will send you on the road one by one!"

Li Changkong's black hair fluttered, his clothes fluttered, his whole body was full of fighting spirit, and the blood in his body was boiling!

These people, one by one, regard him as a trophy, and want to hold his head to receive a generous reward. If this is the case, then he doesn't need to be polite to them.

"Li Changkong, are you too arrogant?"

Feng Qu suppressed the horror deep in his heart, and said coldly: "If Fang Jin hadn't been too careless and unprepared, with your strength, it would be impossible to kill Fang Jin!"

And Sun Chenkong also roared angrily: "Boy, if you dare to kill Fang Jin, I will crush you to ashes!"

But at this moment, Li Changkong seemed to have never heard of it. His eyes were bloodshot, revealing a bloodthirsty aura, and a powerful dragon power emanating from his body.

The violent and domineering aura filled his whole body!

The blue dragon dominates the body, fully mobilized, the body transforms into a dragon, and the eyes of a pair of dragons are full of contempt.

"Have you ever felt the breath of despair? Don't worry, soon, you will experience this feeling yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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