Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 64 The Might of One Sword

Chapter 64 The Might of a Sword (Part [-])
"Boy, get out, our Qinglang Gang is doing things, and it's not your turn to take care of it!"

A disciple of the Blue Wolf Gang stared at Li Changkong with a fierce look on his face, showing a bit of evil spirit.

"Only you, dare to be arrogant in front of me?"

Li Changkong sneered, instead of stopping, he strode forward.

"court death!"

Several disciples of the Blue Wolf Gang suddenly became furious, and swiped the machetes used in gang fights, slashing directly at Li Changkong.

These Blue Wolf Gang disciples are not weak in cultivation, at least they all have the cultivation of the ninth level of body training. At this moment, they all waved their machetes and slashed, but there was a strong wind blowing.


Shen Tianfeng couldn't bear to see such a young boy risking his life in vain, so he even started drinking.

Li Changkong didn't say a word, he just shook his head and punched lightly.

All of a sudden, a torrent of power surged out, and the wind howled. The wind actually made those disciples of the Blue Wolf Gang unable to stand still. Under the wind, sand and rocks, they could barely open their eyes.

A disciple of the Blue Wolf Gang who was the leader was blown away by a punch, and a huge blood hole appeared on his chest. His eyes were still horrified, but he could no longer make a sound.

Li Changkong snatched the opponent's machete, and slashed out several times. The blade was blazing, and the disciple of the Qinglang Gang who rushed towards him fell to the ground, blood spattering.

Li Changkong didn't even look at the corpses on the ground, his eyes were filled with indifference, and a fierce murderous aura emanated from his body.

"Boy, I'm the elder of the Blue Wolf Gang. If you retreat now, I don't have to pursue this matter."

Dao Scar Liu stared at Li Changkong, for some reason, he felt a threat from this young man, which made him dare not act rashly.

"Kneel down now, abolish your cultivation, and kowtow to Yan Chen to admit your mistake, I can spare you!" Li Changkong raised his head and looked at Scar Liu with fiery eyes.

Many disciples of the Blue Wolf Gang looked at each other in blank dismay. This guy, is he already crazy?

Elder Liu is notoriously cruel and merciless, with a strong cultivation base. He is in the fourth level of Gang Yuan. This guy actually said that he wants Elder Liu to kneel down and beg for mercy, and he has to abolish his cultivation base. Otherwise, he will kill Liu Elder. elder?
"This kid really doesn't know what to do. Elder Liu is famous for his viciousness. Even in Xiongwu Prefecture, few people dare to talk to Elder Liu like this. He is dead!"

"He thought that he could threaten Elder Liu by killing a few disciples. I have to say, he is really a guy who has never seen the world, and he doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth!"


These Blue Wolf Gang disciples all had sneers on their faces, looking at Li Changkong as if they were looking at a dead person.

There was only Shen Yanchen, her eyes were full of surprise, she looked at Li Changkong with strong faith.

She is very clear that when she left Zhenwumen, Li Changkong was already extremely powerful. Now that a few years have passed, Li Changkong's cultivation must be even stronger. It is not far away.

How could a mere Scar Liu be Li Changkong's opponent?
Dao Scar Liu's expression turned cold, and a trace of gloom flashed across, and he said coldly: "Boy, do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

With his hands behind his back, Li Changkong's eyes became more and more blazing.

No matter what, Shen Yanchen is his old friend after all, he went to Zhenwumen with him at the beginning, because they are both from Xiongwu Prefecture, their friendship is quite good.

It's a pity that later Shen Yanchen was found to be the vein of Jue Yin. Although he had excellent aptitude, he couldn't cultivate at all, and he couldn't step into the Gangyuan realm for the rest of his life.

In the end, Shen Yanchen was expelled from Zhenwumen, and Li Changkong and Shen Yanchen never met again.

Whoever insults his old friend dies!
He stepped forward step by step, his momentum became more and more intense, in front of many Qinglang gang members, he walked up to Dao Scar Liu, shook his head slightly, and sighed: "Unfortunately, if the opportunity is missed, it is just a miss. "

"what chance?"

Scar Liu pondered for a while, then his face changed drastically, and he shouted: "Go, kill him!"

While speaking, he backed up again and again and rushed towards the rear. Although his cultivation was far stronger than Li Changkong's, his years of fighting experience told him that the young man in front of him was terrifying.

"I want to leave now, it's too late!"

Li Changkong shouted loudly, and murderous aura rose into the sky. The Dragon Killing Sword behind him seemed to sense Li Changkong's fierce murderous aura, and made a cheerful sound like a dragon's chant, and flew straight to Li Changkong.


He slashed out with a sword, the sword light was blazing, and the first few members of the Qinglang Gang who rushed forward fell to the ground immediately, a deep sword mark appeared on the chest, and blood flowed out.

Scar Liu was even more shocked, he had never seen such a solid murderous aura in a person, his heart was shocked, he didn't dare to stop at all, and he still shouted arrogantly: "Come on, kill them all!"

The members of the Qinglang Gang were all desperadoes. When they heard the elder's order, they swung their machetes and rushed over.

"Rainstorm Sword Art!"

Li Changkong sipped lightly, and slashed out with a sword. Immediately, the sword light poured down like a torrential rain, and all those who stood in front of him were killed by the sword light.

Kill dozens of people with one sword!
The power of a sword is so great!

The members of the Blue Wolf gang behind Li Changkong were all stunned, their faces pale.

Is this the coming of the god of death?

Although they were not afraid of death, they were still shocked by Li Changkong's prestige, and they were all stunned for a moment.

In this moment, Li Changkong urged Ling Yun's footwork, the speed was astonishingly fast, and he appeared directly behind Scar Liu.

"Go to hell!"

Seeing that he couldn't escape at all, Scar Liu gritted his teeth and let out a loud shout. The Gang Yuan on his body poured out almost instantly, condensed a Gang Yuan spear, and threw it fiercely at Li Changkong.

Li Changkong didn't flinch, the Dragon Killing Sword in his hand trembled violently.

He slashed down with his sword, like a ray of sky piercing the sky, the sword slashed Gang Yuan to pieces, and then cut across Dao Scar Liu's body.


Scar Liu's body was split into two, with endless horror in his eyes and remorse on his face. At this moment, he finally understood the true meaning of Li Changkong's "opportunity missed" just now. .

Unfortunately, he no longer has any consciousness.

"Elder Liu is dead?"

"Elder Liu is in the fourth level of Gang Yuan, and he was split in half by his sword?"


These Qinglang gang members are all fierce characters, their hands are covered with blood, and they kill people without blinking their eyes.

But at this moment, they were still trembling extremely. This kind of killing method was simply unprecedented, never seen before, never heard of.

PS: Today's recommended votes are a little short. Mantou is about to hit the new book list. Fellow Daoists, please help me.

There are four updates today, and one more tonight.

Recommendations, collections, rewards, whatever, come here, this is a book that is so cool that you will not be disappointed.

(End of this chapter)

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