Chapter 8

Li Changkong buried Li Ji's body, and then continued to move forward.

His speed is not slow at all, like a galloping horse, but even so, it took a full day to reach the destination.

In front of his eyes, there were continuous mountains with lush forests, and gusts of mountain winds blew in. There was a faint smell of blood in these mountain winds, which seemed to remind humans that this place was a dangerous place.

This is the outskirts of the barren ancient mountains, known as the hunting ground, where countless hunters hunt monsters and beasts to maintain their family's livelihood.

However, even powerful fighters, veteran hunters with 30 to [-] years of hunting experience, would never dare to enter the depths of the barren ancient mountains.

It is rumored that in the depths of the barren ancient mountains, there are great monsters who have cultivated to the realm of the spiritual sea, exhale into clouds, and have great supernatural powers. There are even demon clans in the realm of the heavenly palace, who have walked out of the barren ancient mountains, turned into humans, and played in the world.

Without any hesitation, Li Changkong quickly walked into the mountains and jumped around in the dense forest, as agile as an ape.

He had just traveled a few miles into the mountains when a giant black wolf appeared in front of him. It was more than two meters tall, with its mouth wide open, revealing a mouthful of fangs. It stared fiercely at Li Changkong.

The black wolf, a first-order sixth-level monster, is equivalent to the strength of a human warrior in the sixth-level realm of body training, and is a relatively common prey in the barren ancient mountains.

However, only a powerful hunter can hunt such a giant wolf of astonishing size, because these black wolves usually appear in groups, and it is very rare for this black wolf to appear alone.

"You're unlucky, I'll use you to practice!"

With a thought in his mind, Li Changkong immediately rushed towards Hei Lang, and punched out, revealing an incomparably fierce strength.

Although he is only at the fifth level of body refining, his foundation is extremely solid, and he has practiced the Heaven Swallowing Dragon Emperor Art, and he has the blood of swallowing the sky. His real strength is far beyond that of ordinary fifth level body training warriors.

Seeing the human in front of him, he dared to rush towards him, and the black wolf howled again, with incomparable anger in his voice.

He wants to tear up the human body in front of him to defend his dignity!

This black wolf rushed up bravely, its wolf claws protruded, revealing a cold light, those sharp wolf claws could definitely tear apart a human body easily.

In the air, Li Changkong's body twisted strangely, dodging the sharp wolf's claws in an extremely dangerous way, and he punched out again, hitting the black wolf hard in the stomach.


Suddenly, the body of the black wolf flew out like a broken kite, and there was a crisp sound of bones breaking.

In just one move, this extremely ferocious black wolf was severely injured by Li Changkong, and fell to the ground, with a pair of wolf eyes revealing a hint of sadness.

Li Changkong's face was neither red nor out of breath, and his breath was long. To him, dealing with a mere black wolf was just a small test.

He looked at the black wolf who had fallen to the ground and lost the ability to resist, and a trace of excitement surged in his heart.

Soon, he will be able to confirm his guess, whether it is correct or not.

He walked to Hei Lang's side, trying to sense the dragon shadow in his dantian, but in an instant, a blood-colored dragon shadow rushed out of his dantian, opened his mouth wide, and sucked in suddenly.

Hei Lang, who was on the verge of death, was swallowed by the bloody dragon shadow and entered Li Changkong's body with all the blood and essence in his body.

In Li Changkong's body, he felt waves of hot currents, which were the purest energy, and the blood and essence of the black wolf had already become a part of Li Changkong's body.

And at this moment, Li Changkong also felt that his cultivation base had grown again, from the intermediate level of the fifth level of body training to the high level of the fifth level of body training, and it was not far from breaking through the sixth level of body training.

"It's really successful, it's really effective!"

At this moment, Li Changkong was ecstatic.

He used to be the number one genius of Zhenwumen, and he had cultivated to the realm of Shenfu. Naturally, this improvement in realm could not make him so ecstatic.

What made him feel ecstatic was that he could actually devour the blood and essence of the monster and turn it into his own energy. This meant that his promotion path in the future would be countless times faster than others.

As long as there are enough resources, any genius will be left behind by him, and no one can catch up with him.

"It's really worthy of the blood of swallowing the sky, and when I cultivate to a higher level, maybe I can really swallow the sun, the moon and the stars, and stand shoulder to shoulder with the dragon god!"

Li Changkong couldn't hide the excitement on his face.

"However, I just devoured a black wolf of the first level and sixth level, which only allowed me to improve my cultivation level. It seems that only part of the energy I swallowed is used to improve my cultivation level, while the other part should be used to improve my cultivation level. Use it to transform my body!"

"Swallowing Dragon Emperor Jue is not only a supreme method, but also a body training method. Cultivation base and body training go hand in hand. It was mentioned in the general outline that the cultivation of Swallowing Dragon Emperor Jue has reached its peak. It can be cultivated into the Dragon God Immortal Body, immortal and immortal!"

In order to verify what he thought in his heart, Li Changkong stood up, moved his body, and felt that his body was full of strength.

The next moment, the true energy in his dantian surged, and he punched out suddenly.

This punch, the speed of punching is extremely fast, and even the air is squeezed, hitting the air, and there is a violent air roaring sound.


The fist wind roared like a gust of wind, and many branches in front were blown off.

This punch has at least [-] jin of strength, which is a full [-] jin strength increase compared to before!

Li Changkong was overjoyed again.

One must know that before reaching the seventh level of body refining, body refining is mainly about tempering the body, supplemented by the cultivation of true qi. Strength is the most important manifestation of the strength of warriors below the seventh level of body refining.

With the improvement of the realm, the improvement of strength will become more and more difficult.

It is easy to increase the strength from one hundred catties to two hundred catties, but the resources required to go from two hundred catties to three hundred catties will increase tenfold.

And after reaching the seventh level of body training, the true energy can be released, and the enemy can be injured from a hundred steps away, and the combat power will be greatly improved.

Before Li Changkong faced Li Shaochong, he was not sure of defeating him. Because of this, Li Shaochong was already in the eighth level of body training, and his true energy was released, making it impossible to guard against.

"When I come out this time, at least I have to upgrade to the seventh level of body training, so that I can have enough power to protect myself!"

Li Changkong looked forward. There are countless monsters in the ancient mountain range here, and he can quickly improve his strength.

For him, this place is a treasure land of cultivation.

"Continue to hunt monsters and devour their blood!"

Li Changkong strode out and continued to go deep into the mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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