Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 55 Joint Siege

Chapter 55 Joint Siege (Part [-])

"His strength is so strong?"

"Li Gang was beaten to death by him just like that? Li Gang is at the fifth level of Gang Yuan!"


Many people showed a look of astonishment.

But more people were extremely angry and felt a strong sense of humiliation. They tried their best to attack Li Changkong with their own powerful attacks.

All of a sudden, the attacks rained down like raindrops, and the density was horribly dense.

"Lingyun footwork."

Li Changkong stepped on the Gangbu, this Lingyun footwork is a mysterious martial skill, extremely mysterious, and it is even more unpredictable when he uses it.


His footsteps were so fast that it was impossible to catch the trajectory, dodging and moving among the crowd, attacking one after another, and he was moved by him and bombarded on other people.


"Your uncle, you hit me..."

"my hand……"

A series of extremely chaotic voices resounded one after another, and the entire battlefield was in chaos.

After all, these people are all powerful people coming from all directions, and when they make their own moves, they don't have so many scruples. They don't have any rules at all. Let the battlefield become chaotic.

Even, after their attacks were dodged by Li Changkong, they landed on other people instead, causing a large number of casualties.

The reason why Li Changkong dared to go into the crowd alone was because he had already expected this.

On the side, Feng Qi, the old man in fiery red robes, stared at him suddenly. He could tell that after entering the crowd, Li Changkong's footwork was extremely mysterious, and he felt like a fish in water among the crowd.

"Xu Sanniang, you and I fight together, only you and I can match this person!"

At this moment, Feng Qi, the old man in fiery red robes, looked at Li Changkong with no slightest contempt anymore.

After all, Li Changkong had beheaded many strong men in a row, and now he displayed a mysterious footwork. His strength made him feel a strong threat.

"it is good!"

Xu Sanniang yelled loudly, and then streams of incomparably thick Gang Yuan burst out from her body, and her palms directly slapped out. Suddenly, in the air, waves came slapping , the palm strength is feminine, but with evil spirit.


Li Changkong's eyes froze, and he shouted loudly, and suddenly, the power of dragon and tiger burst out.

He punched out, using the True Martial God Fist, this kind of boxing is extremely fierce, coupled with majestic strength, and even a majestic aura, rushing to him with incomparably feminine palm strength.

Ding Ding Deng

With one move, Xu Sanniang took three steps back, but was actually suppressed by Li Changkong, who had a strong body but was powerless.

This feeling made Xu Sanniang blush, this feeling of being aggrieved was too uncomfortable.

"Boy, give me a punch!"

The old man in the fiery red robe punched with a strong evil spirit, and even a blood evil spirit shot up into the sky.

Blood Warrior!
This Feng Qi is obviously a bloodline warrior, with the bloodline of evil blood, and every move is full of strong evil spirit.

The people around seemed to feel a bloody smell. Under this punch, they couldn't help but feel heart palpitations and retreated one after another.

"The blood of the mere middle-grade yellow class is also showing shame?"

Li Changkong sneered all over, he was not afraid of blood evil spirit at all, his Tuntian bloodline was countless times stronger than the opponent's bloodline.

In fact, he could tell that Feng Qi's bloodline was not the real bloodline of bloody fiend. Once the real bloody bloodline of bloody fiend was activated, the sea of ​​blood would surge and corpses would litter the field.

Every one who has awakened the blood of blood fiend is the supreme devil, the head of the devil who runs across the southern region.

This Fengqi is obviously too far away. It should be just a branch of Xue Fiend's bloodline, and it is only a bloodline belonging to the middle-grade Huang rank.

He pushed the body of the flood dragon with all his strength, revealing the aura of rigidity and yang, and with one punch, a huge force of 20 jin burst out suddenly.

The fists of the two collided, and then Feng Qi fell and flew out, with a trace of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, which was actually a bit more miserable than Xu Sanniang.

"This guy, so fierce?"

Yun Tao on the side showed a look of astonishment. At first he thought that Li Changkong would definitely die, but it turned out that Li Changkong was still alive and kicking until now. with injuries.

"Young Master, we took advantage of their chaotic battle to steal that rare treasure secretly. After we got the rare treasure, the battle here will be turned upside down, and it has nothing to do with us!"

Behind Yun Tao, a guard stepped forward and spoke to Yun Tao.

"It makes sense!"

Yun Tao slapped his thigh, his eyes lit up, the dragon-shaped long sword, at a glance, he knew that it was not an ordinary product, at least it was a treasure of the divine palace.

Although his Yun family is the master of Yunshan City, Yunshan City is just a small town in Xiongwu Prefecture, and he has never even seen the treasure of the Divine Palace.

"Han Shan, you have made a great contribution. After you go back, the young master will reward you a lot!"

Yun Tao chuckled, taking advantage of the ongoing battle ahead, he took a few guards and walked around from behind.

in the battlefield.

Feng Qi and Xu Sanniang, both with red eyes, joined forces to kill Li Changkong.

"Tiangang Palm Technique!"

Xu Sanniang's palms were flying, and suddenly, there were many palm shadows. On each palm shadow, there was a strong stellar energy.

"Storm Fist!"

Feng Qi suddenly unleashed the Feng Family's unique Storm Fist, his fists rushed like a storm, the energy was rolling, and the bloody aura overwhelmingly pressed towards Li Changkong.

"you wanna die!"

Li Changkong shouted loudly, and a mighty force radiated from his body.

In his body, there seemed to be roaring dragons and tigers, and angry dragons rushing out. Facing the joint attack of Feng Qi and Xu Sanniang, he did not change his expression, and jumped out with a punch, as if a punch could crack a mountain.


With this punch, suddenly, there was a loud bang in the air, like a thunderbolt in a sunny day, which suddenly struck down, making people's scalp explode.

bah bah...

Under this punch, Feng Qi and Xu Sanniang both fell and flew out, flying seven or eight meters away, and smashed hard on the ground, their injuries were more serious than before, and they looked extremely embarrassed.

The power of a punch is so powerful!

Those warriors looked at each other in blank dismay, shocked by the strength displayed by Li Changkong, they did not dare to step forward at all.

Li Changkong didn't pay attention to them at all, even Feng Qi and Xu Sanniang didn't bother to pay attention, he strode forward, using Lingyun's footwork, extremely fast.

"Yun Tao, you are courting death!"

With a loud shout, he rushed out suddenly, rushed to Yun Tao's side, and punched out directly.

This genius of the Yun family was blown away by Li Changkong's punch, his chest exploded, his chest was bloody and bloody.

Seeing that it is impossible to save.

(End of this chapter)

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