Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 913 Escape

Chapter 913 Escape (Fifth)

"Li Changkong, what kind of exercise do you practice, yet you can erupt with such astonishing power at such a young age!"

Ma Yuanba stared at Li Changkong, his eyes were shining, and his eyes were full of greed.

As a disciple of the Divine Power Sect, he admires and pursues power. However, Li Changkong was able to erupt such terrifying power at such a young age. body!
Very likely, it is the legendary Emperor Grade Kungfu, Emperor Grade Battle Body!
His eyes were bright and extremely bright, and he stared at Li Changkong. Although he was knocked back by Li Changkong's punch, in fact, the injury was not serious. He has a strong defense.

"Huh? There's nothing serious?"

And at this moment, Li Changkong couldn't help being taken aback. His punch just now had the power of a million dragons, but even so, he couldn't hit this muscular devil seriously?

He was quite surprised. From this point of view, this muscular devil is not simple, and his defense is strong enough!

"Boy, I'm asking you something!"

Ma Yuanba yelled angrily, his voice was rolling like a thunderclap, he glared angrily, and shouted: "You teach me this exercise, and I, Ma Yuanba, immediately turn the gun and help you deal with Qingtiantang. How about taking care of you?"

"Just you?"

Li Changkong charged again, his fists clenched and his eyes became sharper.

Boom boom boom...

At this moment, other people also started to attack, and saw an astonishing golden rainbow, piercing through the sun and the moon, suddenly piercing out, this person's swordsmanship is also extremely powerful, the sword is like a flying rainbow, and its power is not weak at all.

There was another golden sword glow, like a waterfall, with majestic power.

There was another gun light, piercing through the space, that gun light, condensed a little, and the power that erupted was extremely terrifying.

Each of these people who dared to chase after them were elites from various sects, and each of them was powerful, even stronger than the mad dragon.

The ancient battlefield is too big, and there are countless young heroes who have experienced it here. Some of them are core disciples of various sects, and their natural combat power is not weaker than the Tianjiao warriors in Fengtian Academy.

"Li Changkong, you are dead!"

Someone shouted coldly and stared at Li Changkong with a smug smile.


"Pick me up!"

Li Changkong yelled angrily again, his whole body was full of bright aura, and the dragon's power was permeating, and the dragon's power was billowing, almost turning the surrounding space into a real dragon's domain.

"True Dragon Fist!"

He punched out, roaring like a real dragon, rushing out with a whistling sound, the golden light in his fist seemed to be in the shape of a dragon, a real dragon came into the world!

The fist is blazing, shaking the space, and the power is mighty!

Boom boom boom...

All of a sudden, there was a loud bang echoing between the sky and the earth. Three Tianjiao warriors were sent flying by the fiery fist light, retreated hundreds of meters, and slammed down on the ground. Pit, filled with dust.

"Boy, come get another punch from your uncle!"

But at this moment, that Ma Yuanba of the Divine Power Sect came again. This man is worthy of being the pride of the Divine Power Sect. He activated the Brute Elephant Divine Power Art. His body was like a Brute Elephant, and he punched him like an ancient Brute Elephant. The power that erupted was even more terrifying than before.


Li Changkong yelled angrily, completely enraged, he had no reservations, the three sword intents, Immortal Sword Soul, Destruction Sword Intent, Wind and Thunder Sword Intent, rushed out with a howl, turning into three bright sword rainbows.

There is also a five-element god body, blooming five-color divine light, and the five-element spiritual power between heaven and earth, rushing madly, pouring into his body!
In his hand, a low-grade sacred weapon appeared, the sword body trembled, the sword light was blazing, and a bright sword light burst out.

boom boom boom boom...

He slashed out with a sword, and the thick five-element sword aura swept out like a mountain peak. The astonishing sword aura actually oppressed the space and suppressed towards Ma Yuanba!

bang bang bang bang...

Ma Yuanba's body surface was actually exploded, blood oozed, it was dripping with blood, and even, in some places, there were thick bones, and his whole body was blown out, and he fell several miles away. It hit the ground hard.

Cough cough cough...

Ma Yuanba coughed up blood again and again, and his injuries were extremely serious. If he hadn't practiced the Elephant Divine Power Jue, his body was like an elephant, and his defense was strong, the sword just now was enough to kill him!
"Your uncle's!"

His face was pale, and he cursed wildly when he opened his mouth. As the arrogance of the Divine Power Sect, he had never been so embarrassed before!

But Li Changkong ignored Ma Yuanba at all, turned around and left. Under the current situation, he had to get rid of these people as soon as possible, otherwise, when Qing Tiantang and those Tianjiao who chased him arrived, something bad would happen. He couldn't take it anymore, he was afraid that the earth would be stained with blood and fall here.

His speed was so fast that he turned into a stream of light and rushed forward, before disappearing from everyone's sight.

"Grandma is a bear!"

Ma Yuanba looked at Li Changkong's leaving back and cursed repeatedly. His injuries were serious, but his physical body was strong, so the injuries were not fatal.

"Let him escape!"

Those Tianjiao warriors who were blown away also rushed over, bleeding from the corners of their mouths, their faces pale.


"This son is young, but his strength is so powerful. There must be a big secret hidden in his body. If he is captured and questioned, he may be able to gain amazing results!"

Several Tianjiao warriors shook their heads repeatedly during the conversation, with regret on their faces.

"He can't escape! In this ancient battlefield, there are too many people who want to kill him!"

The Tianjiao who used the sword was the young lord of the Golden Sword Sect, Jin Yunfeng. At this moment, he looked at the direction Li Changkong was leaving with a gloomy expression.

"The direction he fled to was the core of the ancient battlefield. It seems that he also understood that he could not leave the ancient battlefield, so he fled into the core of the ancient battlefield instead!"

"Brother Yuanba, quickly recover from your injuries, and then we will hunt down this son together!"

Jin Yunfeng withdrew his gaze, looked at Ma Yuanba, and said in succession.

Among the few of them, Ma Yuanba was the strongest. Without Ma Yuanba, they really didn't have much confidence to fight Li Changkong!
"Hmph, the skill and combat body on his body is very extraordinary, I must get it!"

Ma Yuanba took out a cyan elixir, on which radiated astonishing spiritual power, he raised his head and swallowed the elixir, refined the majestic medicinal power in the elixir, and healed his injuries, but his eyes were blazing Incomparable.

From Li Changkong's combat strength before, he can almost be [-]% sure that the body method Li Changkong cultivated is extremely extraordinary, it definitely surpasses a king-level combat body, and is a powerful emperor-level combat body!
Although there is only one grade difference between the emperor class and the king class, in fact, the gap is huge. The emperor class martial arts and martial arts almost completely crush the king class martial arts and martial arts!

(End of this chapter)

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