Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 91 The Name Moves the Heroic Wuzhou

Chapter 91 The Name Moves the Heroic Wuzhou (Second Update)
When Li Changkong was cultivating, in Xiongwu Prefecture, many news about Li Changkong had already spread.

"The Xu family was destroyed, and Xu Jingting was killed by Li Changkong?"

In the Lu family, the largest family in Xiongwu Prefecture, a middle-aged man with a bushy beard frowned slightly. He, Lu Wu, is the contemporary patriarch of the Lu family, and even the head of the entire Xiongwu Prefecture, holding great power!

But even for him, the news still made his heart tremble.

"This Li Changkong has such fighting power? Could it be that he has recovered?"

Lu Wu looked into the distance, his eyes flickered, making it impossible to guess what was really going on in his heart.

Su family.

Su Zhengyang, the Patriarch of the Su family, is a white-haired old man in his sixties or seventies, but his body is surging with spiritual power, and his cultivation level is definitely not inferior to that of Xu Jingting.

"Xu Jingting was killed? Although he is the weakest of the five giants, he is in the real Shenfu realm after all. Li Changkong, a boy no older than 20 years old, can kill him?"


This kind of situation also happened in the Qin family, Yang family, Lu family, Su family, Qin family, Yang family, and Xu family. They are the five major families in Xiongwu Prefecture. The heads of these five major families are all in the Shenfu realm. And known as the five giants of Xiongwu Prefecture.

Today, Xu Jingting, one of the five giants, died, and died at the hands of a boy who was only sixteen or seventeen years old. This news is absolutely shocking enough.

At the same time, a young man in a white robe with a mole at the corner of his eye entered Xiongwu Prefecture.

This person is none other than the outer disciple of the Zhenwu Sect, Yuan Wu, who was sent by Chu Jianghe!

Along the way, with the help of the Thousand Miles Divine Walking Talisman, he traveled day and night. Although he walked a lot of wrong roads, he finally arrived in Xiongwu Prefecture.

"Have you heard? Xu Jingting, the Patriarch of the Xu Family, the powerhouse of the Divine Palace, was killed by that Li Changkong, and even the Xu Family was destroyed!"

"Of course I've heard that there might be a major earthquake in Xiongwu Prefecture. Li Changkong's aptitude is so perverted. The other four giants will definitely not allow Li Changkong to grow up."

"This genius is about to perish!"


When Yuan Wu walked to the street, people were constantly talking about it, and Li Changkong's name kept coming into his ears.

"Li Changkong came to Xiongwu Prefecture, and killed a martial artist who possessed the realm of Shenfu?"

Yuan Wu's heart suddenly trembled, but he knew clearly that even the Suzerain made the conclusion at the beginning, Li Changkong would not be able to achieve any achievements in martial arts in his whole life.

"It seems that Senior Brother Chu's worry is not unreasonable. Li Changkong's aptitude can be called a monster. Even Senior Brother Chu at the beginning was suppressed by him. If he was allowed to grow, I, Yuan Wu, had also If you offend him, he won't die, so you can't feel at ease!"

An evil spirit billowed from Yuan Wu's body, and murderous intent overflowed in his eyes.

He is an outer disciple of the Zhenwu Sect. He has already cultivated to the peak of the Gangyuan Ninth Layer, and he is only one step away from the Shenfu realm.

In a remote place like Xiongwu Prefecture, his strength is definitely enough to run rampant. The most powerful martial arts practiced by the first-level warriors of the Shenfu here are only yellow-level masterpieces, and their strength is too weak.

With his strength, he can kill a warrior of the first level of the Shenfu with one move!
This is the confidence of a disciple from a great sect. The skills he practiced, the pills he took, and the foundation he laid, are many times better than these warriors in remote places.

"Li Changkong, wait, I, Yuan Wu, want to kill you, even if you flee to the ends of the earth, it will be of no use!"


Xu's backyard.

Li Changkong opened his eyes with a look of regret.

He has already refined all the medicinal power of the last elixir, Chiyanguo, and the energy in his body is surging like a great river.

On his physical body, there was a strange luster, and the precious light was transpiring.

But even so, he still failed. After exhausting all the elixir, he still failed to cultivate the Xuanlong Gang Body.

"The Xuanlong Gang body requires terrifying resources. I'm afraid I still need to get more third-order elixir before I can successfully break through the Gang Yuan realm."

Li Changkong let out a long breath, looking a little disappointed.

He still underestimated the difficulty of cultivating the Xuanlong Gang Physique. This combat body is even stronger than the Flood Dragon Treasure Physique. It is not so easy to really cultivate it.

"However, I gained a lot of treasures by destroying the Qinglang Gang and the Xu family this time. The silver notes I got from the Qinglang Gang alone amounted to 2108 million taels. It's even richer!"

"Such a lot of silver taels should be enough to buy third-tier elixir! But in remote places like Xiongwu Prefecture, the only place to buy third-tier elixir is Danbao Pavilion."

After all, Li Changkong had a firm heart, and he soon walked out of his lost emotions.

"Go to Danbao Pavilion."

He stood up, left the backyard directly, and walked outside.

"Master, are you ready to go out?"

Lu Pingzhi walked towards him, saw Li Changkong, and immediately bowed and said.

"Well, I'm going to take a trip to Danbao Pavilion."

Li Changkong nodded.

"Master, your current status is different from the past. If you want to go out to do errands, how can you have no one to follow?"

Lu Pingzhi even said: "Let the villain go together, some trivial matters can be left to the villain."

In front of Li Changkong, Lu Pingzhi kept his posture very low, as if he had completely adapted to his status as a servant.


Li Changkong nodded, and after instructing Lian'er and the others to practice hard, he took Lu Pingzhi out of Xu's house.

Along the way, Lu Pingzhi followed Li Changkong with a respectful attitude.

The two of them, master and servant, attracted a lot of attention.

"Who is this young man? Why is the vice leader Lu of the Blue Wolf Gang treating him so respectfully?"

"Could it be the patriarch of a certain big clan? But even the patriarchs of some big clans are not enough to make the vice-leader Lu of the Blue Wolf Gang like this?"

"Unless it is the patriarch of the five giant families, but I know all the patriarchs of the five major families. It seems that this young man has never seen him before. He is very unfamiliar!"


Along the way, voices of discussion kept coming.

After all, Li Changkong had just arrived in Xiongwu Prefecture. Although his name had already spread throughout Xiongwu Prefecture, in fact, few people had actually seen him.

Therefore, for the vast majority of people in Xiongwu Prefecture, they only know Li Changkong's name, but they don't know Li Changkong at all.

Li Changkong didn't bother to pay attention to these voices of discussion. Under the guidance of Lu Pingzhi, he soon came to Danbao Pavilion.

The Danbao Pavilion here is built in the center of the downtown area, and it looks quite majestic. In front of the gate of the Danbao Pavilion, there are guards with strong cultivation bases guarding it.

(End of this chapter)

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