Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 84 Who Has the Bigger Fist

Chapter 84 Who Has the Bigger Fist (Second)

The patriarchs of more than a dozen families came together, among them, the head of the Shimen of Tiangangmen and the head of the Leng family were impressive.

In terms of strength, the head of Shimen and the head of the Leng family of Tiangangmen are both in the eighth level of Gangyuan, and their strength is stronger than Fengda.

Secondly, there is Luo Chenghu from the Luo family. He also possesses the eighth level of Gang Yuan, but in terms of strength, he is slightly weaker than Feng Da.

The three major gang-yuan eighth-level realms, plus a dozen or so warriors of the seventh-level gang yuan, this is an extremely huge force, even in Xiongwu Prefecture, it is enough to sweep away any first-class clan that does not have a strong man from the Shenfu. up.

The Shimen master of Tiangangmen and Yun Leng, the master of the Yun family, approached step by step. With a cold smile on his face, the Shimen master glanced at Li Changkong, and said coldly: "Li Changkong, surrender, even if it is you No matter how powerful one person is, you have no chance of winning against the Xu family!"


Yun Leng, the head of the Yun family, also answered the question, saying: "You surrender now. Although you will die, you can keep the Li family. If you hesitate any longer, not only you will die, but the Li family far away in Canghai City will also become history!"

"As a member of the Li family, don't you think about your own family?"

The head of the Yun family, Yun Leng, raised his brows, as if he was convinced of Li Changkong.

The patriarchs of many small families also showed Gang Yuan on their bodies, holding Gang Yuan condensed Gang Yuan in their hands, full of murderous aura, and when they disagreed, they wanted to kill Li Changkong together.

"So, don't I still have to thank you?"

Li Changkong snorted coldly, with a look of disdain on his face.

"Li Changkong, I know you are unwilling, but no matter how unwilling you are, it's useless!"

The head of Shimen of Tiangangmen frowned. In his opinion, he knew Li Changkong well enough.

This is a genius who once had supreme glory. Even if he fell from a high place, he was able to get up again. His aptitude is absolutely monstrous enough.

Such a genius is naturally arrogant, and most geniuses are like this, but it's a pity that he has offended the Xu family!
The Xu family has a strong man from the Shenfu, so what if the aptitude is monstrous?
As long as they haven't really grown up, in front of the Xu family, a genius is just an ant after all, at most a stronger ant.

He let out a breath slowly, spoke again, and said with a serious attitude, "In this world, after all, we must rely on strength to speak. The Xu family has a strong man from the Shenfu who has bigger fists than you. If you kill you, it will be like stepping on your body." Like an ant."

"Although your strength is strong, in front of the Xu family, after all, you are nothing more than a mantis holding back a car."

When Xu Canghai heard these words, he nodded slightly, with a hint of arrogance on his face, exuding the proud and noble temperament of being a disciple of a rich family.

The Xu family has such a background!
Li Changkong, although he killed Xu Baishu today, so what?

After everything is over today, the entire Xu family will be supported by dozens of families, large and small, and by then, the Xu family will be raised to a higher level.

Compared with this, what is Xu Baishu, an unpopular playboy?

This is the difference in background, the death of one Xu Baishu is nothing to the Xu family, but it can integrate the resources of dozens of families, large and small, and obtain huge resources from it.

However, Li Changkong would have to pay the price with his life for this, and even harm the family, bringing disaster to the family!

"According to what you said, doesn't it mean that if you have a big fist, you can do whatever you want?"

Li Changkong raised his sword eyebrows, the look in his eyes was extremely sharp.

"That's right, that's true. If you have a big fist, you are the king. Whoever wants to die must die. This is the truth."

Xu Canghai nodded proudly: "You have offended my Xu family, you must die, even if the king of heaven comes, I can't save you!"

"Haha, well said!"

Li Changkong suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed long and unscrupulously. He was extremely insolent, and his eyes were full of awe-inspiring brilliance.

"The big fist is the king. Now I want to see who has the bigger fist!"

The precious light on Li Changkong's body was shining brightly, and he stimulated the body of the flood dragon in the Dacheng realm, and there seemed to be the sound of dragon chant coming out of his body, and the sound shook the world!

He stomped heavily on the ground, and the ground trembled immediately, the ground was cracked, and the cracks spread to the surroundings like a spider web.

Trampled down with one foot, almost like an ancient elephant, awe-inspiring!
The patriarchs of many small clans all changed their colors in horror. What kind of power is this?Can humans really have such great power?

They looked at Li Changkong's eyes, as if they saw an ancient beast.

The head of the Shimen of Tiangangmen still had a sneer on his face, Li Changkong's words just now were simply too ridiculous.

But at the next moment, Li Changkong stepped down with his foot, shaking the ground and shaking the mountains. The torrential force made the smile on his face froze, revealing a look of shock, and exclaimed in his heart: "How is this possible!"

The head of the Yun family, Yun Leng, looked at Li Changkong as if he had seen a ghost. Such power was unimaginable.

"Li Changkong, you are courting death!"

Xu Canghai was furious, his whole body burst out with Gang Yuan, revealing his cultivation at the peak of the Ninth Layer of Gang Yuan.

His Gang Yuan condensed into a magic circle, providing him with powerful power, and his combat power skyrocketed!
At this moment, Li Changkong rushed forward with strides, relying on the strength of his foot just now, his whole body rushed towards him like a cannonball.

"court death!"

"court death!"

Along the way, several patriarchs of small clans at the seventh level of Gangyuan all shot at Li Changkong, trying to stop him.


A cold light flashed in Li Changkong's eyes, he punched out, and the power in his body gushed forth mightily, without any reservation.

I saw a fist mark blasting like a cannonball, and the space was shaken. Along the way, the bodies of several Gangyuan seventh-layer warriors fell out, fell heavily on the ground, and fell into a pool of blood, life and death unknown. .

The next moment, Li Changkong was in front of Xu Canghai.

Xu Canghai's face changed drastically. He never imagined that Li Changkong was so strong that he crushed him along the way, but within a few breaths, he had already killed him.

This made it too late for him to think about it, all the energy was mobilized by him on the fist, and he rushed out with one punch, roaring like an angry dragon!

Angry Dragon Gang Fist!

Huang-level peerless martial arts!

With one punch, there was a sound like the roar of an angry dragon, which was astonishingly powerful.

Li Changkong also punched out, the power of dragon and tiger emerged in his body, and the power of three dragons was full, and he pressed down horizontally.

The two fists collided fiercely in the air, and there was a violent sonic boom, which made everyone's ears tremble.

Afterwards, Xu Canghai's arm broke, and Li Changkong's punch hit half of his body hard.

Xu Canghai seemed to be knocked into the air by an ancient barbarian elephant. He fell more than ten meters away, half of his body collapsed completely, and he was almost punched into a meatloaf!

At this moment, all the people present were stunned, dead silent!
(End of this chapter)

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