Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 475 Killing Giants

Chapter 475 Killing Giants (Fifth Change)

Zhao Feixue and Jian Lingchen both fell to the ground, their faces were pale, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

But at this moment, they didn't care about their own injuries. They even raised their heads and looked eagerly, only to see dust flying in the distance, and a big hole appeared. It can be seen that Li Changkong's True Dragon Fist and Qin Huangdao just now How terrifying is the power of the Hundred Steps Divine Fist that collides together and erupts!
Gradually, the dust dissipated, and two figures appeared in the big pit. Li Changkong stood proudly, his waist straight, and there was still a bright light shining in his eyes.

But in front of him, Qin Huangdao's face was pale, and his arm was covered with flesh and blood, and one arm was hanging down feebly. Obviously, one of his arms was useless!
At this moment, everyone's expressions changed in astonishment. Even the three giants were unable to defeat Li Changkong. In the battle with this son, they were all defeated.

As for Qin Huangdao, an arm was directly crippled!
The shock in their hearts was unbearable. Even the three giants were defeated. Now, in the entire sea of ​​death, who else can stop Li Changkong's footsteps?
One by one, their eyes were full of horror. Looking at that outstanding and proud figure, they couldn't help being terrified in their hearts. This boy is completely invincible!
In the future, it will be no problem to dominate the entire Dead Sea.

To be an enemy of this son is tantamount to a dead end. Their hearts are extremely bitter. If they knew this, how would they dare to be an enemy to Li Changkong, how dare they be an enemy to Feng Lindao?

Originally, they had no enmity with Feng Lindao and Li Changkong. All of this was instigated by Zhao Gongdao, the owner of Longyuan Island, and Zhao Feixue, Jian Lingchen, and Qin Huangdao. He will attack Li Changkong before he will attack Feng Lindao.

But now, their intestines are full of regrets, obviously, they are on the wrong team!

However, before, none of them thought that Li Changkong could really defeat Zhao Feixue, Jian Lingchen, and Qin Huangdao, the three giants!

"Win? Junior brother, he actually won against the three giants?"

At this moment, Zhong Yue couldn't help being shocked and ecstatic in his heart.

This little junior brother gave him such a big surprise. Originally, he was in despair. His only thought was to want Li Changkong to return to Pill City and ask Master to avenge him.

But now, Li Changkong had actually defeated the three giants, his life was saved, and the entire Fenglin Island also escaped this catastrophe.

"Little uncle is amazing!"

Yue Ling'er's eyes widened, and there was an agility in her bright eyes, she was ecstatic, no matter what, this time, she finally saved her life.

Originally, Li Changkong was her idol, but now, she adores Li Changkong even more!
"This is going to go against the sky!"

Zhou Xia also had a look of astonishment on her face, as if she was quite surprised by this result.

"Am I defeated?"

Qin Huangdao was completely stunned, a burning pain came from his arm, but at this moment, he couldn't feel the pain at all, because the pain in his heart was thousands of times greater than the pain in his body!
He simply couldn't accept that his dignified Daoist realm cultivation was now defeated by a brat like Li Changkong.

Zhao Feixue and Jian Lingchen in the distance were completely petrified, and their expressions were extremely ugly.

Li Changkong stood with his hands behind his back, his whole body exuded a monstrous aura, his gaze was like a sword, extremely sharp, he stared at Qin Huangdao in front of him, and sneered: "Qin Huangdao, your son Qin Tiange, who is pretentious, lives in a secret place. , united with many arrogances to take my life, but in the end, I killed them, and many arrogances were all killed by me!"

"Now that you have also lost, what else can you say?"

"Ning fight to death!"

Qin Huangdao sneered, and immediately, he continued to charge forward. Even though he lost an arm, his body still erupted with a powerful aura.

"I will fulfill you!"

The look in Li Changkong's eyes was serious, and he rushed straight out with a swish, his body like a tyrannosaurus, bursting out with majestic power.

He punched out again, and the power of five thousand dragons erupted, striking Qin Huangdao's body forcefully.

The aura around Qin Huangdao was instantly annihilated, and above his body, the power of heaven collapsed, and his body flew far away, falling down, and a deep hole appeared on the ground. Gully, dusty.

This giant in the sea of ​​death, a strong man in the Taoist realm, was bombarded and killed by Li Changkong just like that!

Everyone's bodies trembled violently. They were so frightened that they didn't dare to meet Li Changkong's eyes.

"Jian Lingchen, Zhao Feixue, come up and lead them to death!"

Li Changkong didn't even look at Qin Huangdao, he strode forward with big strides, and went straight to kill Zhao Feixue and Jian Lingchen.


At this moment, Jian Lingchen knew that there was no way out, a bright sword light erupted from his body, and a sword rainbow, like a sword that seized the sky, suddenly cut down.

This sword was extremely stunning, and it exploded with all his potential. He had already burned all the blood in his body. Even if he didn't die in this battle, he would die later because of the exhaustion of blood in his body.

Zhao Feixue's eyes were full of desolation. Previously, the three giants of them defeated Zhong Yue with aggression. The dominance was promising, but in the blink of an eye, everything disappeared.

And all of this is because of Li Changkong!
Li Changkong didn't dodge at all, his eyes were sharp, and he directly punched out, and the majestic divine power broke out again.

Under the absolute power of the five thousand dragons, the sword light that Jian Lingchen slashed couldn't shake Li Changkong at all, and his body exploded, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

Another giant has completely fallen!

Li Changkong's eyes fell on Zhao Feixue, and he pressed forward step by step.

"Li Changkong, do you dare to kill me?"

At this moment, Zhao Feixue raised her head, her eyes were full of hatred.


Li Changkong couldn't help laughing, Qin Huangdao and Jian Lingchen were all killed by him one by one, why did Zhao Feixue think he didn't dare to kill her?
In terms of strength, Zhao Feixue is the weakest of the three giants, Jian Lingchen and Qin Huangdao are both stronger than her!
"Hmph, although my strength is inferior to Jian Lingchen and Qin Huangdao, I am different from them!"

At this moment, Zhao Feixue's eyebrows showed a hint of arrogance, he snorted coldly, and said coldly: "They are all natives in the sea of ​​death, but I am from the other side of the ocean, with an extraordinary background!"

"If you kill me, you will inevitably invite endless revenge, not to mention you, the entire sea of ​​​​death will completely disappear because of this!"

After the voice fell, everyone's minds were slightly moved. Could it be the other side of the ocean?

A glimmer of hope emerged in their hearts. The other side of the ocean that Zhao Feixue was talking about obviously meant the God of War Continent!
There is the real holy land of martial arts, and although the Southern Territory is full of strong men and countless geniuses, it is simply a barren land compared with the main continent of the God of War Continent.

(End of this chapter)

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