Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 439 Astonishing Mutation

Chapter 439 Amazing Mutation (Sixth Change)

"An old fellow tried to kill me in delusion, but I killed him, that's all, why are you making such a fuss?"

Li Changkong laughed softly, his eyes were piercing.

"What a big breath!"

On the side, Duan Long shouted angrily, this kid, isn't he too arrogant?
"Do you think that if you kill Wuying, you can be arrogant in front of me?"

Long Chen's expression was cold, and he was very angry at Li Changkong's words. Wuying was a strong man on Longyuan Island, and his status was extremely respected, but now in Li Changkong's mouth, he has become so insignificant!

If you kill it, you will kill it. What does it mean to kill it casually?
"Li Changkong, I, Longyuan Island, are at odds with you!"

Yin Huo also roared angrily, this boy is too arrogant.

"Haha, did you? I forgot to tell you that Sun Chenkong, the second favorite of Longyuan Island, was also killed by me, and the map of the Dragon Cave was also obtained from him!"

Li Changkong laughed again, he knew in his heart that this Long Chen was stronger than Wuying, and it would not be easy to deal with him.

Now, irritating them, making them confused, falling into anger, and losing their calm will be of great benefit to the next battle.


Duan Long was so angry that he almost jumped up, Sun Chenkong, but his good friend, now, was actually killed by Li Changkong!
He was so furious that he rushed out directly and charged towards Li Changkong with awe-inspiring killing intent.

"Duan Long, step back!"

But at this moment, Long Chen spoke, with an incomparably cold expression, he strode out and stopped Duan Long.

"You are not his opponent. Even Sun Chenkong and Wuying were killed by him. Your strength is not as good as Sun Chenkong. How can you deal with this person?"

Long Chen's eyes flickered, he seemed very rational, and he never got angry because of it.

Duan Long's face was embarrassing, his face was blue and red, but although he was extremely unwilling, he also knew that what Long Chen said was right, even Sun Chenkong and Wuying were killed by Li Changkong. It is indeed far stronger than him.

"You and Yin Huo join forces to deal with that flood dragon, capture this flood dragon, and draw out its dragon tendons. I will use its dragon tendons to refine weapons!"

Long Chen glanced over Jiaolong's body, the dragon tendons of a powerful Jiaolong are indeed good materials for refining weapons.

"Hey, Senior Brother Long, okay!"

"Senior Brother Long, we naturally dare not disobey!"

Duan Long and Yin Huo both grinned ferociously and looked at Jiaolong with unkind eyes.

"Just relying on you, dare to provoke me?"

Jiaolong raised his claws with a look of disdain.

Its strength is certainly not comparable to Long Chen and Li Changkong, but Duan Long and Yin Huo, it is still confident that it can handle it.


"After you pull out your dragon tendons, you won't be able to laugh!"

Duan Long and Yin Huo both shouted and rushed towards Jiaolong.

Duan Long and Yin Huo are both in the sixth level of the spiritual sea. They are both extremely powerful, and both of them are strong enough to be in the top ten in Longyuan Island.

At this moment, when the two joined forces, they saw a sword in Duan Long's hand slashed down, and a flash of sword light, like a burst of flames, erupted with scorching sword light, which was extremely powerful.

As for Yin Huo, he swung his long whip, and when he struck it down, a long whip mark pierced the sky, fierce and amazing!
Facing the attacks of these two people, Jiaolong raised his head, and the dragon claws directly protruded out. A golden fierce light suddenly cut out. On the golden fierce light, there was a fierce sharpness, cutting the space. .


Flood dragon forcibly overwhelmed the two great masters of the sixth level of the spiritual sea, but he didn't retreat a single step, his huge body crushed him, and the dragon's tail lashed out with overwhelming force.

In an instant, Jiaolong, Duan Long, and Yin Huo, the two great talents, fought together.

But at this moment, Long Chen's eyes were blazing, he raised his head, and looked at Li Changkong, a powerful aura emanated from his body.

"Li Changkong, I admit, we underestimated you at first, but everything is over!"

"I, Long Chen, will kill you today!"

Bright rays of light bloomed from Long Chen's body, and behind him, a Violent Ape appeared. That Violent Ape, like a hill, was full of muscles and muscles, full of strength.

After the Dharma form was revealed, Long Chen's physical body also skyrocketed, rays of light flickered, and his fists were clenched.

"Faxiang? I have one too!"

Li Changkong's eyes were cold and stern, and behind him, the appearance of the real martial arts, the phantoms of the mysterious snake and the mysterious tortoise, emerged to protect himself, and the precious appearance was solemn.


Long Chen didn't back down a little because of this, he rushed straight forward, punched out, and above the fist, an astonishing force erupted!


This punch, before it reached Li Changkong, there was a loud bang, the air was crushed and the speed of the punch was astonishingly fast.

Facing this punch, Li Changkong frowned slightly, his whole body was glowing with precious light, urging the Canglong's domineering body, exuding a domineering aura.

He also punched out with one punch. This punch was mighty and mighty, and it burst out with the power of nearly three hundred dragons. The power was astonishing.

boom boom boom...

The two fists collided fiercely, like two ancient sacred mountains, colliding with a bang, the power fluctuations that erupted trembled the space, and the sound of violent roars oscillated back and forth in the cave, causing the mountains to tremble endlessly .

After the two punched each other, they each staggered their figures and looked at each other, with a look of shock in their eyes.

Li Changkong was quite shocked in his heart. He never thought that this Long Chen's physical strength was so amazing that he was able to punch him hard.

At the same time, Long Chen's heart trembled unceasingly. On Longyuan Island, his body was rampant, and even many strong men of the older generation couldn't take his punch at all.

But now, Li Changkong not only received his punch, but also seemed to be safe and sound, unscathed.

"No wonder this son was able to kill Sun Chenkong and Wuying one after another. This son's strength is indeed extraordinary!"

Long Chen's expression became more serious. Li Changkong's strength was far beyond his imagination.

"Come again!"

Li Changkong's heart was dripping with joy, and he was about to break out again, but at this moment, the entire cave vibrated violently.

Waves of dragon power came from the Tiankeng of the Dragon Tomb. Countless black devil energy was seen rolling and surging, covering the entire Tiankeng of the Dragon Tomb. In the Tiankeng of the Dragon Tomb, there was even the sound of keel moving.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

Li Changkong and Long Chen's expressions changed at the same time, and their eyes couldn't help sweeping towards the Dragon Tomb's tiankeng. At this moment, Jiaolong, Duan Long, and Yin Huo also stopped their hands, and their gazes swept towards the Dragon's Tomb's tiankeng in surprise. go.

(End of this chapter)

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