Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 441 Refining Dragon Pill

Chapter 441 Refining Dragon Pill (Second Change)

Jiaolong was overjoyed, and didn't take Li Changkong's words about it being too weak at all.

Dragon pills, after all, are dragon pills, and they are extremely precious. I am afraid that the entire Shenyuan Secret Realm, and even the entire God of War Continent, is the only place where dragon pills will appear.

Although the dragon pills here have experienced a long period of wear and tear, the energy contained in these dragon pills has been greatly reduced, but even so, the original power of the real dragon inside is still extremely pure.

Being able to obtain the original power of the real dragon in the dragon pill, it is very likely that it will undergo transformation and evolve into a real dragon!

After all, as a member of the Flood Dragon Clan, one can evolve into a true dragon, but the conditions are too harsh, and there are very few people who can truly transform into a true dragon, not even one out of a hundred thousand.

"Transformed into a real dragon?"

Li Changkong frowned slightly. This Dragon Pill was of great use to him. Originally, he planned to devour it and refine it by himself.

Fortunately, there is more than one bone dragon king here, the total number is no less than ten, and there should be no less than ten dragon pills.

It's nothing to give this dragon a piece. Now, the dragon is also his mount. If he can transform into a real dragon, then he will have a real dragon mount. Riding a real dragon to take off is really cool!
"Hmph, I'll just give you a dragon pill, why don't you refine it properly?"

Li Changkong threw a dragon pill over and said with a cold snort.

"The boss is wise, long live the boss!"

Jiaolong was ecstatic and couldn't help it, he couldn't care less about it anymore, he opened his huge dragon mouth and swallowed the dragon pill.

Immediately, a majestic dragon power emerged from its body, the golden light pierced the sky, and the breath of a real dragon suddenly became extremely solid.

The scars on its body are constantly healing, and the dragon scales are bursting with bright luster.

Li Changkong glanced at the dragon, and couldn't help being shocked in his heart. Obviously, this dragon pill really contained the original power of a real dragon. After refining this dragon, maybe it can really transform.

Of course, this kind of transformation cannot be transformed all at once. After all, the original power of a true dragon cannot be refined all at once.

"The Bone Dragon King has a dragon core, and the dragon core contains the original power of the dragon clan?"

But at this moment, Duan Long and Yin Huo in the distance heard the voice of Li Changkong talking with Jiaolong, and they immediately looked overjoyed. They looked at each other, and immediately broke out of the encirclement, staring at the Bone Dragon King.


A bone dragon king with a length of 50 meters also rushed out in a rage, killing Duan Long and Yin Huo.

Duan Long rushed out first, and slashed down with the long sword in his hand. In the light of the sword, there was a burst of flame power, which tore through the space and slashed fiercely on the bone dragon.

Yin Huo waved the long whip in his hand, and when the whip fell, the silver brilliance scattered, with a sharp aura.

Facing the attacks of Duan Long and Yin Huo, the Bone Dragon King didn't care at all, but his huge body rushed towards him.

The long sword slashed on the bone dragon's body, there was the sound of metal and iron clanging, the flames splashed, and the long whip was pulled down again, but it only slowed down the bone dragon's speed a little.

Immediately afterwards, the bone dragon's huge body slammed into Duan Long and Yin Huo fiercely, and directly sent Duan Long and Yin Huo flying. They spit blood in the air, their faces extremely pale.

Facing the skull dragon king, they couldn't resist at all and were easily defeated.

Duan Long's face was pale, he hadn't expected that the Bone Dragon King was so powerful, he turned his gaze to Long Chen, and called for help: "Senior Brother Long, help me!"

But the next moment, the Bone Dragon King charged again, and the extremely sharp dragon claws directly grabbed it.


The bodies of Duan Long and Yin Huo were both scratched by the dragon claws, their stomachs were ripped open, blood flowed profusely, their bodies fell to the ground powerlessly, their eyes were still widened, but there was nothing left on their bodies. vitality.

Long Chen's eyes flashed, he never thought that this Skull Dragon King would be so powerful.

In his eyes, a look of fierceness flashed across his eyes, and he rushed straight, with a huge fist, bombarded with one punch, the wind howled, and a majestic force burst out, smashing the body of the Bone Dragon King fiercely.

The huge body of the Bone Dragon King exploded directly, turning into bones and scattered on the ground.

A white dragon pill fell into Long Chen's hands, his eyes were full of surprise.

He witnessed with his own eyes the scene after the dragon swallowed the dragon pill. This dragon pill contained an astonishing original power of the dragon clan, which was absolutely extraordinary!

After killing the Bone Dragon King, Long Chen rushed out again and entered the Bone Dragon.

Li Changkong also continued to fight out, with swords and magic weapons all over his body, constantly blooming bright sword lights, and beheaded many bone dragons.

Under his feet, there are piles of corpses, and the bones of the bone dragon are scattered and piled up like a mountain.

Now, he has killed four skull dragon kings, obtained four dragon pills in total, one of which was given to Jiaolong, and there are three dragon pills left on his body.

"The dragon can devour the dragon pill directly, so can I!"

"I also have the breath of a real dragon on my body. Refining the dragon pill is also of great benefit to me!"

Li Changkong realized in his heart, while urging the Xiaoqian Sword Formation to slay the bone dragon, at the same time, behind him, a bloody dragon shadow appeared, and immediately began to devour the dragon pill.


The blood-colored dragon shadow behind him devoured the dragon core, and suddenly, huge dragon energy rushed into his body, continuously tempering his body, and the muscles all over his body erupted with astonishing power.

The spiritual sea in his body is constantly expanding, and the majestic spiritual power is vast and rolling, and his cultivation has already stepped into the second peak of the spiritual sea in just a short moment.

Not only that, he felt that the original power of the real dragon poured into his body and quieted down in his body, making the breath of the real dragon on his body more intense, and even a faint dragon's might emanated from his body.

One must know that before he has transformed into a blue dragon, the dragon's power has been revealed. If he transforms into a blue dragon, then the dragon's power on him must be even stronger.

"Continue refining!"

Li Changkong's eyes flickered, and he was overjoyed. Today, he may not be Long Chen's opponent, but if he keeps refining the Dragon Pill, he can improve his realm, and his strength will become stronger and stronger. As long as he breaks through the third realm of Linghai, he will have With full confidence, he can deal with Long Chen.


The bloody dragon shadow behind him swallowed another dragon pill, and the majestic spiritual power exploded, almost bursting his body.

Finally, he stepped into the triple realm of the spiritual sea, the spiritual sea in his body stretches for thousands of miles, the spiritual power is vast, and the strength goes even further!
(End of this chapter)

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