Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 53 Fist and Surprise 4 Seats

Chapter 53
Facing many gazes projected over him, there was disdain, sarcasm, and murderous intent...

But Li Changkong stood proudly with his hands behind his back, his waist as straight as a spear, and his eyes gleamed with infinite brilliance.

Even in the face of so many powerful enemies, he did not flinch in the slightest, nor did he have the slightest fear!

The road of the strong is forged with iron fists with both hands, and the road of every strong is paved with mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

At this moment, Lin Wanxue looked at Li Changkong, and couldn't help but be dazzled. She didn't know where this boy got his courage and confidence, but at this moment, Li Changkong's figure had already penetrated deeply into the girl's heart.

"Boy, get out! Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

The Gang Yuan warrior who had attacked Li Changkong earlier gave Li Changkong a vicious look with a fierce look on his face.

In his opinion, this is a kid who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, even if he is beaten and killed, it is no big deal.

Li Changkong's eyes froze, and he shot out brazenly, punching out, bursting out with a huge force, punching out, almost like a wild elephant colliding, the air was shaken, and there was a violent roar the sound of.

The Gang Yuan warrior who made the noise didn't expect Li Changkong to dare to make a move. For a while, his reaction was a little slow, and he couldn't make a move. He only had time to circulate the Gang Yuan, and the thick Gang Yuan spread all over his body.

He snorted coldly in his heart, without any fear, he was already in the Gangyuan realm, and he had a Gangyuan shield on his body, so what if he was just a nine-layer body-refining martial artist who endured this punch for life?
I'm afraid that this punch, not only won't hurt him, but will shake the ignorant boy's fist to the bone.

The people around all showed sneering expressions. From their point of view, it was the boy who wanted to die by himself, and they could not blame others.

The next moment, Li Changkong's punch hit the Gangyuan warrior's body fiercely, and huge power burst out instantly.

The Gangyuan warrior, with a smile on his face at the beginning, was about to speak, but the next moment, a heart-piercing pain came from his chest, and immediately after, his whole body was He fell and flew out, a full five or six meters away.


This gangster warrior uttered a scream that was as piercing as a slaughter of a pig. On his chest, blood was dripping, his gangster was shattered, and a bloody fist mark appeared, his entire chest was almost sunken.

His face was as pale as paper, and there was endless horror in his eyes. The opponent's punch was so powerful that it almost killed him instantly.

"how come?"

"how is this possible?"

"Although Linghu is only at the second level of Gangyuan, his realm is still much higher than that kid. How could he not even be able to withstand a punch from that kid?"

Everyone's expression changed, they just thought it was incredible!


Xu Sanniang's pretty face turned cold, revealing a bit of chill, she didn't expect that she had misread it, this kid was so powerful that he could defeat a gang-yuan double fighter.

Feng Qi, an old man in fiery red robes, also changed slightly. Where did this disciple of the big family come from?

In his opinion, only the disciples of those great families can possess such powerful power in such a state.

"Boy, do you dare?"

Another Gang Yuan warrior rushed out, this person is Ling Hu's eldest brother, Ling Kong, who has the fourth level of Gang Yuan cultivation, seeing Ling Hu being seriously injured, he naturally wants to avenge Ling Hu!

The Gangyuan on his body surged, and a Gangyuan spear was condensed in his hand. He threw it out without thinking, and suddenly there was a sharp sound of piercing the sky. The speed of the Gangyuan spear was so fast that the naked eye could see it. It is difficult to capture its trajectory, only to see a bright rainbow flashing across the sky.

"Fourth level warrior of Gangyuan, condensed gang soldiers, this time, that kid will definitely die!"

The eyes of Feng Qi, an old man in fiery red robes, flickered. When he saw Ling Kong making a move, he was extremely sure that the kid was dead.

After all, he is a warrior of the fourth level of Gangyuan, who can condense his gangster into a soldier. Such methods, ordinary warriors, cannot resist at all.

The thoughts in other people's minds were the same as that of the old man in red robes, Feng Qi, who believed that Li Changkong must die.

Yun Tao's eyes were burning, and he was quite shocked when he saw Li Changkong's punch earlier.

You know, he is only a second-tier Gangyuan warrior, and he never imagined that a soil turtle that he looked down on before could have such a powerful strength.

But now, with a smug smile on his face, he seemed to be able to see the scene where Li Changkong was pierced by the Gangyuan spear.


Under the eyes of everyone, Li Changkong just let out a cold snort, and he punched out again, as if the power of a dragon and a tiger gushed out of his body, under the punch, it was like a river bursting its embankment, surging and surging.

His punch directly collided with the Gangyuan spear in the air, and the power of the dragon and tiger exploded, smashing the Gangyuan spear in an instant.

And this punch, with unfinished strength, continued to hit Ling Kong.

Ling Kong's face changed, and he rushed out with both fists, intending to meet Li Changkong's fists.

But then, there was the sound of cracking bones, and his arms hung down weakly, and his arms were directly crippled.


Li Changkong's eyes were filled with indifference, and he kicked it out, hard on Ling Kong's stomach.

Ling Kong's whole body was kicked out, flew seven or eight meters away, and landed on the ground hard, raising large swaths of dust. The situation was even worse than that of Ling Hu.

"He is so strong?"

Chen Nan was dumbfounded watching this scene, his eyes filled with disbelief.

He also knew that Li Changkong once fought against the patriarchs of the four major clans and defeated the patriarchs of the four major clans, but he heard that Li Changkong was not feeling well at that time, and he was seriously injured.

But now, Li Changkong just punched at random, severely injuring a martial artist of the fourth level of Gangyuan, it seemed so easy, and he didn't use much strength at all.

The people around were all stunned, shocked beyond words.

"This kid, how could he be so terrifying?"

"It can't be a disciple of a certain hidden world clan, right? Rumor has it that the disciples carefully cultivated by those hidden world clans are all unparalleled in combat power. Fighting across realms is as easy as eating and drinking water!"

"Nonsense, how did the disciples of the hidden world come to such a barren place? What is it to the disciples of the hidden world when a mere treasure of the divine palace is born? Not necessarily."


Everyone was discussing one after another, looking at Li Changkong with a look of surprise and uncertainty.

(End of this chapter)

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