Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 477 I am King!

Chapter 477 I am King! (Second more)


Li Changkong was furious, and uttered the word "kill" coldly, and then killed directly.

His aura, like the surging Yangtze River, was full of murderous aura. The Dragon Killing Sword appeared in his hand, and the intent of killing the sword emerged. Suddenly, the Dragon Killing Sword trembled violently.

The body of the sword trembled, and the light of the sword continued to slash down. The astonishing killing intent was unstoppable.

Today's Li Changkong has raised his killing sword intent to [-]% level. The killing intent is overwhelming, and the scarlet sword light cuts down. Those warriors of the ninth level of the spiritual sea can't resist it at all.

He entered among these island owners, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, he made a series of killing moves, and suddenly, heads rolled down and blood splattered.

In just a quarter of an hour, more than a dozen people were killed by Li Changkong, with unparalleled ferocity!

The rest of the dozen or so people were all trembling, and looked at Li Changkong with horror in their eyes.

This son is too terrifying, it's like a peerless killing god descending into the world, terrifying to the extreme.

But at this moment, Li Changkong didn't stop killing at all, his breath was rolling, and he came to kill again.


Around his body, swords and magic weapons were all suspended around his body, and the terrifying sword energy overflowed in all directions, trembling the void.


He drank lightly in his mouth, and immediately, with the sword intent of killing, he activated the Xiaoqian sword formation, and saw blood-red sword lights piercing the sky, slashing out fiercely, with the aura of supreme killing.

He is now at the ninth level of the spiritual sea. Although he has just stepped into the ninth level of the spiritual sea, his strength far surpasses those island owners who only have the ninth level of the spiritual sea.

After all, what he practiced was the Heaven Swallowing Dragon Emperor Art. The spiritual sea in his body was incomparably vast, and it was formed by the gathering and condensing of the nine great divine palaces. Within the same realm, he was almost invincible.

Not to mention, he has cultivated the body of a real dragon, and the aura of a real dragon is surging. He is a strong person at the first level of the Taoist platform. In his eyes, he is nothing.




Dao after blood red sword light cut down, bringing up a large rain of blood, and the remaining ten or so people were all killed by him.

So far, the 32 island owners, except for Fenglin Island, the other 31 island owners have all died, buried on the uninhabited island.

At this moment, Zhong Yue, Zhou Xia, and Yue Ling'er were all stunned. Li Changkong's domineering figure was deeply imprinted in their minds.

It's so shocking!

It was only half an hour since Li Changkong appeared, but within this half hour, all 31 island owners were beheaded by Li Changkong.

The strength is so strong that it shocks people's hearts. They never thought that Li Changkong would be so powerful.

Even Zhao Feixue, Jian Lingchen, and Qin Huangdao, the three powerhouses in the Daotai realm, seemed so vulnerable in front of Li Changkong, and they couldn't compete with Li Changkong at all.

King, this is the real king!

On the contrary, the flood dragon, although quite shocked, was obviously much better than Zhong Yue, Yue Ling'er, and Zhou Xia. After all, it had already seen it in Shen Yuan's secret realm. The sky is stronger.

That is the powerful existence that rushed into the thunder cloud and shook the thunder robbery!

Compared with it, what is it to cross the sea of ​​​​death?
After killing all these island owners, Li Changkong walked quickly and came to Zhong Yue.

Now, senior brother Zhong Yue was wounded, while Yue Linger and Zhou Xia were both frozen by Zhao Feixue's mysterious ice aura, this cannot be delayed, otherwise, it will hurt their foundation.

Seeing Li Changkong walking quickly, Zhong Yue's expression moved slightly, revealing a bitter smile, he smiled, shook his head and said, "Junior brother, now, you have already surpassed me as a senior brother!"

He did feel a little frustrated. As a senior brother, he had practiced for decades, but Li Changkong, who is less than 20 years old now, has already achieved such an achievement.

He could predict that the achievements of this little junior brother in the future would not be comparable to his senior brother.

"Eldest brother, you are joking. You have both alchemy and martial arts, and you are proficient in the way of refining weapons, the way of alchemy, and the way of refining weapons. It takes an infinite amount of effort. If you focus on martial arts, then you will be better at martial arts." The achievements in the world are not what they are now."

"Then Zhao Feixue, Jian Lingchen, and Qin Huangdao, even if the three join forces, they can't possibly be the opponent of the senior brother!"

Li Changkong smiled, and immediately, his luck was like a sword, cutting off all the chains of spiritual power.

Afterwards, he took out some elixir and handed it to senior brother Zhong Yue, who asked him to take it to suppress the injuries on his body.

Then, he walked towards Yue Ling'er and Zhou Xia, cut off the chain of spiritual power, and rescued these two little nephews.

But at this moment, the mysterious ice aura on their bodies has not been removed, and their whole bodies are still trembling violently. White air is continuously pouring out from their bodies. The mysterious ice aura seems to freeze the surrounding space.

"This Zhao Feixue is really ruthless!"

Li Changkong couldn't help gritting his teeth. Although Zhao Feixue was beheaded by him now, at this moment, he just felt that he hadn't let go of his anger.


The next moment, a bloody dragon shadow appeared directly behind him, opened its huge dragon mouth, and sucked in suddenly, the mysterious ice aura on Zhou Xia and Yue Ling'er was directly refined by Li Changkong.

woohoo hoo...

After the Xuanbing breath was refined, Zhou Xia and Yue Ling'er breathed heavily, their chests rose and fell sharply, and their faces gradually became rosy.

"Little Martial Uncle, if you killed Zhao Feixue, aren't you afraid that the strong members of her family will seek revenge from you?"

Yue Ling'er blinked her eyes. Originally, she thought that the little master was going to let Zhao Feixue go, but she never thought that Li Changkong finally killed Zhao Feixue without hesitation.

"Girl, you think Zhao Feixue is easy, don't you?"

Li Chang gave Yue Ling'er a blank look, and said angrily: "Do you think that if I don't kill her, she won't go back and ask the strong family to deal with me? Whether she is killed or not, the family she belongs to is doomed." If you want to be my enemy, it is impossible to let me go!"

"Killing her can actually delay some time. After all, now that she is dead, her disciples, even if they can go to the main continent of the God of War Continent, but they are not familiar with the place of life. It will cost them a lot of money to find the Zhao family." A lot of time!"

"As for Zhao Feixue, she is a native of the Zhao family. Naturally, it won't take much time for her to go home."

Both Zhou Xia and Zhong Yue took these words seriously.

"Junior brother, what are your plans next?"

After swallowing the elixir, Zhong Yue's face turned ruddy a lot, and he looked at Li Changkong with a questioning expression.


Li Changkong raised his brows and looked into the distance. His voice was flat, but amidst the flatness, there was a fierce killing intent: "Conquer the sea of ​​death, those who follow me will live, and those who go against me will die!"

"From now on, in the Dead Sea, I am the king!"

In the voice, domineering and unparalleled!
(End of this chapter)

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