Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 88 Destruction of the Xu Family

Chapter 88 Destruction of the Xu Family

Grandpa is dead!

The patriarch, who was a strong man in the Shenfu, was bombarded and killed by Li Changkong!
At this moment, almost all the disciples of the Xu family lowered their heads one by one, and they no longer looked as arrogant as before. Their faces were all pale and their hearts were bitter.

Previously, Li Changkong threatened to crush the Xu family. In the eyes of many Xu family disciples, they felt that Li Changkong had lost his mind and went crazy, but now that he heard it, his words became much more important, like a big stone, heavy Pressure on the hearts of these Xu family disciples.

"Win, the young master won!"

Lian'er directly cheered, her excitement was fully revealed.

There was also a smile on Shen Yanchen's face, a sweet and charming smile.

"Win? Did you really win?"

Shen Tianfeng rubbed his eyes fiercely, as if he still couldn't believe it, he looked intently again, and saw Li Changkong standing with his hands behind his back in the center of the battlefield, while Xu Jingting, the patriarch of the Xu family, fell in a pool of blood .

"Really won!"

Shen Tianfeng let out a long breath as if relieved, his whole body seemed to be completely relaxed.

Now, even the ancestor of the Xu family was killed by Li Changkong. Who is Li Changkong's opponent in the huge Xu family?

He looked at Li Changkong's gaze with awe, and thought in his heart: "If the matter between Yanchen and Li Changkong can be settled, that would be great!"

The three elders, Li Yuan, Li Yifei, and Li Cang, each had a storm in their hearts. They did not expect that Li Changkong could really defeat Xu Jingting, the patriarch of the Xu family.

At the fourth level of Gang Yuan, he defeated Xu Jingting, who was at the first level of Shenfu, what kind of talent is this?

Today's Li Changkong, not only has not been abolished, but his aptitude is even better than before!
These elders of the Li family are all regretful. In the past, the family treated Li Changkong like this. I'm afraid Li Changkong didn't have much affection for the family at all.

If I hadn't been so snobbish back then, I'm afraid the situation today would have been completely different.

For a full moment, the entire square was filled with deathly silence. This fact was really unacceptable, and it made people feel amazed.

Many disciples of the Xu family were even more anxious. Looking at Li Changkong, it was like looking at an ancient beast, as if it would swallow them up at any moment.

Li Changkong turned around, and his eyes fell on Master Shimen, the master of Tiangangmen. A smile rose from the corner of his mouth, and he said calmly: "Master Shimen, didn't you say that before? The Xu family is a giant, but I'm just an ant, now, please take action, let me, an ant, take a look, you Tiangangmen sect master, how capable is it?"

Stared at by Li Changkong, the head of the Shimen of Tiangangmen trembled violently, his teeth were chattering. Without any hesitation, he just fell to his knees with a thud:

"Li Changkong, I was the one who didn't know Taishan before. Your lord has a lot, so don't argue with me, a villain!"


Li Changkong just smiled slightly, noncommittal to Shimen Master's words, and then his eyes fell on Yun Leng, the Patriarch of the Yun Family.

"You are Yun Leng, the head of the Yun family? I killed Yun Tao, the genius disciple of your Yun family, what? You want to avenge him?"

Li Changkong spoke lightly.

The Patriarch of the Yun Family also fell to his knees with a thud, what jokes were he making, even Xu Jingting, the patriarch of the Xu Family, died and was beaten to death by Li Changkong, what would his little Yun Family do for revenge?

For one Yuntao, take the whole family into it?
How is this possible unless his brain is broken?

"All of this is Yun Tao's own fault. How dare our Yun family seek revenge on you? He is a rebellious son. I also want to thank you for taking the initiative to clean up our Yun family's house!"

Yun Leng, the Patriarch of the Yun Family, smiled wryly and hurriedly spoke out.

"What are you saying, are you telling the truth?" Li Changkong looked at Yun Leng, the head of the Yun family, his eyes flickering.

"The truth, absolutely the truth, in front of you, how dare I say something against my heart!" Yun Leng assured, patting his chest.

"That's good."

Li Changkong nodded slightly.

Afterwards, his eyes kept scanning the patriarchs of the small families around him, and he saw the patriarchs of those small families kneel down one by one, denying Li Changkong's revenge before.

Li Yuan, Li Yifei, Li Cang and the others were all stunned. These people were all heads of the family, but their thick skins were simply admirable.

In the past when the Xu family was strong and Li Changkong was weak, they all shouted at Li Changkong, wishing to dismember Li Changkong, but now, everyone respects Li Changkong very much, wishing to enshrine Li Changkong as a god.

How strong is the contrast between before and after!
This is a strong man, a real strong man, a soldier who surrenders without fighting, has already completely overwhelmed these people psychologically.

All around, some elders of the Xu family had pale faces, and there was a look of resentment in their eyes.

These families had already taken refuge in the Xu family, but now they all turned against each other!
Li Changkong turned around again, and his gaze swept to the disciples of the Xu family and the elders of the Xu family.

"Li Changkong, what else do you want? Our Xu family will never end with you!"

A rather stubborn Xu family elder met Li Changkong's eyes and shouted loudly: "One day, our Xu family will pay back the shame of today one by one!"

"You reminded me that weeds need to be rooted out. If so, then I will fulfill my previous promise and slaughter the Xu family!"

Li Changkong's eyes suddenly became much sharper.

In order to deal with him, the Xu family first captured Lian'er, Li Yuan, Li Yifei and others, and then united dozens of big and small families. It can be described as extremely insidious and wanted to put him to death.

Since there was already an undying hatred between each other, let's eradicate it completely. He, Li Changkong, is not a soft-hearted person.

To be soft-hearted to the enemy is to be cruel to oneself!

"Master Shimen, Master Yun, and Master Luo, if you can lead people to destroy the Xu family, then I can forget the previous grievances."

Li Changkong glanced at the family patriarchs aside, and said calmly: "Otherwise, I, Li, will come to the door one by one in the future, and settle the previous accounts with you!"

The Shimen masters of Tiangangmen, Yun Leng, the master of the Yun family, and Luo Chenghu, the masters of the Luo family, were all shocked. What Li Changkong said was very clear. Either they led people to destroy the Xu family, or Li Changkong destroyed their families .

Li Changkong could even kill Xu Jingting, and possessed a combat power comparable to that of the Divine Mansion, which was not something they could afford to provoke.

Does this still need to be chosen?

The master of the Shimen rushed out first with murderous intent, led some personal guards, and directly killed the disciples of the Xu family.

Dozens of other families, large and small, also rushed out. Today's Xu family, without Xu Jingting and Xu Canghai sitting in charge, how could it be possible to resist the cooperation of dozens of families?

On that day, within the Xu family, blood flowed into rivers, blood stained the sky, and the entire Xu family ceased to exist.

(End of this chapter)

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