Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 916 Demon Eater

Chapter 916 Demon Eater (Eighth)

"What is the origin of this brick, so heavy?"

Li Changkong put away the bricks and put them in the Tianhe ring, then he looked at the "strong man close to God" and asked.

"I do not remember."

The "near god powerhouse" shook his head, and said again: "But this thing is very heavy. If you use it to deal with the enemy, you can definitely get unexpected results!"

"Of course, the real value of this thing is not like that, but I can't remember it. Maybe, when you rescue me, I will remember the function of this thing."

"Oh?" Li Changkong's heart twitched slightly, this guy, did he really not remember, or did he do it on purpose?

However, no matter what, this black brick is definitely not ordinary, maybe it is really an extremely precious thing!

"You took my things, don't forget your promise, you will come here to save me when you become stronger in the future."

The "strong man close to the gods" even told Li Changkong.

"Well, don't worry, I will never cheat anyone." Li Changkong nodded "severely", but secretly added a sentence in his heart: "If I don't cheat you, who will I cheat?"

Strictly speaking, this "strong man close to God" is no longer a human being, but a monster, an evil thing, similar to the corpse god puppets refined by the Corpse God Sect before, but this "strong man close to God" To be born with spiritual intelligence, to have self-awareness.

Therefore, he cannot be regarded as cheating, because the "strong man close to God" is not a human being.

Next, he left the main hall and began to set up formations, ordering the three starry sky behemoths to hunt and kill monsters in all directions, driving the remnants of resentment left by the monsters into the formation flags and burying them in the ground.

Just a few hours later, there were gusts of wind and dark clouds all around, and in the darkness, there seemed to be infinite ghosts born, with deep demonic thoughts.

Thousand Demons Eater Soul Formation!

The power of this Thousand Demons Devouring Soul Formation is even better than that of the original Seven Killing Blood Formation. Moreover, he only spent a few hours, and he has already achieved initial results.

The reason why such results can be achieved so quickly is because this is the best place to set up the Demon Soul Devouring Formation. After all, this place itself is the place where resentment accumulates. All he has to do is to put These grievances are just used.

"The Demonic Soul Devouring Formation has begun to have its power, but obviously, it is not enough to deal with strong enemies. The enemies provoked this time are not only strong in cultivation, but also in large numbers, including Qingtiantang and Xisheng. Tang, Tianxuanzong, Shenlizong, Jinjianzong and many other forces!"

"It is necessary to continue to strengthen the power of the Demon Soul Devouring Formation, and the most effective way is to use the hall deep underground as the foundation of the formation to attract the resentment accumulated in the "near god powerhouse". , will elevate the power of the Thousand Demons Devouring Soul Formation to a higher level!"

Li Changkong frowned, thinking in his heart, a thought flashed through his mind, and immediately, he didn't hesitate anymore, but continued to sneak into the ground and into the hall.


An array flag appeared in his hand, and he began to be busy for a while, driving Dao Dao Lingjue into the array flag.

"You are arranging formations to deal with the enemy. Is your enemy very strong?"

The "strong man close to the gods" blinked, stared at Li Changkong, and suddenly made a sound.

"It's very powerful. The key is that there are too many of them. If you don't make more preparations, I will definitely die in a while, and no one will come to rescue you then!"

Li Changkong didn't stop, and continued to offer sacrifices to the formation flags. The formation flags were raised one after another, absorbing the evil thoughts that had accumulated over the years in the hall.

"Are you Jianxiu?"

The "strong man close to God" continued to speak, and asked again.


Li Changkong nodded.

"That's good. Maybe I can help a little. Under this hall, there used to be a sword mound, where many sword weapons and magic weapons were buried. Although these sword weapons and magic weapons are all incomplete, they are used to deal with The enemy in front of you should not be a problem!"

The "strong man close to God" spoke again.

"Oh? Sword Tomb?" Li Changkong raised his head involuntarily, his eyes shining brightly.

The Little Thousand Sword Formation he practiced lacks sword weapons and treasures. You must know that he is already in the Heavenly Palace Realm, but it is too difficult to get together [-] treasures of the Heavenly Palace!

Even if he has strong financial resources, the treasures of the [-] Heavenly Palace, even if he spends all he has, he can't get them in exchange.

"Yes, I have the impression that when the war broke out, there were hundreds of thousands of sword cultivators who besieged me here. Most of their swords and magic weapons were already broken, but presumably, some of them were still intact. of!"

The "strong man close to God" nodded seriously.

He had just opened his mind. Before that, he didn't have much intelligence. He only knew how to kill, but he was suppressed. In these long years, Li Changkong was the first person to enter the hall.

After being suppressed here for a long time, most of his murderous thoughts have been wiped out by the years and formations, but now he has sincerity towards Li Changkong, and he has never had any evil thoughts.

Li Changkong looked at the "strong man close to the gods". It seems that this guy is not bad, and the news he has revealed now can be said to have helped him a lot!
As for the [-] Sword Cultivators mentioned by the other party, he didn't find it strange at all. Those who are close to gods are equivalent to demigods, almost like gods.

"You're welcome, my name is Ling Tongtian, you can call me Big Brother, I will cover you when I go out in the future!"

That "strong man close to God" has a sincere expression, not like a joke.

"Ling Tongtian?"

Hearing this name, Li Changkong frowned.

Surname Ling?

The Zhanwang family is the Ling family, and Ling Danqing, who is known as the unparalleled Zhanwang, has been regarded as a strong enemy by Li Changkong until now!
In this God of War Continent, the Ling family itself has a very special status, because the Ling family is the descendant of the God of War!
Of course, not every Ling family is a descendant of the God of War. In fact, most of the Ling family has nothing to do with the descendants of the God of War, but the "near god" Ling Tongtian was once a demigod. Maybe it really came from the Ling family, a descendant of the God of War!
Only those families can give birth to demigods, right?

A lot of thoughts flashed through his mind, but in the end, he shook his head. Now that there are too few clues, it may be difficult to trace Ling Tongtian's identity.

Moreover, the current Ling Tongtian is no longer the former Ling Tongtian, but Ling Tongtian's corpse, a monster born of accumulated resentment. It is already two different existences from the previous Ling Tongtian.

"Brother, little brother will definitely come to save you in the future!"

Li Changkong nodded, this big brother is not a simple guy, he is different from Mo Zu.

Although the Demon Ancestor was once a unparalleled powerhouse, his physical body has been destroyed, leaving only a wisp of remnant soul. In fact, he can't exert much combat power.

But Ling Tongtian is different. Although this Ling Tongtian is no longer the demigod powerhouse he used to be, his physical body is still the body of a demigod. Once he is born, it will cause a huge commotion. , in front of Ling Tongtian, everyone should be a little bit afraid.

With such a big brother covering him, although the world is big, where can he not go?

(End of this chapter)

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