Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 434 Today's Disgrace

Chapter 434 Today's Disgrace (Part [-])
"Fairy is invincible!"

"Fairies are the real geniuses of the world. That kid is not worthy of carrying shoes for fairies!"

"Hmph, that kid, dare to slander the fairy with words. This is asking for death, but I can't blame the fairy!"

Seeing Li Changkong being blown away by Fairy Wuchen, everyone around cheered and applauded, especially on the lake, the dozens of people who were forced into a desperate situation by Li Changkong before, shouted wildly at this moment. They got up with sneers on their faces, they couldn't wait to see Li Changkong die at the hands of Fairy Wuchen.

"Well, you can block my blow without dying?"

Huang Wuchen knocked Li Changkong away with one move, not the slightest bit of joy, but rather annoyed, it seemed that failing to kill Li Changkong with one move was a shame to her.

"You can be proud of being able to block one of my moves, but unfortunately, in front of me, you are still like an ant, vulnerable to a single blow. I really don't know where you got the confidence to dare to be so arrogant in front of me?"

Huang Wuchen looked at Li Changkong, and the look of disdain became stronger and stronger. She failed to kill Li Changkong with one move, but she was not in a hurry to kill Li Changkong.


She stretched out her jade hand and waved it lightly. Immediately, a whole plant of five-color lotus flew towards her and fell into her hands. She looked at Li Changkong, raised her brows, and chuckled softly, saying: "If such a treasure falls into your hands, wouldn't it be a waste of money?"

Humiliation, this is naked humiliation!
All around, everyone burst into laughter, and looked at Li Changkong, who looked sluggish, as if watching a joke.

This kid, how dare to challenge Fairy Wuchen?

Just looking for a dead end!

Fairy Wuchen is an existence comparable to Qin Tiange's, and her strength is tyrannical. Among the many strongmen who entered the Shenyuan Secret Realm this time, she is probably strong enough to rank among the top five.

For example, the Blood Cloud Patriarch of Blood Cloud Island, the Beihuang Patriarch of Beihuang Island, and Nanshan Taoist of Nanshan Island, these old monster-level powerhouses may not be the opponents of Fairy Wuchen.

Li Changkong stood up again. In his eyes, there was an unyielding light shining, and his will seemed to be burning.

His fists were clenched tightly, his knuckles made a crisp sound, and his heart was full of anger!

This woman is indeed tyrannical, but if he hadn't spent a lot of strength in the previous fierce battles, he would not have been unable to take Huang Wuchen's move.

This woman had obviously appeared earlier, but she was too cunning, she kept watching from the sidelines, until the war broke out, and when everyone was exhausted, she suddenly appeared, and easily snatched the five-color sky lotus away up.

In the past, he was the only one who snatched other people's shares, but now, the treasure that was about to be obtained was actually snatched away by someone!
"Today's humiliation, I, Li Changkong, have recorded it, and in the future, I will definitely repay it a hundredfold!"

Li Changkong gritted his teeth, his eyes were extremely determined.

Today, although he was defeated, his Dao heart is still extremely stable. In the past, his cultivation base was abolished, and he could rise again. Now, he is just defeated by others. Although the blow is heavy, it will not shake his Dao heart .

After experiencing the abolishment of his previous cultivation base, his Dao heart has long been as solid as a rock and unbreakable. No matter how big the setback is, he can't really knock him down.

He can be defeated, but he will never be defeated!
"The future? It's ridiculous. Don't you think you still have a future?"

A martial artist at the seventh level of the spiritual sea suddenly burst out laughing, his eyes were full of contempt.

Obviously, he decided that Li Changkong must die, and Fairy Wuchen will not let Li Changkong go!
Not only him, but many other powerful people also let out laughter. This kid is really ridiculous. Does he really think that he can survive?
Even if Fairy Wuchen shows great kindness and really does not kill this son, in the future, this son will still be no match for Fairy, and it is just a joke after all to give back a hundred times.

All the people present thought so. Perhaps, Li Changkong's combat power displayed earlier was very powerful and amazing, but compared with Fairy Wuchen, it suddenly paled in comparison and could not be compared at all.

"Just you?"

Fairy Wuchen chuckled, as if she felt ridiculous at Li Changkong's words.

But immediately, she shook her head and sneered: "Unfortunately, you don't have any chance. Today, this lake is your burial place!"

As soon as the voice fell, Fairy Wuchen rushed out again, and an extremely cold aura emanated from her body. That feeling seemed to freeze the earth!

The sky was full of wind and snow, whizzing towards them, and in the wind and snow, everyone carried fierce killing intent.

Every gesture of her hands and feet affected the general trend of the world, and she took advantage of the situation. Although her seemingly light attack contained infinite murderous intent.

"Red Dragon Demon Flame, burn!"

Li Changkong drank lightly, and stepped back. At the same time, golden flames kept jumping in his eyes.


The next moment, the flames all over the sky, like fire dragons, swept in and roared out. In the blink of an eye, in front of him, it turned into a sea of ​​flames, and the flames were burning. The intense temperature seemed to burn through the void. .


Facing such an astonishing flame, Fairy Wuchen just snorted coldly and frowned slightly. Immediately afterwards, the ice and snow all over her body surged and turned into a snow storm. Changing the surrounding environment, under the entanglement of wind and snow, the flames were unable to invade within three meters of her body.

This kind of scene immediately made all the strong men around sigh with exclamation, especially those strong men who were still standing on the lake at this moment. They had experienced the horror of the red dragon demon flame before.

The powerful flame almost drove them into a desperate situation, and they were close to death, but at this moment, Fairy Wuchen was calm and relaxed, with a look of disdain on her face, looking very relaxed.

"Fairy Wuchen, you really deserve to be one of the three supreme talents in my sea of ​​death!"

Someone sighed. Although he and Fairy Wuchen were both in the seventh level of the spiritual sea, the real difference in strength was as big as a gap, which was difficult to bridge.

But the next moment, Fairy Wuchen felt pain like a needle prick from the depths of her soul, and the flames contained soul pressure, which made her frown involuntarily, revealing a hint of pain.

But this was only for a moment, she looked indifferently, and looked in the direction of Li Changkong again.


She was stunned for a moment, and there was nothing in front of her eyes, where was the slightest figure of Li Changkong?

"You let him escape?"

Fairy Wuchen frowned slightly, looking very displeased.

"You spread the news, who can kill Li Changkong, I, Fairy Wuchen, can not only walk with this person, but also have generous rewards, or if you are not sure that you can deal with this person, then you just need to tell me whereabouts, If I personally deal with Li Changkong, you will also be rewarded!"

Fairy Wuchen glanced over, spoke softly, and then left quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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