Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 462 Killing Moment

Chapter 462 Killing Moment (Second Change)
Shenyuan Secret Realm, near Taidou Peak.

Li Changkong turned into a blue dragon, and the aura on his body was like a peerless beast, exuding a monstrous aura.

The ground under his feet has been soaked in blood, and it is crimson, as if it has turned into a land of death. Countless strong men have been killed by him, and their corpses are scattered all over the field.

At this moment, no one dared to fight Li Changkong, and the tyrannical aura emanating from Li Changkong was enough to make them timid and dare not go forward at all.

But it's a pity that Li Changkong's speed was too fast, so fast that they had no time to dodge, and the sharp dragon claws pierced through his chest!
At this point in the battle, it was completely one-sided, and there was no suspense at all.

The battle at this moment has completely become a killing moment!
Under the mountain peak, there were countless figures, seeing the monstrous and tyrannical aura, their hearts trembled and their hearts palpited endlessly.

Their eyes turned to Tai Dou Peak one after another. Their only hope was to wait for the secret realm to be opened again, and then escape from this place through the passage.

At this moment, Li Changkong rushed out again. He went from the top of the Taidou Peak to the bottom of the mountain. He found the lurking figures one by one, and dense sword lights flashed, bringing out streaks of blood. Fall like raindrops.

With one blow, dozens of strong men were killed. These strong men were either pierced through the chest by the sword light, or pierced through the head by the sword light, or had their arms severed.

Too tragic!


At this moment, there was a loud bang from the sky above Taidou Peak, and a thunderous flash suddenly exploded. On the top of the mountain, rays of light appeared, and a passage like a bird's nest appeared on the mountain. pinnacle.

"The secret realm has opened again!"

"A channel appears, this is our only chance!"

"Kill, no matter what, we have to rush to the top of the mountain and enter the passage to save our lives!"

"Rush, fight!"


A series of figures rushed out from the hiding place and began to rush towards the top of the mountain.

At such a juncture, they will no longer escape at all, this is the only chance of survival, and they must be firmly grasped.

You know, they are very clear in their hearts that this time the passage is opened, only three hours, once the time is over, they will stay in this secret realm for 30 years, stay here, waiting for them, will be It was Li Changkong's endless pursuit, with a dead end.


A figure after another rushed out, rushing towards the top of the mountain, every one of them wished that their parents could have a few more legs, so that they could go faster.

"Want to go?"

Li Changkong's eyes were cold. Previously, these people wanted to kill him one by one and refused to let him go. They regarded him as prey, but now, how could he let these people go away like this?

He rushed out again, and the huge dragon body turned into a stream of light. The speed was so fast that it only took more than ten breaths, and he returned from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain again.

His huge body lay in front of the passage, completely blocking the way, and his eyes were cold.

"Li Changkong!"

"Do you think you can stop all of us by yourself?"

"Li Changkong, that's enough. You are very powerful, but after all, you are not invincible. All of us combined, there are more than 1000 people, each of whom has a cultivation level above the third level of Linghai. , with one person, can resist all of us?"


There were roaring voices, and at this moment, they were driven to a dead end. They knew that they were not Li Changkong's opponent, but at this moment, they had to stand up.

Facing the voices of shouting and cursing, Li Changkong just smiled, and he chuckled, and said, "Now is the real time to kill!"

The voice fell, whoosh!
Li Changkong rushed out directly, and his huge dragon body charged forward directly, and streaks of golden light glowed on the dragon scales.


The leaders of the seventh-layer spirit sea experts, as if they were hit by a majestic mountain peak, did not know how many ribs were broken, and fell directly to the ground. Dragon Claw, set off a rain of blood.


There was another sound of piercing through the air, and the sword light hit, completely crushing, bloody lights, and silhouettes were constantly being thrown away.

At this moment, Li Changkong seemed to have bloodshot eyes, his eyes turned blood red, and the intent to kill was extremely powerful.

His killing sword intent, in the midst of endless killings, has broken through again, from the [-]% level to the [-]% level. At this moment, he has completely transformed into a killing god who walked out of hell, with a bloody nature and a bloody nature. light torrential.


These people rushed out angrily, but soon, each and every one of them trembled violently. In the blink of an eye, another one or two hundred people were completely killed by Li Changkong.


Just as everyone's hearts were trembling, a blood-colored dragon shadow rushed out from behind Li Changkong, surging the might of the dragon, as if a real dragon had descended, and the might of the dragon shook the sky.

The blood-colored dragon shadow behind him directly opened its huge dragon mouth and sucked it in suddenly. Immediately, streaks of blood light gathered towards the blood-colored dragon shadow from all directions. The empty body.

On Li Changkong's body, the evil spirit of blood was transpiring and tumbling endlessly. The huge energy was poured in continuously, making the golden light that bloomed on his dragon scales even more brilliant.

At this moment, there are countless strong men killed by him, probably more than 1000 people. On these corpses, all the blood and essence gathered and poured into his body. What a terrifying surge Energy!
The aura emanating from Li Changkong's body became more and more terrifying and terrifying!

"Come on!"

At this moment, everyone is full of despair, they can no longer care about so much, rushing out crazily, no longer caring about other things, just rushing towards the passage desperately.

This place has become a slaughterhouse for Shura, and they don't even want to stay here for a moment.


Li Changkong's eyes flickered, and he saw figures rushing out. There were too many of them, and it was too late for him to kill them one by one.

He rushed out again, started killing, the blood kept spilling, while killing, devouring the blood energy, the cultivation base on his body began to skyrocket. Heavy realm, broke through to the sixth realm of Linghai, and is still in the process of continuous improvement.

This speed of improvement is too terrifying!

On the top of the mountain, there were broken limbs everywhere, and blood flowed like a river. He killed again and again, but unexpectedly, more than a dozen figures rushed into the passage and rushed out.

After all, just now, hundreds of figures rushed out at once. Although he is powerful, in the end, after all, there is still a fish that slipped through the net, broke through his defense line, and escaped with his life.

"Huh? No Huang Wuchen's body? She escaped?"

Li Changkong narrowed his eyes, he killed repeatedly, but he didn't find Huang Wuchen's body!

(End of this chapter)

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