Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 86 Fighting against Xu Family Patriarch

Chapter 86 Fighting against the ancestors of the Xu family (second update)

"The ancestor has made a move!"

"The old ancestor will definitely be able to kill this arrogant way. My Xu family is still a first-class family in Xiongwu Prefecture!"

"Whoever insults my Xu family will die!"


Seeing the ancestor make a move, Li Changkong was beaten so hard that his feet sank into the mud, and some disciples of the Xu family showed excitement.

Xu Jingting slapped out with a palm again, his spiritual power surged, under the palm, he could see the waves of air surging, like hundreds of feet of waves, rolling in.


A billow of air rushed towards his face. Even though Li Changkong stepped deeply into the ground with both feet, he still retreated a few meters away, and a deep ravine was plowed into the ground.

"Hmph, you can endure my palm without dying. It seems that you do have some skills, but in front of me, that's all!"

Xu Jingting let out a cold snort, and with a look of cold arrogance on his face, he flapped his palms and slapped them out again and again.

All of a sudden, the palm wind roared, like a raging sea tide, a huge wave of air suddenly rushed, and the disciples of the Xu family in the distance were all thrown out one by one, and some even fell heavily, vomiting blood from their mouths. Affected by the palm wind, he suffered serious internal injuries.


Li Changkong's face was solemn, and the Dragon Killing Sword appeared in his hand, and a sword sound like a dragon chant trembled over the entire square.

He drank softly, and slashed out with a sword, like riding the wind and waves, he suddenly split the air waves, and killed Xu Jingting.

On his body, the precious light was transpiring, and the body of the flood dragon in the Dacheng realm was urged to the extreme by him, the power of the dragon and the tiger were all revealed, and there seemed to be the sound of the roar of the dragon and the tiger coming from the body.

"Hmph, let me show you what a divine palace is!"

Xu Jingting snorted again, and he opened his mouth to inhale, like a whale swallowing the Yangtze River, the surrounding spiritual energy surged rapidly, rushing into his body, causing his aura to suddenly increase.

The powerhouse of the Shenfu can control the spiritual power of the heaven and the earth, and can even use the power of the heaven and the earth. With every move, he possesses tremendous power, which is not comparable to that of the Gangyuan warriors.

Then, the Patriarch of the Xu family punched out, and suddenly, an air dragon rushed out, like a real flood dragon, roaring out, trembling the void, soaring into the sky.

This punch was just Xu Jingting's random punch, but it was able to turn spiritual power into a flood dragon. This kind of method really made people tremble in the heart.

Even the head of Shimen of Tiangang Sect, Yun Leng of Yun Family, and Luo Chenghu of Luo Family, all trembled in their hearts and sighed endlessly.

This is the realm of the Divine Palace, which cannot be matched by human power!
How can humans fight against heaven and earth?
"Waterfall style, cut!"

Li Changkong shouted again, and the precious light on his body became even brighter.

"Even if it's a real hundred-year-old flood dragon, I might not even be afraid of it, let alone you, an air dragon transformed with spiritual power?"

Li Changkong slashed out with a sword, the sword light was like a waterfall, and the immortal sword intent filled the sword light.

The sharp sword intent directly broke through the head of the Qilong, and chopped straight down, but it was only halfway through, and there was no way to continue.

The next moment, his whole body was thrown out, and he fell ten meters away, and landed in a state of embarrassment, with a trace of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

The power of the Divine Palace is not so easy to bear after all, even if the dragon's body is great, it is difficult to shake it.

His realm, after all, is still too low, only the fourth level of Gang Yuan.

"If I can advance to the ninth level of Gang Yuan, I can kill this Xu Jingting with a single strike!"

Li Changkong thought to himself.

He had reached the realm of Shenfu before, so he naturally knew the strength of the realm of Shenfu. Compared with his previous peak, Xu Jingting seemed too insignificant.

It is also the realm of Shenfu, but it is also very different, there is a world of difference.

The former Li Changkong was the number one genius in the outer sect of Zhenwu Sect. He cultivated into a divine palace, and a vision of heaven and earth appeared. With just a snap of his fingers, his power was several times stronger than Xu Jingting's full blow.

Although this Xu Jingting has cultivated to the realm of the Shenfu, he is only at the lowest level in the Shenfu. It is probably due to a coincidence that he obtained some kind of elixir to break through to the realm of the Shenfu.

On the side, the master of the Shimen of the Tiangangmen let out a breath slowly, feeling relieved.

This was the first time Li Changkong had been injured since he stepped into Xu's house.

He was really worried about Li Changkong's hole cards before, but now that he saw Li Changkong's negative wounds, he seemed to finally let go of his heart, and a relaxed smile appeared on his face.

"Come again!"

Xu Jingting snorted coldly, and as he strode forward, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered, making his aura stronger every time he took a step.


Li Changkong was fearless, the precious light on his body was steaming, and he rushed out on his own initiative.

He punched out with majestic divine power, as if a wild elephant charged.

Xu Jingting also punched out with a punch, and spiritual power surged in, majestic and majestic.

Pure physical power collided with spiritual power.

Ding Ding Deng

Li Changkong took a few steps back again, the blood in his body was churning, and his face paled a lot.

But at this moment, Li Changkong was full of fighting spirit, and he didn't have the slightest intention to back down.

The two fought back and forth, and had already exchanged dozens of moves. Although Li Changkong was holding the Dragon Slaying Sword, showing his sword intent, fisting with his left hand and sword with his right, he was still firmly suppressed by Xu Jingting.

However, Li Changkong's fighting spirit became more and more surging. He urged the body of the flood dragon in the Dacheng realm, like a fighting maniac who never knows how to get tired. Bloom in the sky.

Xu Jingting became more and more impatient. He is a majestic powerhouse in the Shenfu, above everyone else, and now even a kid in the fourth level of Gang Yuan can't fight for a long time.

"Li Changkong, with this move, I will definitely kill you!"

Xu Jingting was furious, his eyes were cold, and he shouted: "Double Dragon Fist!"

Afterwards, Xu Jingting rushed out with both fists and struck out two air dragons, and saw that the air dragon was full of surging momentum, like two hundred-year-old dragons, rushing towards the air.

At this moment, the space became extremely oppressive.

"Heavy rain!"

Li Changkong jumped up, and he performed the rainstorm style in the rainstorm swordsmanship, and saw the sword light crazily falling like a rainstorm.

But the two air dragons broke through the sword light and continued to charge towards Li Changkong, as if they were destroying the dead.

"Falling waterfall!"

"Rainfall style!"


Li Changkong swung the Dragon Killing Sword again and again, cutting out a series of shocking sword lights, dazzling, but still unable to resist the two air dragons.

The next moment, two air dragons roared towards him, directly knocking Li Changkong into the air, hitting the ground hard, and kicking up a large cloud of dust.

The Shimen master of Tiangangmen, Yun Leng, the master of the Yun family, Luo Chenghu, the master of the Luo family, and others all looked towards the place where Li Changkong fell, only to see that there was so much dust that it was impossible to see clearly.

"This guy is finally going to die!"

The master of Shimen was overjoyed.

PS: Thanks to Curry Jing Jiashuai for the reward of 399 book coins, and thanks to Dameng Qianqiu Swastika for the reward of 999 book coins.

thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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