Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 547 Comparable to the First Generation

Chapter 547 Comparable to the first generation (second update)

Zhan royal family, outside the ancestral land.

Many young disciples of the Zhan royal family are all looking forward to it. Looking at the ancestral land in the distance, there is anticipation in their eyes.

Previously, Tianjiao Lingtian entered the ancestral land, seeking opportunities, and awakening the silent ancestral blood. Now, it is finally time for the ancestral land to reopen.

The Zhanwang family is the son of Zhanwang, the bloodline handed down is extremely powerful, once the ancestral blood contained in the body is truly awakened, the strength is unrivaled.

According to rumors, in the past thousand years, only one person entered the ancestral land, finally successfully awakened the ancestral blood in his body, and came out alive!
That person is Wushuang Tianjiao, Ling Danqing, so far, he still ranks first on the list of Danwu, and no one can shake his position.

Rumor has it that this person is still alive today, on the main continent of the God of War Continent, continuing to pursue a more powerful and pinnacle path of martial arts.

And now, another person has entered. These Zhanwang Clan disciples are all looking forward to it, looking forward to Ling Tian being able to come out of the ancestral land alive.

Ancestral blood, that is truly powerful. Although the blood in their bodies of the War Royal Clan is still strong, it is no longer comparable to the ancestral blood.

After all, after so long a time and so many generations, the power of their blood is getting weaker and weaker.

However, if the ancestral blood can be awakened, then the bloodline is equivalent to the first-generation bloodline, and its potential is comparable to that of the son of the war king.

If Ling Tian succeeds, then the lineage of the Zhan Royal Family will definitely be revived!

Not only these disciples of the Zhanwang clan, but also many elders of the Zhanwang clan stood outside the ancestral land, looking at the gray ancestral land, where their ancestor, the Zhanwang, was buried!

If he can get the gift left by the ancestor King of War, then Ling Tian can truly awaken the ancestral blood in his body, comparable to the first generation, with unlimited potential!

"Ling Tian, ​​have you succeeded?"

At this moment, Ling Jue stared fixedly at Zu Di, looking rather nervous.

Now, Li Changkong, a holy son, came out of Danbao Pavilion, who single-handedly destroyed the Zhenwu Sect, and even the master of the Zhenwu Sect was killed by Li Changkong.

This made the Zhan royal family feel extremely heavy pressure. To be able to fight against Li Changkong, Ling Tian must successfully awaken the ancestral blood to make this possible!
Whether Ling Tian's awakening can be successful is too important to the Zhanwang family.

Da da da!
At this moment, the sound of heavy footsteps came from the ancestral land. It seemed that there was a huge ancient beast striding out from the ancestral land.

Hearing the extremely heavy footsteps, the hearts of many Zhan royal disciples started beating in accordance with the rhythm of the footsteps.

One by one, they stared at each other, breathed heavily, and were extremely nervous.

Finally, the footsteps sounded closer and closer, and a figure appeared in front of their eyes.

Ling Tian!

All eyes were on Ling Tian's body.

At this moment, although Ling Tian's appearance has not changed in any way, his aura has completely changed. He is powerful and fierce. There is actually a golden light shining in his eyes. That golden light seems to be able to pierce the sky!

And this is a symbol of a strong bloodline!

A person with a strong bloodline can affect the aura, with a domineering aura, and a look with a strong aura.

At this moment, Ling Tian's blood was surging, and there was a tyrannical and bloody aura coming from his body, like an ancient beast.

Violent, overbearing!
It felt like a real battle king standing in front of them.

Even under Ling Tian's powerful blood pulse, these Zhanwang disciples felt that their blood seemed to be surging rapidly, and their qi and blood became disordered.

"Ling Tian, ​​have you succeeded?"

At this moment, Ling Jue's eyes were filled with endless surprise. His eyes swept over Ling Tian, ​​and his excitement was hard to hide.

He could tell that the current Ling Tian had a stronger cultivation than him, and he had already stepped into the Taoist realm, moreover, he was at the peak of the first level of the Taoist platform!
With such a powerful realm, coupled with the blood of the War King, his combat power is extremely tyrannical!
In fact, Ling Jue had already guessed that Ling Tian must have succeeded, awakening the ancestral blood in his body, otherwise, Ling Tian would not be able to break through the Taoist realm in a short period of time and be promoted to the Taoist platform all at once A peak state.

Under the gaze of one after another, Ling Tian's eyes revealed a majestic look. He was like a son of God, violent and domineering, giving people an irresistible taste.

"Elder Ling Jue, I have succeeded. I have awakened my bloodline. Now, I am comparable to the first generation, with unparalleled talent!"

"From now on, in the entire southern region, there is nothing that can stop us from the Zhan Royal Family. Anyone who dares to stop the Zhan Royal Family will die!"

In Ling Tian's eyes, the blazing light kept flickering, and he said in an unquestionable tone.

All the disciples of the Zhanwang Clan shouted wildly, extremely excited.

They fought against the royal family, because in the previous battle with the blood demon family, although they eventually killed the blood demon family, they also suffered huge losses in the battle against the royal family. In the end, they had to choose to hide from the world and no longer participate in the battle between the southern regions.

But now, Ling Tian has awakened his ancestral blood, his potential is comparable to that of the first generation, and his future strength will be so strong that the entire southern region will kneel at the feet of the Zhanwang family.

The glory of the Zhanwang clan is finally about to reappear in the world!
As disciples of the Zhanwang Clan, they were naturally excited and felt supremely honored.

"Ling Tian, ​​now that you have awakened your bloodline, the patriarch is still waiting for you, why don't you go see the patriarch first?"

There was a hint of surprise in Ling Jue's eyes. He was keenly aware that after Ling Tian awakened his blood, his personality had changed a lot. Compared with before, he was more domineering and maddening.

"No need!"

Ling Tian waved his hand, his eyes were full of arrogance, he looked into the distance, and said coldly: "In the past, I lost to Li Changkong in the alchemy competition in the alchemy city, although it was only in the alchemy I lost to him, but it is still a shame in my life!"

"Now, I have awakened my bloodline, advanced to the Taoist realm, and have unparalleled combat power. It's time to wash away this shame. Only with his blood of Li Changkong can I wash away this shame!"

"Elder Ling Jue, you accompany me on a trip to Pill City. This time, I want Li Changkong to be completely defeated and die without a place to die!"

Ling Tian's eyes exuded a monstrous fighting intent. He had been affected by his blood, and became violent, eager to fight.

And the only one who is qualified to fight him is Li Changkong!

After all, the news came out earlier that Li Changkong single-handedly destroyed the Zhenwumen, shocking the entire southern region. Now, Li Changkong's reputation in the southern region is much greater than his battle with the royal family Ling Tian!

Ling Jue's eyes flickered, and he hesitated in his heart, but at this moment, Ling Tian didn't give Elder Ling Jue a chance to speak out against him. With this hand, he grabbed Elder Ling Jue and rushed away into the distance.

Many disciples of the Zhanwang Clan showed astonishment one by one, but immediately, they came to their senses and chased after them one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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