Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 479 One Manpower Against Arrow Rain

Chapter 479 One Man Against Arrow Rain (Fourth Change)
Nearly a thousand people all stood up, their gazes still filled with awe. Li Changkong's body was full of momentum, revealing his tyrannical strength.

Moreover, although they did not enter the core of the uninhabited island, they all felt an extremely terrifying aura just after the battle, the aura was like a dragon, and this aura, obviously, came from Li Changkong.

Even Zhao Feixue, Jian Lingchen, and Qin Huangdao, the three giants, were all killed by Li Changkong. Many other island owners of Island 32 also died at the hands of Li Changkong. This battle is bound to be earth-shattering. Shake the entire sea of ​​death!
The situation in the entire sea of ​​death has changed because of this. No one can stop Li Changkong's rise. Those who stand in the way, die!
Therefore, they had no choice but to surrender and admit Li Changkong's status as king.

From now on, Li Changkong is the king, and they are all just courtiers.

"My lords, now, I am the king! However, there are still powerful enemies in the sea of ​​death. Are you willing to go to the various islands with this king to kill the powerful enemies?"

Li Changkong's eyes were sharp, and he glanced away. Now, although the major island owners are all executed, these island owners have been operating in the Dead Sea for many years. There must be many loyalists in the islands. If these loyalists are not completely eradicated, death The situation in the sea area is still extremely chaotic.

Of course, in fact, with his own power, it is enough to sweep the entire sea of ​​death, and these people don't need to take action, but he just wants these people to follow him and kill powerful enemies. First, he can make these people completely surrender, and second , It can also deter those Xiaoxiao, and let the entire Dead Sea know that Li Changkong is the king, which is already the general trend.

Whoever dares to go against this general trend will be crushed to pieces!

"Willing to follow the Sky King!"

"Willing to follow the Sky King!"

"Willing to follow the Sky King!"


All the voices rang out in unison, loud and loud, shaking the sea area.

"Very good, now, go to Feixue Island first, anyone who dares to disobey the order will be killed without mercy!"

Li Changkong's body is unparalleled in domineering, with a majesty that makes it impossible for others to disobey his will.

Soon, many powerhouses all set foot on the warships, and the huge fleet began to march towards Feixue Island.

As for the elder brother Zhong Yue, Yue Linger and Zhou Xia, they returned to Fenglin Island first, the basic situation of this battle was decided, and there was no need for the elder brother to make a move.

Moreover, the elder brother, Zhou Xia, and Yue Ling'er have just recovered from their injuries, and they need to rest for a while, especially Yue Ling'er and Zhou Xia, whose cultivation is far from being comparable to that of Zhong Yue, who was overwhelmed by the mysterious ice breath. Erosion, you must take a good rest, so as not to damage the foundation.

The warships are vast, and there are thousands of warships in full. This is a real thousand boats, and the formation is astonishingly large.

Li Changkong stood on a warship. This warship was originally the warship of Qin Huangdao who belonged to Huangdao Island. It was a thousand meters long and made of steel, like a giant steel beast.

The warship rode the wind and waves, surging in momentum, and the sea breeze blew in, bringing with it a fishy smell, blowing on Li Changkong's face.

His eyes were full of fighting spirit, and this time he set out, he wanted to completely wipe out the entire sea of ​​death and firmly control the entire sea of ​​death in his own hands.

Only in this way can his name of King of the Sky truly be worthy of the name!

Finally, in front of his eyes, a super large island appeared. It was Feixue Island. This Feixue Island was extremely vast. The island was like a small land, and there were even small countries in the island.

And his departure is to completely flatten Feixue Island, and anyone who dares to stand in his way will be killed!

"Boss, this time, leave it to Benlong, quack, it's just a flying snow island, Benlong is enough to flatten it!"

Beside Li Changkong, Jiaolong raised his head, his eyes were full of disdain.

It also swallowed the dragon pill, and swallowed many elixir. The real dragon breath in its body is also extremely strong, and its strength can be said to be extremely powerful.

Feixue Island without Zhao Feixue is not in its eyes at all.

"Okay, since that's the case, then you should go to Feixue Island first and make way for the army!"

Li Changkong glanced at the dragon and chuckled lightly.

He is quite confident about the strength of this flood dragon.

"Okay, boss, you just wait for the good news from Benlong!"

Jiaolong chuckled, and rushed out in an instant. His huge body soared into the sky, and swooped down towards Feixue Island in the distance.

"They're killing!"

"The army is coming!"

"War, I would rather die than submit!"


At this moment, on Feixue Island, many warships were also spotted flying towards them. Immediately, voices of exclamation came from the island.


The next moment, thousands of arrows were fired, and the defense facilities on Feixue Island were extremely complete. Countless bows and crossbows were fired in unison. Thousands of arrows pierced through the air, and the black arrows came like raindrops.

The expressions of all the people present could not help but change slightly. These arrows are not ordinary arrows, but armor-piercing arrows emitting black light, one of which is enough to pierce a warship!
Even Jiaolong couldn't help but change his expression wildly. After all, he underestimated Feixue Island. Although there is no island owner Zhao Feixue in charge on Feixue Island, Feixue Island is one of the three major forces in the Dead Sea. The resources are extremely rich.

Their bows and crossbows are all powerful magic weapons. On the crossbows and crossbows, there are spiritual formations, which absorb the energy of pieces of spirit stones before shooting arrows.

These magic weapons are all specially aimed at powerful warriors, even warriors at the peak of the Ninth Layer of Linghai, they will definitely not be able to shake such a rain of arrows.

"Depend on!"

In the sky, the Flood Dragon Company directly charged into the sky. Such a huge rain of arrows is not something it can resist!

It jerked its body up and rushed towards the sky. These arrows were so fierce that it could only temporarily evade them.

"How dare you resist?"

Li Changkong's eyes froze suddenly, and the surging anger in his chest was instantly ignited.

He rushed straight out, the spiritual power surging in his body, and 490 sword weapons and magic weapons emerged around his body, and above each sword weapon and magic weapon, there was an incomparably fierce sword energy.

Above his body, there is even more sword intent rolling and thunder surging. At this moment, he is urging the thunder sword intent. Now, his thunder sword intent has been cultivated to [-]% level, and it is the four major swords. Unexpectedly, the power is the most powerful.


He drank lightly in his mouth, and immediately, a pair of swords and magic weapons roared out, with the sound of thunder and thunder breaking through the sky, shaking the sky above this sea area.

boom boom boom...

A pair of swords and magic weapons converged into a torrent of sword energy. On top of the torrent of sword energy, there were actually thunder clouds condensed, like thunder roaring, and their power was astonishingly great.

bang bang bang...

The next moment, the densely packed swords and magic weapons collided fiercely with one after another of arrows. In the sky, there were endless fluctuations. The arrows, all of which were scorched black, fell from the sky.

The astonishingly powerful rain of arrows was broken by Li Changkong alone!
"Don't force me, this king's anger is not something you can bear!"

Li Changkong stared at the distance, his eyes were extremely cold, and shouted: "If you resist again, wherever the army passes by, corpses will be scattered all over the field, and blood will flow like rivers!"

(End of this chapter)

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