Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 500 Fighting Xiao Xuan

Chapter 500 Fighting Xiao Xuan (fifth change)
As soon as the Heaven and Earth Forbidden Law Palm was released, the spiritual power of the heaven and earth was immediately forbidden. Many disciples of the true martial arts present trembled one by one, as if the world had collapsed. They felt that the spiritual power of the heaven and earth, which could be mobilized at will, was completely dead at this moment.

All the elders of the True Martial Sect also stepped back one by one at this moment, feeling the immense power of this palm, their bodies trembled slightly.

"Heaven and Earth Forbidden Palm is indeed terrifying, but unfortunately, it is useless to me!"

Li Changkong raised his head, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, forbidding the spiritual power of heaven and earth is useless to him at all, because he has cultivated into the body of a real dragon, and the most powerful thing is his physical body.

His physical body is like a real dragon, with strong defense and amazing strength!
"Pick me up!"

Li Changkong yelled loudly, and then, there was a crackling sound from his body, the muscles all over his body exploded, and the power of a dragon and a tiger was completely revealed!
He rushed straight out, punching out with one punch. This punch burst out with the power of thousands of dragons, and the power was mighty. On his body, a bright golden light burst out, like a golden god of war. .

The power is mighty and the power is astounding!

The fist and Xiao Xuan's Heaven and Earth Forbidden Palm slammed together fiercely, only to hear a loud bang, which could be heard endlessly, and the astonishing fluctuations erupted formed shocking waves of air, which suddenly spread towards the surroundings.

Many True Martial Sect disciples couldn't stand stably, and were blown away by the air waves. On the ground, many blue bricks were shattered one after another.

And under the feet of Li Changkong and Xiao Xuan, a deep pit was trampled out, the ground was cracked, and the cracks spread towards the surroundings like spider silk.

Ding Ding Deng!
Under the astonishing surging force, Xiao Xuan's footsteps actually retreated again and again, more than ten steps back, this is the only way to stabilize his body.

His face couldn't help showing a look of incomparable horror. He is a dignified Daotai first-level peak powerhouse, the suzerain of one of the top ten sects, and the peak warrior in the entire southern region. But now, he is fighting with Li Changkong Among them, he fell into a disadvantage from the very beginning.

The power that erupted from Li Changkong's fist made his heart palpitate endlessly. It seemed that the other party's punch could shake mountains and shatter mountains and rivers!
He felt a little unbelievable, how could a human body be so strong?

But at this moment, a fierce and tyrannical aura erupted from Li Changkong's body, like an ancient beast, showing its fangs.

This made him have to accept that Li Changkong in front of him had grown to an astonishing height, even enough to fight against him.

"No wonder, Elder Mo Tian was beheaded by you with a single sword, he is truly an eternal monster!"

Xiao Xuan stared at Li Changkong, a look of shock flashed in his eyes, but immediately, an astonishing aura erupted from his body again.

"But it's a pity, no matter how strong you are, you will still fall today!"

Xiao Xuan rushed forward again, fully using the Heaven and Earth Forbidden Technique Palm, and saw palm shadows, all forbidden ten thousand techniques, bombarding towards Li Changkong with a fierce aura.

The two fought together thoroughly.

Xiao Xuan's strength is stronger than any of Zhao Feixue, Jian Lingchen, and Qin Huangdao. He is at the peak of the first stage of Daotai, and his martial arts skills are better than Zhao Feixue, Jian Lingchen, and Qin Huangdao. The battle strength of Jian Lingchen and Qin Huangdao is naturally stronger than any of the three of them.

And at this moment, the disciples and elders of the Zhenwu Sect in the distance were all startled at this moment. They had already known the powerful fighting power of the suzerain Xiao Xuan, so they were not surprised.

But at this moment, Li Changkong was able to fight head-on with the suzerain, and he didn't lose the wind at all, which made them tremble in shock, and each of them had a stormy sea in their hearts.

Suzerain, that is the peak powerhouse standing on the top of the entire Southern Territory, the cultivation base of the first level of Daotai, and Li Changkong is now at the peak of Linghai Ninth level, there is a huge gap between the Linghai realm and the Daotai realm chasm.

After all, in the Daotai realm, if you use the power of the heavens, you can have a strong coercion with a random move. Even a warrior at the peak of the ninth level of Linghai can hardly resist a move by a warrior at the first level of the Daotai.

Li Changkong's performance made them extremely horrified. Only now did they realize that they had completely underestimated Li Changkong.

This person, who dared to break into the Zhenwu Sect and came to seek revenge, was definitely not reckless, but that he really had this strength!

At this moment, Gu Feiyang, Xiaohui, and Xiaolong were all standing together, watching the fierce battle next to them, which almost destroyed the entire mountain, they couldn't help being amazed.

Especially Gu Feiyang, he was already extremely surprised when he knew that Li Changkong killed Mo Tian with a single sword, but now, he knew that this was not Li Changkong's limit!
"He was able to fight against the top level one of Daotai. So far, he has not fallen into a disadvantage, but there is a tendency to gain the upper hand!"

"The master is the master. I am ancient and arrogant. Although I have fallen into a slave, I have always been unwilling. Only now do I know that the gap between me and the master is like the gap between heaven and earth!"

At this moment, he has completely surrendered in his heart, and he no longer has the slightest disrespect towards Li Changkong.

"Damn, the boss is so fierce!!!"

Xiao Hui was full of excitement, raised his head to the sky and howled, the wolf howled.

"No, no, this is impossible, he actually suppressed the suzerain!"

But at this moment, Su Zhan looked devastated. As the number one pride of Zhenwumen, he was extremely proud.

But at this moment, all his pride was shattered in front of Li Changkong, and his glory became worthless in front of Li Changkong.

This gap is too big, big enough to make him despair!
"You still don't make a move? Capture his servants, war pets, and mounts in one go!"

During the battle, Xiao Xuan roared angrily, the evil spirit on his body was astonishing, no matter what the outcome of this battle, the True Martial Sect was destined to become a laughing stock.

A former abandoned disciple rushed into the sect and started killing. Now, he personally took action, and he was deadlocked for a long time, losing all face.

He fell into endless anger, hateful, too hateful!
All this humiliation was brought about by Li Changkong!
Unforgivable, Li Changkong, damn it!

Xiao Xuan's body was trembling, and then, in his hand, the powerful power of law condensed into a magic sword, and the magic sword contained monstrous power, just like the power of heaven.

He stared at Li Changkong with serious eyes, and said coldly: "Li Changkong, this is the real martial arts sword, the supreme sword of killing and cutting, condensed with laws, today, you can let me activate the real martial arts sword, If you die, you can be proud!"

(End of this chapter)

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