Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 436 The Fierce Light Soars

Chapter 436 The Violent Light Soars (Third)

"Duan Long, Yin Huo, you two, follow me, continue to go deep into this place!"

Long Chen shouted to the two young men beside him, and then he turned and left. In his opinion, Wuying's attack on Li Changkong was a sure thing, and he didn't need to worry about anything at all.

Moreover, soon, Wuying will catch up again, and killing this kid, for Wuying, it doesn't take much effort at all.

"Well, Long Chen, you take a step first, and soon, I will follow you!"

The white-browed old man Wuying also nodded, with a relaxed look on his face.

Last time, if it wasn't for Zhong Yue's sudden recovery of strength, he would have already cut off Li Changkong's head and brought it back to Longyuan Island.

Although he failed to complete the task last time, fortunately, this time, Li Changkong actually sent him to his door, which was like God helping him.

"You are so confident that you can kill me?"

Li Changkong's expression was stern, and an astonishingly fierce light burst out from his eyes.

He was just defeated by Huang Wuchen, and he was holding his breath in his heart. Now, he was despised by Wuying again, and he was never taken seriously at all!
"At the end of the day, it's because my realm is too low that people despise me so much, but a low realm doesn't necessarily mean that I'm weak in battle!"

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and his fighting spirit was raging.

"Haha, kid, who do you think you are? You're only at the second level of Linghai. In front of me, you are just a weak chicken. With a knife in your hand, you can cut off your head!"

Wuying laughed again and again, and the dead breath above his body became more and more intense.

His cultivation base is very powerful, he is already at the peak of the seventh level of Linghai, and he is not far from breaking through the eighth level of Linghai.

It is precisely because of his strong strength that he was able to become Zhao Gongdao's confidant. Over the years, he has repeatedly attempted assassinations, and countless arrogances have fallen into his hands.

"What an arrogant old fellow, how dare you be so arrogant in front of me?"

Flood Dragon raised his head, and in the dragon's eyes, there was a dragon's power, which pervaded the entire space, and his eyes were full of anger.

Now, Li Changkong is its owner. This old guy dares to call his owner a weak chicken. Doesn't he mean that he is even worse than a weak chicken?

"It's just a small reptile. I'll kill your master and you later, so I can taste the taste of dragon meat!"

Wuying's eyes were full of sneering, if the real dragon was here, he would turn around and run away without saying a word, but it was just a dragon, he didn't care at all.

"Old dog, you dare to do this, I will destroy you!"

Flood Dragon let out a roaring sound, and charged straight out. With its huge body, it rushed straight forward, protruding out its dragon claws, and a golden sharpness suddenly cut down, unparalleled in speed.

woohoo hoo...

Stretch out a claw, and suddenly, the airflow in the cave surged violently, forming a tornado, rushing out with a howl, flying sand and rocks, the formation was very scary.

"Shadowless attack!"

A cold aura emanated from Wuying's haggard body. When the body moved, more than a dozen clones appeared in an instant. The clones rushed out like shadows with fierce killing intent.

Bang bang bang!
Flood Dragon's strength was not weak at all, he slapped down three or four clones in succession with one claw, but immediately after, several clones attacked and came out with both palms slapping out with killing breath.

Flood Dragon's body was directly sent flying, and hit the ground heavily, making a muffled groaning sound, dragon's blood overflowed from the dragon's mouth, and the injury was serious.

"But that's all!"

Wuying sneered again and again, extremely proud, and charged again.


At this moment, Li Changkong slashed out, the Dragon Killing Sword in his hand, the blade trembled unceasingly, and a sound of the sword sounded like a dragon's chant, shaking the entire cave.

"Let's start!"

"We have to speed up!"

In the distance ahead, Long Chen and the others also heard the sound of the sword's cry, but they didn't pay attention to it at all, and continued to move forward.

"The dragon wags its tail!"

Li Changkong shouted coldly, and immediately, the Dragon Killing Sword swept over, like a dragon wagging its tail, under the sweeping light of the sword, more than a dozen clones were all annihilated.

The avatar was annihilated, and Wuying's real body was immediately revealed, his eyes were slightly fixed, and Li Changkong's strength seemed to surprise him.

"No wonder, Lei Lao Liu will be killed by you, your strength is not bad!"

"But unfortunately, I am not Lei Lao Liu. If you meet me, you are doomed to die!"

Wuying drank coldly, and then, a dagger appeared in his hand. On the short dagger, there was a faint light, which had obviously been poisoned. Once it was hit by the dagger, the consequences would be serious!


The dagger in Wuying's hand stabbed straight out, and there were seven cold lights, arranged in a seven-star formation, shooting towards Li Changkong.

Li Changkong didn't dare to take it lightly, this Wuying's strength was extremely powerful, and the dagger was poisoned, which made him more careful.


Around his body, densely packed sword weapons and magic weapons, 490 sword weapons and magic weapons, all roared out, forming a torrent of sword energy, rushing out mightily.

Boom boom boom!
In front of this torrent of sword energy, the seven-star light couldn't resist at all, and easily broke through the seven-star light, heading towards Wuying.


Wuying was taken aback in his heart. There were so many swords and magic weapons, and the power they erupted was enough to make him fearful.

He stepped back quickly, and in front of his body, a large shield appeared again, which was also an impressive magic weapon, driven by majestic spiritual power to resist the torrent of sword energy.

clang clang...

The sound of weapons colliding kept coming, and the sound was sharp and piercing. Under the impact of the torrent of sword energy, Wu Ying's footsteps retreated continuously. The violent fluctuations made the blood in his body tumbling, and his face turned slightly pale.

Only now did he know that he had underestimated Li Changkong. Although this person only had the second level of Linghai, his real combat power was extremely terrifying. It is impossible to be so powerful in the second level of the sea!

"Damn it, at his young age, he is only at the second level of Linghai, but his combat power is so terrifying!"

"This child must die, otherwise, if this child grows up, the consequences will be disastrous!"

A series of thoughts turned in Wuying's mind, and numerous phantoms appeared on his body. Among the phantoms, there were killing breaths, and there were dozens of phantoms impressively.

"Li Changkong, I admit, I underestimated you, but now, you can't change the situation of the battle, you are destined to be killed by me!"

There was a cruel and murderous smile on Wuying's face. For a proud man like Li Changkong, it would be fun and exciting to kill him!

"is it?"

Li Changkong raised his brows, and the aura emanating from his body suddenly changed. The devilish energy surged, full of devilish intent, as if he had transformed into a murderous god walking out of the Nine Nether Hell.

"How dare a dead person act arrogantly in front of me?"

In Li Changkong's eyes, the fierce light soared!

(End of this chapter)

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