Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 429 Five-Color Sky Lotus

Chapter 429 Five-Color Sky Lotus (Second Change)

After Jiaolong swallowed the dragon tongue fruit, the huge medicinal power was quickly refined by Jiaolong, and the sword marks on his body began to heal, and soon became scars.

This dragon, after all, has the blood of the Flood Dragon Emperor family. Although it is not a purebred, the breath of a real dragon is still very strong, the power of the blood is strong, and its own self-healing ability is extremely powerful. In just one day, everything was restored.

"From now on, I'll call you Xiaolong."

Li Changkong spoke lightly, and then rode on Jiaolong's back and flew straight into the air.

In the sky, the gangster wind roared, and the billowing gangster wind was highly condensed. An ordinary warrior would probably be blown to pieces by this powerful gangster wind.

Although Li Changkong's physical body was extremely powerful, under the blowing of the strong wind, he still condensed a spiritual shield to resist the strong wind.

"Dragon Cave is still thousands of miles away from here. On this route, there is also a treasure marked on the map, the five-color lotus!"

"It is rumored that this is the five-color lotus, which is formed by absorbing the spiritual power of the five elements. This kind of five-color lotus is a treasure for warriors. It has magical effects and is a fifth-level top-grade spirit. medicine!"

"More importantly, this five-color lotus is on the only way to the dragon's lair!"

Li Changkong's eyes flickered, holding the animal skin map in his hand, after careful observation, he soon made a decision.

Capture the five-color lotus, and then enter the dragon's lair.

"However, Sun Chenkong of Longyuan Island has a map of the Shenyuan Secret Realm in his hand. From this point of view, some other powerful and powerful Tianjiao experts may not have a map in their hands. If they want to compete for the five-color lotus, I am afraid it is not So easy!"

Li Changkong deeply understands that the five-color lotus is different from the agave fruit. The agave fruit is not marked on the map at all. From this, it can be seen that the agave fruit is a panacea that no one else has discovered. Naturally, there is nothing wrong with it. The strong came to compete with him.

But the five-color lotus is different. It is marked on the animal skin map. Moreover, the five-color lotus is more precious than the Dragon Tongue Fruit. Anyone who has a map in their hands will probably come straight to the five-color lotus.



Li Changkong drank lightly.

The Jiaolong under his feet had a ferocious expression and was angry in his heart, but in front of Li Changkong, he could only dare to be angry and dare not speak out.

Walking on the foot of the dragon, the speed is greatly accelerated, and he travels thousands of miles a day. In just one day, he is close to the place marked on the map.

Five Elements Spirit Lake!

A large lake appeared below, and the place where the five-color lotus was marked on the map was on the edge of the lake.

After coming here, the number of powerhouses appearing below has increased significantly. Moreover, the figures haunting this place are all extremely powerful, and most of them are the powerhouses of the older generation.

Li Changkong's eyes flickered, and he didn't stop because of it, but continued to fly forward.

Soon, a large group of people appeared in front of his eyes, as many as one or two hundred people, and among them, the weakest ones were all in the fifth level of the spiritual sea.

"It's here!"

Li Changkong confirmed it in his heart, and glanced down.

Below, 200 people, all staring at a five-color lotus on the lake. It is a colorful lotus more than three meters high. It is colorful and exudes the spiritual power of the five elements. All kinds of spiritual power are intertwined with each other, forming a unique spectacle.

Moreover, with the passage of time, the five kinds of spiritual power became thicker and thicker, and the surge of spiritual power became more and more majestic.

Everyone looked around, but none of them made a move. They glanced back and forth at each other, with greed and vigilance in their eyes.

Today, the five-color lotus on the five-color sky lotus is not yet fully mature, but it looks like it will soon fully mature and bloom, and everyone is waiting for the best time to make a move when it blooms.

"It looks like the five-color lotus will bloom soon!"

"In a moment, take action immediately, without any delay, you and I have joined forces and captured the five-color lotus, so let's go immediately!"


Whispering voices continued to be heard from the crowd. Although it looked like a peaceful scene now, there was bound to be a bloody battle after a while.

Even in the distance, Li Changkong felt a lot of powerful auras, and seemed to be waiting and watching, sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight, and then reaping the benefits of the fisherman.

"Tsk tsk, a five-color lotus has attracted hundreds of people to compete for it. However, this five-color lotus is indeed the best in the elixir, especially the five-color lotus, which is even more valuable. If it is auctioned, it may be It is enough to cause a sensation, and the sky-high price of hundreds of millions of catties of spirit liquid was sold at auction!"

"The value of the five-color sky lotus is definitely several times higher than that of the Profound Sky Iron. No wonder these people are so crazy!"

"But no matter what, I will not give up. If I miss this kind of treasure, I don't know when I will meet it next time!"

Li Changkong stood on Jiaolong's back, hidden in the clouds, no one noticed him at all.

He simply closed his eyes, and began to adjust his state, energetic, restrained, hiding his breath.

After three full hours.

On the surface of the lake, sudden changes arose!


The five-color light suddenly shot up into the sky, and the spiritual power in the sky, like five rainbows, penetrated down and projected onto the five-color sky lotus.

"It's about to bloom!"

Someone's eyes were piercing, staring at the five-colored lotus, and his eyes were full of greed.

The wages of avarice is death!
Even if there is only a sliver of hope, they must fight hard!
These people are all from the sea of ​​death, and all of them are extremely vicious and afraid of death, and they will never enter the secret realm of the deep abyss.

Some people couldn't hold back anymore and rushed out. Even if the five-color lotus hadn't fully bloomed at this moment, as long as they got it, it would still be an incomparably precious elixir!

A figure rushing out like an arrow, under the eyes of everyone, kept approaching the five-color lotus, getting closer and closer.

"Damn it, this guy, the five-color lotus has not fully bloomed, so he took it away!"

Someone let out an annoyed exclamation, what a pity, if I knew this, I should have acted earlier.

Many people present were stunned. This move was too unexpected. After all, they were still waiting for the moment when it would fully bloom. Shot first.

They wanted to intercept it, but it was too late!

"It's coming!"

The warrior who rushed out suddenly, his eyes were shining, full of surprise, his hand was about to touch the five-color sky lotus.


But at this moment, in the lake, the water was rushing, and a bloody mouth opened, and suddenly swallowed the warrior, and the dark red blood gurgled, staining the water surface.

(End of this chapter)

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