Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 486 Mo Tian Appears

Chapter 486 Mo Tian Appears (Part [-])
Li Changkong took Jiaolong on the road again, but this time, he didn't rush on the road anymore, but took Jiaolong on the road slowly. Along the way, he traveled mountains and rivers. Originally, he had walked two full days in the half-day journey. For a few days, they have not returned to Dan City.

"Now, it's only a thousand miles away from Pill City, and it's getting closer and closer. How can Mo Tian still hold his breath?"

Li Changkong frowned slightly. For the past two days, he slowed down and walked slowly, just to wait for Mo Tian to make a move.

But along the way, the wind and the sea were calm, and not even a few people were seen.

"Could it be that Mo Tian doesn't intend to take revenge on me? This doesn't look like his style!"

Li Changkong shook his head, feeling a little puzzled in his heart.


Just when he was wondering, suddenly, his eyelids twitched, and he actually felt a faint breath.


Li Changkong frowned, overjoyed in his heart. Obviously, someone was hiding in the distance, secretly watching him.

Although that figure is very good at hiding, but now, his spiritual sense is too sharp. Although that person hides very well and hardly leaks out much breath, he still cannot hide it from him.

"The fish is finally hooked!"

Li Changkong was overjoyed, but his face was still indifferent, and he assumed an unaware gesture.

"Mo Tian, ​​Mo Tian, ​​I don't know what level your cultivation base has been promoted to during this period of time? Is it the ninth level of the Linghai, or has it been promoted to the Daotai realm?"

Li Changkong looked into the distance, and a sharp look flashed in his eyes.

The current him is too powerful, so no matter how Mo Tian's strength improves, it doesn't make any difference to him.

He led Jiaolong all the way forward, and finally, when he was eight hundred miles away from Pill City, a large number of figures appeared in front of him.

One by one, the disciples of Dongji Sword Sect appeared in front of Li Changkong.

It was the disciples of the Dongji Sword Sect that he met in Tianshui City earlier, and among them, Luo Jiuyou was also impressively listed.

Apart from these Dongji Sword Sect disciples, there were quite a few strong men standing in the distance, as if they were watching.

There are also some disciples of the devil's sect, with devilish energy billowing from their bodies, and sharp eyes, obviously, their intentions are not good.

The corners of Li Changkong's mouth raised, and his eyes suddenly changed. If we say that he was just a dormant hunter before, but now he is a fierce butcher!
"It seems that Mo Tian's courage is much greater than I imagined. Not only does he want to kill me, but he also wants to kill me with his own hands in front of the world!"

He had a clear understanding, obviously, the strong people around him were all invited by Mo Tian, ​​and this person wanted to kill him in front of these people, so as to declare his strength Mo Tian!

In the distance, one by one strong people glanced at them. Most of these strong people are in the sixth or seventh level of the spiritual sea, and they are all the suzerains of some big sects, or the heads of some big families.

Their eyes fell on Li Changkong, and they couldn't help showing a trace of regret. Now, they all know that Li Changkong is the Holy Son of Pill City, Li Changgong!
This son, a talented evildoer, possesses unparalleled aptitude, both alchemy and martial arts, which is amazing, but unfortunately, many geniuses died young. Now, there is another Tianjiao, who has not had time to fully bloom, and is about to perish here.

In their view, no matter how evil this abandoned disciple of the True Martial Sect and the Holy Son of Pill City is, it is absolutely impossible for him to be the opponent of Dongji Sword Sect Mo Tian.

After all, it has been nearly 30 years since Mo Tian became famous, and he was once an arrogance. Now that he has practiced for 30 to [-] years, his cultivation must be extremely powerful, something that Li Changkong cannot match.

"Li Changkong, you are here!"

Seeing Li Changkong's appearance, Luo Jiuyou couldn't help grinning, she changed her previous awe, but now, she was confident.

"It looks like you're looking for me?"

Li Changkong smiled slightly, he didn't care at all, looking calm and breezy.

This is a killing game, but he doesn't care about it at all. The current him is no longer the original him.

These people underestimated him, and anyone who underestimated him would have to pay in blood for it!
"That's right, I'm indeed looking for you, no, to be precise, I'm waiting for you, waiting to watch a big drama, the drama of Tianjiao's fall."

Luo Jiuyou laughed out loud, very proud.

Li Changkong's eyes were full of contempt, he raised his head in disdain, chuckled, and said, "Luo Jiuyou, you alone want to kill me?"

"Me? No, no, no, the one who killed you is naturally not me!"

Luo Jiuyou shook his head again and again, he turned his head, looked into the distance, and said with a smile, "Elder Mo Tian, ​​are you still not showing up?"

As the voice fell, there was a whoosh, and a figure rushed over from a distance. The speed of this person was astonishingly fast, but in a blink of an eye, he came to Luo Jiuyou and appeared in front of Li Changkong.

"Elder Mo Tian, ​​finally appeared!"

"His cultivation has become stronger. Last time, he was still at the eighth level of the spiritual sea, but now, he has stepped into the ninth level of the spiritual sea!"

"As expected of the Dongji Sword Sect's famed Tianjiao powerhouse, he is only in his forties now? He has already reached the realm of the Ninth Heaven of the Spirit Sea. In the future, Daotai can be expected!"

"If the Dongji Sword Sect has an extra Daotai realm expert, that would be a big deal. With the strength of the Dongji Sword Sect alone, I'm afraid they can even compete with Dancheng."

"No wonder, this Mo Tian dared to intercept the Holy Son of Pill City here. This place is only [-] miles away from Pill City. If the King of Pill knew about it, his most proud disciple would be killed [-] miles away from Pill City." , I’m afraid I’m going to spit blood out of anger, right?”


All around, voices kept ringing, coming from all directions. Among the voices, there were shocks, regrets, and expectations...

These people all have extraordinary backgrounds. Although they are not members of the top ten sects, they also come from some powerful sects and families that are second only to the top ten sects. The cultivation base has already stepped into the realm of the nine heavens of the spiritual sea.

Mo Tian appeared, exuding a powerful aura from his body, he made no effort to conceal his strength, his eyes were extremely sharp, and he looked at Li Changkong with killing intent.

"Li Changkong, you killed my daughter, I keep this account in my heart!"

"Do you think that if you hide in Pill City, you can escape? Hmph, I swear by Mo Tian, ​​even the ends of the earth, mountains of swords and seas of fire, will kill you and avenge me, Xue'er!"

Mo Tian breathed heavily, pointed at Li Changkong, and began to drink heavily.

He had waited for this day for too long!
At this moment, his eyes are blood red, and his killing intent is rolling!
(End of this chapter)

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