Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 482 Lost

Chapter 482 Lost (Second)
High in the sky, there was a howling gust of wind, and the turbulent wind was blowing head-on, but the turbulent wind couldn't get within three meters of Li Changkong's body.

Even the warriors of the Shenfu couldn't resist this fierce wind for a long time, but for Li Changkong, it was too easy to resist these strong winds.

He stepped on the dragon, and below, the mountains, peaks, and cities appeared before his eyes, but they disappeared from under his eyes after a while.

Jiaolong's speed is too fast!

Of course, if Li Changkong casts the body of the real dragon and flies in the air by himself, the speed is several times faster than that of the flood dragon, but the body of the real dragon is his bottom card in the bottom of the box, so he won't use it easily, so he certainly doesn't need it Use the body of a real dragon to hurry.

"Now, return to Pill City first, and then kill Zhenwumen!"

Li Changkong had already made a decision in his heart. After all, it had been more than half a year since he left Pill City. Wanxue, Lian Er, and Yan Chen were probably worried, so he decided to return to Pill City first.

In the air, it flew for several days.


Suddenly, Li Changkong couldn't help frowning. Logically speaking, he should be able to reach the vicinity of Pill City by now, but now, he looked down, and saw undulating mountains and dense forests everywhere. It seems that it is still far away from Dan City.

"What's the situation? Could it be that the direction is wrong?"

Li Changkong couldn't help but slapped his head. He went from Pill City to the Dead Sea, but he arrived directly through the teleportation array.

In fact, he didn't know how to go back to Pill City from the Dead Sea, he just pointed out the general direction, and left the rest to Jiaolong.

Looking at it now, this flood dragon is really unreliable!
His majestic Son of Pill City, King of Sky in the Sea of ​​Death, has lost his way now!

If it gets out, it will definitely become the laughing stock of the entire Southern Region.

Thinking of this, Li Changkong couldn't help smiling wryly, and shook his head helplessly.

"You stupid dragon, you can't even find your way!"

Li Changkong stepped on Jiaolong's foot and shouted: "Quickly, find a city, land on it, ask the direction, and then go on your way."

"Boss, I'm wronged, Benlong doesn't know where Pill City is..."

Jiaolong looked aggrieved, but soon, it found a city. In order not to cause alarm, Jiaolong stopped far outside the city.

"Xiaolong, you stay here, I'll go into the city to find out what the hell this is!"

Li Changkong said to Jiaolong, and then he strode away towards the distant city.

Soon, he entered the city, which was not very big, not much different from the capital of the Beiling Kingdom.

In the city, the flow of people is surging, people come and go, and it is a lively scene.

At this moment, Li Changkong restrained his breath, and he looked like an ordinary third-level spiritual powerhouse.

Although, in this city, even the third level of Linghai can be regarded as a peak powerhouse, but at this moment, although there are constant eyes on Li Changkong, no one is too surprised look.

Li Changkong was rather suspicious in his heart, he glanced around, and soon, he found a tea house in the distance, with luxurious decoration.

"Go to the teahouse first, order a few small dishes, taste them, and then ask for directions before setting off!"

With a thought in mind, Li Changkong walked straight into the teahouse.

In the tea house, it was quite lively, and those who could appear here were almost all warriors, and each of them was not weak in cultivation, and they all had the realm of Shenfu.

"Guest officer, what do you want to order? Our Bai Niao Zhao Feng is very famous here, as long as ten low-grade spirit stones, you can taste this signature dish!"

The shop clerk ran over with a flattering look on his face.

As the waiter of the shop, he has seen a lot of the world, and he can tell at a glance that the guest in front of him is a martial artist, and his cultivation is not weak, he is a genius warrior.

For ordinary people, ten low-grade spirit stones is undoubtedly a sky-high price, and they cannot afford such a price, but for these talented warriors, ten low-grade spirit stones are insignificant.

"Oh? Then order it, and then, some side dishes and some drinks."

Li Changkong nodded slightly, not paying attention to it at all, then looked at the waiter in the shop, and asked, "Xiaoer, what exactly is this place?"

"Guest officer, don't you know?"

Hearing Li Changkong's question, the waiter in the store couldn't help but be taken aback, as if he was quite surprised. Could it be that this young man is not a disciple of the Sword Sect?
"Know that I still need to ask you?"

Li Changkong raised his head and said angrily.

"Yes, yes, yes." The shop clerk nodded and bowed repeatedly. He could not afford to provoke anyone who could order food here, and he said, "This is Baishou City, and it is only [-] meters away from Dongji Sword Sect." It's only a few hundred miles away."

"Because there are often disciples of Dongji Sword Sect who pass by here and eat here, so the younger ones regard the guest officer as a disciple of the Sword Sect. Now it seems that the guest officer is not a disciple of the Sword Sect. It is a little reckless! "

"It turns out that I actually came to Dongji Sword Sect!"

Li Changkong couldn't help being angry and funny. Obviously, he had deviated from the direction and came to Dongji Sword Sect.

Fortunately, although he deviated from the direction, he did not deviate too far. Speaking of it, the distance between Dongji Sword Sect and Pill City is only a few thousand miles.

Knowing that this is near Dongji Sword Sect, Li Changkong breathed a sigh of relief, as long as half a day, he can return to Pill City.

Although, it took a lot of time, but finally, I found the direction.

Next, Li Changkong didn't bother to pay attention to the surprised eyes around him, and he began to slowly enjoy the food in front of him.

"Who is this kid?"

"No matter how you look at it, it seems a bit familiar!"


But at this moment, the eyes of all the warriors around were on Li Changkong, and they all stared at Li Changkong.

Most of these people are disciples of the Dongji Sword Sect. They have all seen the killing order issued by the sect. Obviously, there is a portrait of Li Changkong on the killing order.

"He is Li Changkong!"

Finally, a disciple of Dongji Sword Sect recognized Li Changkong's identity and slapped the table to stand up!

Back then, Li Changkong had killed Mo Qiuxue, Elder Mo Tian's most beloved daughter. Even though several years had passed, Elder Mo Tian still held a grudge against him and vowed to kill Li Changkong!
During this period of time, Elder Mo Tian was still tracking down Li Changkong's whereabouts, but he never thought that they would meet him in a small teahouse.

These people are all amazing!

(End of this chapter)

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