Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 72 Investigate the news

Chapter 72 Investigate the news
Although Lin Wanxue and Chen Nan strongly opposed it, Li Changkong set off with Shen Yanchen and Shen Tianfeng on the journey to Xiongwu Prefecture.

The three of them, almost non-stop, only took four days to appear in Xiongwu Prefecture.

Xiongwu Prefecture is a territory of one state, which belongs to the territory of the Beiling King of the Dagan Dynasty. The Beiling King controls 36 states and a small half of the land of the Dagan Dynasty. He is so powerful that even the royal family has three points of scruples.

In the city, the flow of people was surging, and it seemed very lively.

"Brother Changkong, let's rescue Sister Lian'er first. She must be very uncomfortable being imprisoned. The sooner we rescue her, the better."

Shen Yanchen looked at Li Changkong, she had been with Lian Er for a while, and had a good impression of this girl.

Of course, she was still a little worried in her heart. Although she knew that Li Changkong was powerful, he was the Lu family after all, the largest family in Xiongwu Prefecture, the current Patriarch, and even a mansion master who was in charge of the entire Xiongwu Prefecture's [-] troops .

If she had no other way, she really didn't want to see Li Changkong take risks for herself.

"it is good."

Li Changkong nodded. He also believed that the most important thing right now was to find the Xu family and rescue Lian Er.

As for dealing with the Lu family, it can be put on hold until Shen Yanchen and Shen Tianfeng are exposed.

Shen Tianfeng pondered for a moment, and said: "To rescue them, we must first find out where they are being held, otherwise, we will be too passive."

"Since we want to inquire about the news, how about we split up and inquire about the news separately, and then gather outside the Tianxiang Tower later?" Shen Yanchen proposed.

"it is good!"

Li Changkong nodded and said: "But you have to go with your father, so you can take care of each other. After all, this is the old lair of the Blue Wolf Gang. They are probably still looking for you now. Be careful."

"En!" Shen Tianfeng nodded.

"Brother Changkong, I will." Shen Yanchen smiled at Li Changkong with a sweet smile.

Afterwards, the three divided into two teams and dispersed.

"Boss Feng, they separated!"

Just when Li Changkong separated from Shen Tianfeng and Shen Yanchen, several figures appeared behind him, all with fierce expressions on their faces.

Obviously, none of them are ordinary people.

"Hmph, Dao Scar Liu brought a large number of people to chase after the father and daughter, but there was no news. Young Master Lu was furious and scolded the gang leader bloody. How dare you return to Xiongwu Prefecture!"

A young man with a face full of evil spirits snorted coldly and stared at Shen Yanchen and Shen Tianfeng who were more than ten meters away in front of him.

"Boss Feng, this is a god-given opportunity. If we capture this pair of father and daughter and hand them over to the leader, we will definitely make a great contribution!"

Beside the young man with a face full of evil spirits, a thin but clever looking young man kept speaking.

"Of course I know this, so what else do you need to say?"

The wind boss glared at the skinny young man, with a gleam of coldness in his eyes, and said, "Skinny monkey, you follow them with people, and when you get to a secluded place, do it immediately!"


The skinny monkey led the people around, hanging far behind Shen Yanchen and Shen Tianfeng.

Shen Yanchen and Shen Tianfeng, they inquired about the Xu family along the way, and heard a lot of rumors.

However, these rumors are all gossip, and there is no news about Lian'er.

Both Shen Tianfeng and Shen Yanchen seemed a little disappointed. It was really too difficult to inquire about the news like this.

"Are you going to inquire about Xu's family?"

At this moment, a thin young man walked up to Shen Yanchen and Shen Tianfeng and said in a low voice.

"Do you know what?"

Shen Tianfeng's eyes lit up. They were worried that they would not be able to find out the news, but someone approached him on his own initiative.

"Hey, there is something big happening in the Xu family recently. I heard that many forces from the major cities in Xiongwu Prefecture have already gathered in the Xu family. It seems that it is because of a young man named Li Changkong?"

The thin young man's eyes flickered, and inadvertently, he revealed an astonishing news.


At this moment, even Shen Yanchen couldn't help but brighten his eyes, revealing a look of anticipation.

Shen Tianfeng's eyes widened, waiting for the thin young man's next words.

"This is a busy city, and you all know that the Xu family is a big family. Talking about the Xu family here will easily lead to disputes. Come with me to a secluded place, and I will tell you in detail."

The thin young man, with a mysterious look, said: "But I will tell you the news, you must pay me a favor, and you must not reveal my identity!"

"If you can guarantee this, then follow me, if you can't guarantee it, then forget it."

"it is good!"

Shen Tianfeng and Shen Yanchen didn't think too much about it, and they readily agreed.

It's really that the thin young man in front of him only has the cultivation base of the sixth level of body training, which is not worth mentioning, so they don't have much vigilance.

At that moment, Shen Tianfeng and Shen Yanchen followed behind the thin young man, passed through many alleys along the way, and a huge courtyard appeared in front of them.

"Brother, let's talk here? There's no one here anymore."

Shen Tianfeng noticed something was wrong, and showed vigilance. This thin young man seemed to be bringing them here on purpose.

"Haha, come here, why don't you go in and have a drink of tea?"

The thin young man burst out laughing unscrupulously.

Shen Tianfeng and Shen Yanchen's expression changed, and they finally realized that they had been cheated.

"Shen Tianfeng, Shen Yanchen, you two can really hide, even Scar Liu didn't catch up to you, but you dare to enter Xiongwu Prefecture, you are throwing yourself into a trap!"

Behind Shen Tianfeng and Shen Yanchen, several figures appeared, each with playful smiles on their faces.

"Shouhou, you did a good job. I will reward you a lot when you go back!"

Boss Feng showed a smile on his face, and if he captured the parents, he would definitely be rewarded generously by the leader.

"Are you from the Blue Wolf Gang?"

At this moment, Shen Tianfeng was horrified, and his face was full of despair.

"Haha, of course we are members of the Blue Wolf Gang. Shen Tianfeng, it is your blessing that Young Master Lu fell in love with your daughter, but you dare not know what is good or bad, and defy Young Master Lu's will. This time, We, the Blue Wolf Gang, will never let you go!"

Boss Feng laughed out loud, proud of himself, his cultivation was quite strong, not weaker at all compared to Scar Liu, and even stronger.

"Oh, really? I don't know how you Qinglang gang plan to deal with them?"

At this moment, behind Boss Feng, came a cold voice.

(End of this chapter)

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