Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 492 Vibration from all sides

Chapter 492 Vibration from all sides (second update)

a few days later.

The news that Elder Mo Tian was beheaded by Li Changkong's sword quickly spread, and the entire southern region was buzzing with countless people talking about this battle.

This battle was called the battle of rising. Elder Mo Tian, ​​as the backbone of the older generation of powerhouses, was already close to the peak of strength, but in the end, he was beheaded by Li Changkong with a sword!

This battle, declared that a man of heaven's pride has completely risen, and the gap with those peak powerhouses has become smaller and smaller!

As for Li Changkong, that is, the news of Li Changkong was widely spread, and almost half of the people in the southern region knew that Li Changkong, the former true martial arts abandoned disciple, was Li Changkong, the holy son of Dancheng.

The name of Li Changkong resounded throughout the Southern Region, and in the Southern Region, all forces, large and small, were talking about this name.

In the Kingdom of Beiling.

King Beiling's eyes flickered, and his eyes flickered with brilliance. He had always been extremely optimistic about Li Changkong, and he tried his best to win over Li Changkong.

Now, when he heard the news that Li Changkong beheaded Elder Mo Tian, ​​he looked quite excited, his eyes flashed brightly, and he exclaimed in his heart: "This son has really risen, and in the future, no one will dare to bully me in the Beiling Kingdom! "

At this moment, in Xiongwu Prefecture, the entire city was boiling.

Li Changkong is the young Tianjiao who walked out of their Xiongwu Prefecture. He became famous at a young age. He once beheaded the lord of a state in Xiongwu Prefecture and trampled down many big clans.

Now, Li Changkong has reached a height that they couldn't even imagine. He killed the seventh elder of Dongji Sword Sect with one strike!
The reputation resounded throughout the Southern Region!
The entire Li family was completely erupting. Elder Li Yuan, the head of the Li family, was in tears at this moment, and his eyes were red with excitement.

"Although Li Changkong's heart is not with the Li family, he is still a member of the Li family after all. From then on, who dares to despise my Li family in Xiongwu Prefecture?"

Li Yuan was so excited that his body trembled. From then on, the power of the Li family would definitely develop rapidly.

In Dancheng, the Su family.

Hearing this news, Su Jing, the chief elder of the Su family, was immediately stunned.

Below, Su Rongrong was also stunned, feeling unbelievable that Li Changkong killed Elder Mo Tian with a single sword?
That's a strong man at the peak of the Ninth Layer of Linghai!

"Fortunately, fortunately, Su Rongrong, if you hadn't stopped me back then, our Su family would have almost been destroyed!"

Su Jing trembled all over, heaved a long sigh, his eyes were cloudy.

At first, he planned to confront Li Changkong. Fortunately, Su Rongrong persuaded him to mend his relationship with Li Changkong. Fortunately, he obeyed.

Otherwise, Li Changkong has risen completely at this moment, and his Su family has nowhere to go.

Su Rongrong's expression was also extremely complicated. At the beginning, she just had an intuition that she must not offend Li Changkong, but she did not expect that it was only a short period of time that Li Changkong had grown to such an extent.


Wan Mozong.

Wan Li, the suzerain of the Wanmo Sect, looked furious after hearing the news, and slapped out a palm, and a terrifying deep pit appeared on the ground, with black devil energy surging.

Li Changkong, this son, once killed many disciples of the Wanmo Sect in the barren ancient mountains, and robbed Gu Feiyang, the holy son of the Wanmo Sect, and later took Gu Feiyang as a slave!

The Wan Mo Sect has always been ashamed of this incident, and has been looking for opportunities to assassinate Li Changkong and capture the traitor Gu Feiyang, but in the end, they never found a chance to act.

Now, there is shocking news that Li Changkong has grown to such a terrifying level in a short period of time!

I'm afraid that in two or three years time, even their Myriad Demon Sect will be unable to stop Li Changkong.

"Damn, damn, back then, I should have killed this son at all costs, but unfortunately, now, there is no chance!"

Wan Li beat his chest with both hands, feeling very annoyed.


Dongji Sword Sect.

In the secret room, Zuo Qianren, the suzerain of Dongji Sword Sect, and Feng Yue, the great elder, all appeared in this small secret room.

This is the formation center of the entire Dongji Sword Sect, and it is the most important place, only the suzerain and the great elder can enter!

The Great Elder Feng Yue looked old, but his aura was like the sea, unfathomable, and even his body was faintly entwined with the power of law.

Although he has never been promoted to the Daotai realm, he has already half-stepped into the Daotai realm. This kind of realm is called the half-step Daotai realm!
His strength is much stronger than Mo Tian's.

And the suzerain Zuo Qianren is in the real Taoist realm, and the power of the law is quite strong.

But at this moment, Zuo Qianren's muscles were violent, his fists were clenched, and his eyes were full of fury.

This time, his Dongji Sword Sect was completely humiliated. Many disciples of the Dongji Sword Sect died, even the first Tianjiao Luo Jiuyou and the seventh elder Mo Tian were all killed!

Today's Dongji Sword Sect has become a laughingstock. In the entire southern region, there are countless forces secretly laughing.

However, they couldn't help Li Changkong. Today's Li Changkong is in Pill City, which is the largest force in the entire southern region, with the Pill King in charge!
The head of the Danbao Pavilion, Situ Kong, is at the Daotai realm, and the master of the Danwu Hall is also at the Daotai realm. Those who are strong in one school and two Daotai realms can be said to be extremely powerful.

There is also the king of alchemy sitting in the town himself. This king of alchemy is also a master of both alchemy and martial arts. Wang's martial arts cultivation base is definitely not inferior to the strength of alchemy!

This alchemy king is like a great demon king. Although he has always been kind and friendly, no one dares to provoke him!

If they were not in awe of the strength of the Alchemy King, how could the other nine sects among the ten major sects allow the Danbao Pavilion to continue to grow and develop?

"Damn, hate, this Li Changkong is really arrogant, killing me Tianjiao, killing me Seventh Elder, is this trying to break the root of my Dongji Sword Sect?"

Zuo Qianren gritted his teeth, the veins popped out on his forehead.

Below, the Great Elder Feng Yue couldn't help but sighed. He was extremely optimistic about Mo Tian. He had always believed that Mo Tian was his successor and the best candidate to take over as the Great Elder in the future.

I never thought that Mo Tian has fallen now!

He had already persuaded Mo Tian to let go of his hatred, but unfortunately, Mo Tian was too paranoid and never took his words to heart.

"Sovereign, at this time, you must not be impulsive. Danbao Pavilion is powerful. Our Dongji Sword Sect is not the opponent of Danbao Pavilion. If you provoke Danbao Pavilion, you will be destroyed!"

The great elder sighed again and again.

"Are we going to swallow this breath?" Zuo Qianren said bitterly.

"Not necessarily. Now, Li Changkong's enemies are not only our Dongji Sword Sect, Wanmo Sect, and Zhenwu Sect are Li Changkong's mortal enemies, but many other sects do not want to see such a proud rise. !"

The Great Elder pondered for a moment, began to analyze the situation, and said in a deep voice: "We can try, unite with other major sects, put pressure on Danbao Pavilion, and force them to hand over Li Changkong!"

"Just do as you say."

Zuo Qianren sighed, until now, this is the only way to unite with other sects to fight against Danbao Pavilion!

This is the only way.

(End of this chapter)

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