Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 427 Spirit Sea Level 2

Chapter 427 The Second Stage of the Spiritual Sea (Fourth Change)

"Dragon Subduing Stick Technique!"

Feng Qu was extremely angry. As the deputy island owner, he always attracted attention no matter where he went. No one dared to despise him like Li Changkong did.

He swung the heavy black long stick in his hand again, and when he struck it down, the talisman lights flickered, solidifying the space around him, with the power to subdue dragons and subdue tigers!
At this moment, Sun Chenkong also came to kill, the sword in his hand stabbed out again and again, stirring up the situation, and the light of the sword slanted down like a rainstorm.

They didn't have the slightest reservation anymore, they completely burst out their full potential. At this moment, they have no way out!

"Red Dragon Demon Flame!"

But at this moment, Li Changkong's pair of dragon eyes shone with golden light, and the power of flames spread over half of the mountainside in an instant.


The flames swept in like a dragon, and in an instant, it turned into a sea of ​​flames that covered the sky, burning the sky!
All the strong men present were burned by the flames, and they shouted loudly and exhausted. Although they were powerful, they tried their best to activate their spiritual shields and resisted constantly, but at this moment, they couldn't resist at all.

It was Sun Chenkong and Feng Qu who were both entangled by the fire dragon at this moment, and there was a tingling feeling of being burned by the flames in their souls, and they couldn't even hold the weapons in their hands.

The black long stick and long sword all staggered and fell to the ground, and there was an incomparably crisp sound.

"How dare you compete with Haoyue if Yinghuo goes straight up?"

Li Changkong sneered again and again, a bloody dragon shadow appeared directly behind him, and suddenly, a heavier and vast dragon power descended, like mountain peaks, pressing down on the bodies of many strong people present .


In his eyes, there was a look of indifference, without the slightest pity, and he opened his mouth softly, and the blood-colored dragon shadow behind him, showing a ferocious expression, opened his dragon's mouth, and sucked in suddenly.

In such a predicament, many strong men present were at the end of their ropes and could not resist this powerful devouring force. All of a sudden, their blood and energy kept gushing out towards the The bloody dragon shadow surged forward.


"what is this?"

"The power of blood in my body is almost gone!"

"No, no, no, let me go!"


There were voices like ghosts crying and howling wolves, and these people looked at Li Changkong with despair in their eyes.

This son is too terrifying. Not only does he want to take their lives, but more importantly, he wants to devour their flesh and blood!
One by one, their eyes were full of unwillingness and horror, and some of them were directly swallowed by the flames and turned into ashes because of their unwillingness.

Even Feng Qu and Sun Chenkong, at this moment, felt that their blood energy was sluggish after constant exposure, and a feeling of weakness surged up all over their bodies.


"Li Changkong, you devil, what are you going to do?"

Feng Qu shouted loudly, he was really scared. Although his cultivation base is strong, but at this moment, he has to resist the astonishing flames, and at the same time resist the flow of blood, and he can't handle it at all. I'm afraid it won't take long. The majestic blood will be swallowed up by this person.

He understands that if he loses all his blood, he will turn into a mummy, and he can't die anymore!

But at this moment, even though he was terrified, he was completely helpless, and he didn't even have the strength to fight back.

"Swallowing Bloodlines, what you awakened is actually Swallowing Bloodlines!"

Sun Chenkong's eyes widened even more, his eyes were full of shock, and he was so frightened that he lost his mind and lost his mind.

Devour blood!
As soon as the voice fell, the others all came to their senses one by one, and their faces changed again when they looked at Li Changkong.

Although there are many kinds of devouring bloodlines, without exception, they are all extremely powerful bloodlines, and the weakest devouring bloodlines are all king-level bloodlines, surpassing heaven-level bloodlines!

They finally understood why, at such a young age, Li Changkong had already cultivated to the first level of Linghai realm, and his combat power was tyrannical, far surpassing his own realm.

Without him, it is all because of the strong blood!
In God of War Continent, bloodlines represent potential and arrogance!
"Hehe, you only understand now, don't you think it's too late?"

Li Changkong sneered, these people shouted at him one by one before, wanting to take his head in exchange for generous rewards, although they understand now, it's too late!

"Tun! Tun! Tun Tun!"

Li Changkong yelled and urged the bloody dragon shadow with all his strength. Suddenly, the devouring power increased several times again.

"Do not……"

"Do not kill me……"


The voices of miserable screams continued to come, but the voices became deeper and deeper, and gradually became inaudible.

The ground was full of mummies, even Feng Qu and Sun Chenkong fell to the ground completely and turned into mummies.

At this moment, the flames had already been extinguished. If not, their corpses would have been reduced to ashes, and even the mummified corpses would not be preserved.

But at this moment, Li Changkong returned to his human form, his eyes glistened with brilliance, and his eyes seemed to swallow golden light!
After devouring the blood power of these people, his cultivation has stepped into the second level of the spiritual sea, his cultivation is strong, and his strength is even more tyrannical.


With a wave of his hand, all the rings on these people flew towards him and fell into his palm.

He searched one by one, and luckily, he found dozens of fourth-tier elixir and one fifth-tier elixir inside. Although it was only a low-grade fifth-tier elixir, the harvest was obviously extremely rich.

This kind of harvest is much faster than searching for the elixir by himself.

"Sure enough, killing people and setting fire to the gold belt is the fastest way to plunder resources!"

Li Changkong couldn't help sighing that he searched for the elixir by himself and exhausted all his efforts, but in the end, he gained very little.

Entering Shenyuan Secret Realm, the harvest in more than ten days is far worse than it is now.


Suddenly, his eyes froze, and in the ring, he found another piece of animal skin. On this animal skin, there were various patterns engraved on it, which seemed to indicate something.


With a thought in his mind, he even took out this piece of animal skin. This piece of animal skin was found in Sun Chenkong's ring. Sun Chenkong is the second favorite of Longyuan Island. extraordinary.

He looked carefully, and immediately understood: "This is a map, a map in Shen Yuan's Secret Realm. It seems that some strong people in the past should have drawn the map relying on memory after they left Chen Yuan's Secret Realm! "

Li Changkong was overjoyed. On the map, there were some dangerous places and some undiscovered natural treasures. With this map, he seemed like a duck to water in Chen Yuan's secret realm.


Suddenly, a red circle marked on the map completely attracted his attention.

(End of this chapter)

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