Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 907 Terrible and Shocking

Chapter 907 Terrible and Shocking (Second Change)

Whether it is the Seventh Prince or Li Changkong, they are all caught in the situation of being besieged. The situation is very bad!

The Seventh Prince shouted angrily again and again, his marksmanship was extremely fierce, his murderous intent was overwhelming, and his intent to fight with spears was pushed to the extreme by him.

Boom boom boom...

In the center of the battlefield, there was the sound of bursts of magic weapons exploding, and there was even the astonishing sound of fierce swords piercing the sky. The attacks were all extremely fierce, and they wanted to take the life of the Seventh Prince!

The Seventh Prince dodged from left to right, but he still couldn't get rid of the siege of these people, and was suppressed again and again. Even that day, Xuan Shengnv drew out her long sword and displayed extremely mysterious sword skills, making her offensive even more fierce.

This Tianxuan Saintess, as the No. [-] pride of Tianxuanzong, is definitely not weak, and her cultivation in the way of the sword is not weaker than that of the Sword King. The pressure on the Seventh Prince is extremely heavy.

"Seventh Prince, I advise you to hand over the inheritance of Holy Master Aofeng as soon as possible, otherwise, your life will be lost, and the inheritance of Holy Lord Aofeng will eventually fall into our hands!"

The Tianxuan Saintess shot again and again, and said with a sneer while launching an attack.

"That's right, Seventh Prince, you are a smart person, you should know how to choose!"

"Holy Lord Aofeng's inheritance is extremely precious, but life is even more precious. If you lose your life, even the most precious treasures are useless!"


One by one, Tianjiao spoke out one after another, staring at the Seventh Prince with cold eyes.

"Hmph, all of you are threatening to get the inheritance of Holy Master Aofeng. Unfortunately, even if I die, I will never let the inheritance of Holy Lord Aofeng fall into the hands of you people!"

The Seventh Prince snorted coldly, and the aura on his body rose sharply again. His aura surged, his spear intent filled the air, and the long spear in his hand stabbed out again and again, and the sky was filled with bright spear lights.

All of a sudden, all the arrogances around were forced by him to take two or three steps back.

"The mysteries of the wind, the wind and the clouds!"

Taking advantage of this moment, the Seventh Prince roared furiously, making a roaring sound, his aura surged, and there was a gust of wind around him, and the law of wind entwined around him.

The long spear in his hand stabbed out in a spin, sweeping directly with a shocking hurricane, and countless spear shadows, like dots of starlight, swept away with a fierce aura.

This style of wind and clouds suddenly erupted with shocking power, like a raging sea tide, turning the entire space upside down.

Many of the Tianjiao around, many people, all showed a look of horror, and retreated quickly, avoiding the terrifying power of this move.

But the person who rushed to the front couldn't dodge at all, and the gunshots pierced through his body, forming large and small blood holes, and blood gushed out.

Under the siege of the crowd, a Tianjiao warrior was directly beheaded by the Seventh Prince!

But immediately, all around, those Tianjiao gathered around again, Tianxuan Saintess was the first to bear the brunt, the speed was astonishingly fast, the sword light seemed like frost, covering this space.

The Seventh Prince retreated violently again, rushing left and right, but he was still unable to break through the encirclement.

But at this moment, Xihuang and Ba Dao teamed up to attack Li Changkong. Ba Dao wielded the Seven Stars Earth Demon Saber.

And the Western Emperor also made a move, he was like an emperor, ruling the world, the aura of tyrant was actually stronger than the tyrant sword, the power of law was in his hands, like a group of ministers, completely surrendered.

Chi Chi Chi!
A series of gun lights, like stars, covered an area of ​​tens of meters around Li Changkong's body, and every gun light was sharp and tyrannical.

There are also many arrogances, and they also shot one after another, and the magic weapons kept falling, and the sword light and knife light were amazing.

At this moment, Li Changkong was fully mobilizing his fire-pattern armor, but he was also like a flat boat in the vast ocean, drifting with the waves, extremely dangerous.

"Li Changkong, you can't keep the Seventh Prince. Even if you can stop this time, what about the next time? The Seventh Prince carries the inheritance of the Lord Aofeng. This is a huge treasure, and countless people will go crazy for it. Can you stop it?"

Xi Huang sneered, and said: "What's more, the current situation is not something you can stop at all!"

"That's right, Li Changkong, we won't kill you, so get out!"

"Qingtangtang is calling strong men to kill you. You can't protect yourself, and you still want to be strong for others?"

"Who do you think you are? There are so many of us, can you stop it?"

Many people sneered, although Li Changkong was powerful and could slay the sword king, he couldn't stop the heroes.

Such behavior, in their view, is very ridiculous, because this matter has nothing to do with him, but he insists on taking the matter by force.

"It's ridiculous, it's you!"

Li Changkong stepped back quickly, with agility, dodging one attack after another, like a ghost, erratic and elusive, and at the same time coldly shouted: "Is this news told to you by the saint of Kuntian? But now, Has the Kuntian Saintess appeared? She didn't dare to come, but let you stand out, you are just poor worms who were used by her!"

"It's ridiculous, I am the dignified Xihuang, the saint of Kuntian, and I am just a dog of the Sword Emperor. With her alone, can she use me?"

Xihuang snorted coldly, his expression became more icy, and his killing intent became more intense.

Li Changkong's strength made him fearful. If he said that he came here for the treasure of Holy Lord Aofeng, now he really wanted to kill Li Changkong and eradicate a powerful enemy for himself.

"Haha, Emperor Xi, you are in vain for being self-righteous, but now, you have become the pawn of the Holy Maiden of Kuntian? The reason why she spread the news is nothing more than to deal with me and the Seventh Prince!"

Li Changkong laughed again and again. At the same time, he activated the five-element divine body, and poured the five-element spiritual power into the low-grade holy artifact in his hand. The general astonishing sword energy directly cut a Tianjiao warrior into two pieces, and his body exploded.

Blood spilled from the sky. That tragic scene made many Tianjiao warriors stunned for a moment. Under the siege of the crowd, Li Changkong was able to kill one person back. His strength made them palpitate.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Changkong immediately ran away, and rushed towards the place where the Seventh Prince was. He saw that the Seventh Prince was besieged by Tianxuan Shengnv and others. There were many dangers, and he couldn't last long.

He turned into a streak of light with an astonishingly fast speed, killed the past, and rushed into the battle group.

"You pissed me off!"

His eyes were icy cold, a cold light flashed across his body, the aura on his body soared, and the Immortal Sword Soul, Destruction Sword Intent, and Wind and Thunder Sword Intent all turned into bright sword rainbows, soaring into the sky.

"The Great Five Elements Sword Art!"

The sword in his hand slashed out directly, and immediately, there were waves of sword energy, and each sword energy contained three major sword intents, five elements of spiritual power, and the sword power was surging!

It was the sound of sword energy entering the body. Around six people were cut by the sword energy, their bodies burst, and blood fell like raindrops.

The fierce power is horrifying!

(End of this chapter)

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