Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 745 Entering the Sword Domain

Chapter 745 Breaking into the Sword Domain (Second Change)

Killing the Corpse Emperor with a sword, everyone was completely stunned, their eyes were full of disbelief.

Tianluo, Zhou Xiantian, and even Saintess Kuntian were all so shocked that they couldn't speak at the moment, and their faces were full of horror.

Xu Feng, who had a smug face before, was so frightened that his body trembled violently at this moment, his steps backed away, and he almost fell to the ground.

That mighty corpse emperor was invincible even to the Saintess of Kuntian, and under the siege of hundreds of Tianjiao warriors, he showed his might even more. But now, he was killed by Li Changkong with a sword. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes See, he couldn't believe it, it could be true!
"No, no, how is this possible? He, a little genius in He Tianzhou, how could he do this?"

Xu Feng muttered to himself.

Even the Seventh Prince next to Li Changkong showed a look of shock at this moment. He knew that Li Changkong was extremely powerful, but no matter how he looked at it, he did not think that Li Changkong was stronger than the Kuntian Saintess.

But facing the Corpse Emperor, Kuntian Saintess retreated, but Li Changkong killed the Corpse Emperor with a single sword?

At this moment, Li Changkong undoubtedly became the focus of everyone.

Boom boom boom...

The next moment, the entire mountain collapsed, countless rocks rolled down, and there was a vibration as if the earth was shaking.

All around, the rays of light from various formations disappeared, and all the corpse statues also dissipated, turning into fierce aura again, floating in the space.

Li Changkong beheaded and killed the Corpse Emperor, and finally, completely disintegrated and dissipated this large formation.

"Damn it, this time, let him take the lead again!"


"Li Changkong!!!"

Every one of the arrogant warriors from Kuntian Prefecture felt uneasy, staring at Li Changkong's eyes almost with hatred!

"With his strength, it is absolutely impossible to kill the corpse emperor with a single sword."

Kuntian Saintess stared at Li Changkong who was floating in the air, her eyes were full of murderous intent. This kid is so hateful, he has repeatedly seized the opportunity and stole all the limelight that should belong to her!

"It is very possible that the Corpse Emperor is at the end of his battle. It fell into a rage. Under the blessing of the formation, its strength skyrocketed, but there is a time limit for the improvement of strength. He, Li Changkong, just saw through this. One point, calculate the time correctly, and take action at the moment when the corpse emperor's strength plummets, and only then can he kill the corpse emperor with one sword!"

Kuntian Saintess shouted in a deep voice.

After the voice fell, many people took it for granted, and felt that the analysis of Kuntian Saintess was very reasonable.

In any case, they didn't believe that the corpse emperor after his strength soared was comparable to the peak powerhouse in the first layer of Tiangong. Li Changkong's strength was absolutely impossible to kill such a corpse emperor with a single sword.

In fact, the analysis of Kuntian Saintess is not wrong at all. Although Li Changkong's strength is extremely powerful, he has not turned into a real dragon, even worse than Kuntian Saintess.

He had indeed calculated the time when the Corpse Emperor's strength would plummet, and then took the opportunity to kill the Corpse Emperor with one blow!

"So that's the case, it's just a trick."

"Trash is still trash and cannot be changed!"

Xu Feng, who was so shocked when he saw Li Changkong kill the Corpse Emperor with a sword, finally let out a long breath at this moment, and his whole body became much more relaxed.

"Li Changkong, do you think you can win the championship by doing this? Trash, after all, it's just rubbish!"

"You He Tianzhou warriors are not even qualified to carry shoes for us Kuntianzhou warriors!"

Tianluo rushed out and floated in the midair. Above his body, the breath was transpiring, and a bright sword intent burst out.

Sword light surged around him, and the astonishing sword intent turned into a bright sword light, which suddenly slashed towards Li Changkong.

"Li Changkong, die!"

Tian Luo drank heavily.

However, in the next moment, around Li Changkong and the Seventh Prince, waves of spatial fluctuations emerged, and spatial power directly surrounded them, and then, their figures disappeared out of thin air!
All the people present showed surprise, seeing the place where Li Changkong and the Seventh Prince disappeared, they were all shocked.

That astonishing spatial fluctuation is obviously the power of space, which is a mysterious force related to the law of space, far beyond their imagination.

Obviously, Li Changkong and the Seventh Prince were both sent away directly. They broke through the formation and were appreciated by the Lord Aofeng!
"Damn it, this person has taken the lead again!"

"We can no longer fall behind!"

"Go, go, find the entrance to the next level!"


Everyone shouted again and again, now that the formation is broken, they can leave here.

"He escaped again. The next time I meet this person, I will do my best to kill this thief!"

Tian Luo's eyes were cold. Now that he has suffered repeated setbacks and was repeatedly taken advantage of by Li Changkong, he felt extremely remorseful. When he met Li Changkong outside the cemetery, he should have killed this guy first!

It's just that, at that time, he happened to meet the opening of the cemetery. In order to break in first, he didn't bother to pay attention to Li Changkong. .

"Don't worry, wait until the next level, as long as you meet this guy, he will die!"

Kuntian Saintess also raised her head, her eyes full of killing intent.

As the saint of Kuntian Palace, she has never felt so hateful and murderous by anyone before!

"Xu Feng, you have done me a small favor by sending out the signal talisman. I will never forget you. Now, you can follow us on the road together."

Kuntian Saintess looked at Xu Feng again, and spoke calmly.

Xu Feng looked overjoyed, and even cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Saintess, for your support!"

"Okay, let's go!"

The Kuntian Saintess side, as the most powerful force, is marching forward.

And many other small forces also started to move forward, looking for the entrance to the next level.



Li Changkong and the Seventh Prince appeared on a cliff.

Here, the clouds and mist are entangled, and it is hard to see where it is, but the power of the law around it is extremely strong, giving people the feeling that they are in a fairyland.

There are also streaks of fierce sword energy raging in the space, and the clouds and mists all carry sword intent, which is amazing!
"where is this place?"

The Seventh Prince looked around blankly, with a look of blankness in his eyes.

"Sword Domain!"

"Here is the sword domain of Lord Aofeng. Although he died, the sword domain is still there!"

"Both of you, haven't you comprehended well?"

At this moment, the ancient and mysterious voice sounded again.

"Sword Domain?"

The Seventh Prince was taken aback for a moment, feeling at a loss.

Li Changkong's eyes were blazing. He noticed that the voice said that the Holy Lord Aofeng was dead. Obviously, it was not the Holy Lord Aofeng who made the sound!

This place is the cemetery of Holy Lord Aofeng, and there are other strong people breaking into this place?

(End of this chapter)

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