Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 918 Demon Flame Soul Devourer

Chapter 918 Demon Flame Soul Devourer (Tenth Update)

"Li Changkong!"

Seeing Li Changkong's appearance, all eyes immediately fell on Li Changkong. In an instant, Li Changkong became the focus!
As for Xi Huang, he gritted his teeth with hatred. After entering the academy, Ba Dao was his only brother, but now, he was beheaded by Li Changkong. He hated Li Changkong to the bone!
No matter what, he will avenge Ba Dao!

"Li Changkong, do you think my uncle can't find you if you hide?"

Even Ma Yuanba of the Divine Power Sect shouted loudly.

Li Changkong was terrifying, but with so many of them joining forces, the gathering of geniuses, crushing Li Changkong to death was just a snap of the fingers.

Therefore, he didn't pay attention to Li Changkong at all.

"Shut up, here, it's not your turn to speak."

Li Changkong laughed lightly, his words were full of contempt, Ma Yuanba's strength was very good, much stronger than Kuanglong, but it was not enough for him to take it seriously.

On the contrary, it is the Western Emperor and the three major patrols of Qingtiantang who are the real rivals!
Ma Yuanba's face froze immediately, he was very angry, and was about to curse, but immediately, No. 30 No. [-] Patrolman of Qingtangtang spoke up, with a majestic voice, and shouted: "Li Changkong, you killed the Sword King! , No one in heaven and earth can save you, the Sword Emperor already knows about this matter, even if you escape back to the academy, this matter cannot be resolved!"

"You are doomed to die, so why struggle? No matter how hard you struggle, it will be futile!"

The No.30 Sixth Patroller, with his head raised up and his eyes facing the sky, has an expression that is incomparably superior, and his eyes are full of arrogance.

The other Qingtangtang disciples also sneered at this moment, looking at Li Changkong as if they were looking at a dead person.

This time, in order to deal with Li Changkong, the three major patrols dispatched. It can be said that Li Changkong had been sentenced to death. In their view, no matter how Li Changkong struggled, the result was futile.

"Haha, it's ridiculous. One by one, they think they are superior, that they can crush me and decide my fate?"

Li Changkong also laughed out loud, his expression was full of disdain, struggling is futile, so don't resist?
Nonsensical remarks!
"You guys, don't talk nonsense. If you want to kill me, just let it go. I, Li Changkong, will follow!"

He held his head high, his eyes gleamed brightly, and his body exuded an astonishingly fierce aura.

"Where do you have the confidence to say such a thing?"

No. 30 Sixth Inspector, sneered, sneered: "In my eyes, your so-called hole cards and reliance are incomparably ridiculous. Do you really think that laying down a formation can save your life?"

"Why talk nonsense with him? Just kill him, take his head, and go back to the young master!"

No.30 Fifth Patrol also snorted coldly, staring at Li Changkong with blazing eyes.

"If that's the case, let's fight!"

Li Changkong was full of aura, and he formed seals with his hands. Suddenly, the surroundings surged with devilish energy, endless dark breath emerged, and there were many ghostly shadows, all of which emerged.

The Great Demonic Soul Devouring Formation was finally activated, enveloping all these people within the large formation.

One after another monsters were born out of thin air, and they were actually condensed from the devil energy. The eyes of all the monsters were blood red, and the aura they emitted was tyrannical and violent. Immediately, they all rushed out, rushing towards these arrogant warriors.

Ma Yuanba couldn't hold back, and rushed out first. This person was like a wild elephant, with a terrifying aura. When he punched out, an astonishing force burst out immediately. Several monsters' bodies exploded, turning into demonic energy and dissipating.

"Is it too weak?"

His eyes flickered, showing a sneer. This kind of monster may be able to deal with ordinary warriors a little bit, but it is completely vulnerable to arrogance warriors like them.

"Li Changkong, is this the formation you have arranged all this time? It is simply vulnerable!"

Ma Yuanba sneered, a bright light flashed in his eyes, he didn't care about other people, and went straight to kill Li Changkong.

And at this moment, Xihuang, Tianxuan Shengnv, Jin Yunfeng and others also rushed out one by one. Although the formation was filled with light and the light of the formation was flickering constantly, they were confident in their strength and had no fear at all.


The long spears in Xihuang's hand stabbed out again and again, and the bodies of one after another monsters burst, turning into demon energy and dissipating. The speed of the long spears in his hand became faster and faster, and the power became more and more amazing.

Although there are many monsters in number, they can't stop him from moving forward!

The Tianxuan Saintess sacrificed her long sword, and the light of the sword fell like raindrops. Immediately, all the monsters within tens of meters in front of her were pierced by the light of the sword, turning into demon energy and dissipating one by one.

"What kind of formation is this? Is it too weak?"

The No.30 Sixth Patroller laughed lightly, becoming more and more disdainful.

Originally, he was still a little dignified, thinking that a big battle would break out, but now it seems that it is unnecessary to dispatch so many people and combine the three major patrols.

"If I had known this earlier, I would be able to capture Li Changkong with my own hands and kill Li Changkong!"

He stared at Li Changkong coldly, and smiled.

"Don't underestimate this guy, this guy's methods are not limited to this!"

Behind him, the No. 30 fifth patrol and the No. 30 fourth patrol shook their heads in unison, with serious expressions on their faces.

Even the Western Emperor was not in a hurry to advance aggressively at this moment. He was quite clear about Li Changkong's strength. He knew that Li Changkong's knowledge in formations was extremely deep, and the formations arranged by this person could not be so vulnerable.

But at this moment, Ma Yuanba, Jin Yunfeng and the others rushed out first, advancing extremely fast, and soon reached Li Changkong.

"Li Changkong, your time of death has arrived!"

Ma Yuanba sneered, with burning eyes in his eyes: "Don't you hurry up and hand over your martial arts and body? Otherwise, I will blow you up with one punch!"

Even Jin Yunfeng shook his head again and again at this moment, and said with a sneer: "Li Changkong, your formation is too weak. If this is your strength, then you'd better hand over your skills and combat body. At least, you can die." Be decent!"

"Weak? It's enough to kill you!"

Seeing Ma Yuanba and Jin Yunfeng rushing towards him, Li Changkong was extremely calm, talking and laughing freely, without the slightest hint of panic.

"Just relying on your formation?"

Ma Yuanba, Jin Yunfeng and the others all burst into laughter.

"Zheng Qi, Demon Flame Soul Devourer!"

Li Changkong shook his head, drank softly, and made seals with his hands again. Suddenly, from the depths of the ground, there seemed to be an astonishing magic light rushing out and pouring into the formation.

The entire formation has become eerie and terrifying, the aura of the formation, killing heaven and earth, is extremely terrifying!
And the next moment, in his eyes, an astonishing flame jumped. It was the real dragon demon flame, which turned into a fire dragon, rushed out suddenly, and in an instant, the entire large formation enveloped it turned into a sea of ​​flames all over the sky!
Devil Flame Soul Eater!

(End of this chapter)

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