Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 924: Slaying the Western Emperor with a Sword

Chapter 924 Sword Slaying the Western Emperor (Sixth)

"The Art of Transforming Dragons!"

Xihuangdu's eyes were fixed, revealing a dignified expression.

He looked at Li Changkong, and suddenly shouted: "Li Changkong, have you exhausted your cards now? Now, I have no reservations. I just want to see whether your dragon transformation technique is stronger, or me. The emperor's domineering body is stronger!"

As soon as the words fell, he grabbed out with both hands in the air, and he grasped the laws of the emperor's way one after another in his hands. The amazing power of the laws condensed into a chain of laws.

That chain of laws is completely different from ordinary chains of laws. It is a pure imperial law, and the aura emanating from it is extremely terrifying, far better than ordinary chains of laws.

The chain of laws in his hand was directly whipped down, shaking the void, and the domineering arrogance of the imperial way actually made the laws disorder.


Li Changkong had no fear at all. A bright light shone in the dragon's eyes. The dragon's claws stretched out and slashed fiercely. An astonishing tearing force tore through the void, revealing a terrifying space turbulence.

Boom boom boom...

The sharp dragon claws and the chain of laws collided again and again, fiercely confronted, and the aftermath of the battle spread, causing large and small deep pits with no rules at all to appear all around.

Long Wei and Huang Dao's domineering are also constantly colliding, the auras of the two are converging, invisibly, I don't know how many times they have confronted.

In the end, the two figures staggered again, and each other's gazes shone brightly.

"Fight again!"

The Western Emperor yelled loudly, his whole body was shining with precious light, his eyes were staring at him like a king in the world.

His body burst out, with a strong fighting body and powerful strength. He slammed into it fiercely, and there was a chain of laws, forming a huge cage, covering Li Changkong.

Now, Li Changkong has turned into a real dragon with a powerful aura. Xi Huang knew in his heart that it would not be easy to kill Li Changkong directly, but he could use the chain of Taoism to trap Li Changkong.

Once successful, when the time comes, Li Changkong will be the fish on the sticky board and let him slaughter.

"True Dragon Fist!"

Li Changkong punched out an even more astonishing power. Moreover, after he transformed into a real dragon, the breath of the real dragon became even stronger, and the power of the real dragon fist was even stronger!

Boom boom boom!
The void oscillated, and all the chains of laws were smashed by the dragon claws, turning into fragments of laws and scattered all over the ground!
Then, Li Changkong's dragon body also slammed into it, and collided head-on with Xihuang's imperial body.

bang bang bang...

The void exploded, and the two figures flew out and landed on the ground, their breath becoming disordered.

Judging from the current situation, it seems that the two of them fought in a tie, and it was hard to tell the winner.

But many people could tell that Li Changkong had spent a lot of energy in fighting repeatedly before, and was even blown away by the Western Emperor's punch and suffered serious trauma.

In contrast, the Western Emperor is waiting for work with ease, in the most prosperous peak state, full of energy and blood, incomparably vigorous!

Li Changkong continued to charge forward, fearless and fearless, his peak fourth-rank true dragon body was pushed to the extreme by him!

Although he had been severely injured before and consumed a lot, but at this moment, his peak fourth-rank true dragon body combined with the five-element god body has unprecedentedly strong recovery power, and the five-element spiritual power between heaven and earth is continuously flowing into his body among.


His dragon body rushed out, making the sound of dragon chant, forming a terrifying sound wave. It was impressive to display the supernatural power of the real dragon's roar, and the sound wave oscillated, forming a series of shock waves.

Coupled with that powerful Longwei, the fighting power is monstrous.


The dragon claws slammed down, with amazing tearing power, as if it wanted to tear up the world and turn the sun, the moon, and the universe upside down.

"Royal Dao Overbearing Fist!"

The Western Emperor also shouted angrily, this time the battle cannot be held back, and the brilliance will completely bloom.

The domineering aura of the imperial way came together, pouring all of it into the fist, and blasting out with one punch, it burst out with infinite power.

bang bang bang...

It hit again, and the next moment, Xi Huang fell and flew out. Deep scratches appeared on his chest, and blood oozed out.

But at this moment, the dragon scales on Li Changkong's body fell off, a large piece of blood was blurred, and the injury became more serious.

But he was fearless, and came to kill again. Suddenly, the power of the sword bloomed on the dragon's body, and the three major sword intents appeared again.

He has too many hole cards, and his methods emerge in endlessly. Each method has powerful power and amazing destructive power.

Daodao's sword light cut down, and the dragon's body was crushed even more.

Xihuang was knocked out again, coughing up blood again and again, blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and he was even more embarrassed.

And Li Changkong didn't get much better. Large pieces of dragon scales fell off, and his condition was very bad.

The two great arrogances collided, but in the end, both sides suffered losses!
In the current battle situation, both of them trade injuries for injuries, it depends on who can survive to the end!
"Li Changkong, I didn't expect you to be so powerful. Everyone underestimated you. You definitely can't be a seven-star aptitude!"

"You hide it deeper than me!"

The Western Emperor stared at Li Changkong with a bitter smile. If Li Changkong only had the ability to transform dragons, he would have no fear.

But unfortunately, this is not the case. In addition to the real dragon body, Li Changkong also cultivated the five-element god body. This kind of combat body is not inferior to the emperor's hegemony body.

It's just that the five-element god body is not as powerful as the emperor's hegemony, but in other aspects, such as recovery ability, such as absorbing the five elements' spiritual power, it completely surpasses the emperor's hegemony.

"You are stronger than the sword king, but unfortunately, I will have the last laugh!"

Li Changkong's body was dripping with blood, which was unspeakable, but at this moment, he was still extremely confident and had full confidence in his own strength.

Xihuang is definitely a genius at the monstrous level, and his realm is much stronger than him, but he still has confidence that he can trample Xihuang under his feet.

Buzz Buzz!

The next moment, a blood-colored long sword stood out of thin air. It was the Blood Demon Sword. At this moment, the Blood Demon Sword, driven by the intent to destroy the sword, exuded a monstrous and violent aura. Black lotus flowers spread all over the body of the sword. superior.

The monstrous killing intent shocked people's hearts and made countless people tremble with fear.

Li Changkong rushed out directly, and the dragon's body slammed into him again. At the same time, the Blood Demon Sword flew out, turning into a bright blood-colored rainbow, piercing the sky, and the sword was extremely blazing!
The blood sword, like a blood sun, is bloody!

The Western Emperor also roared angrily, the endless domineering power of the emperor gathered on his body, and his eyes were full of strong fighting spirit.

Boom boom boom!
The two radiant bodies slammed into each other fiercely, and the Western Emperor burst out with [-]% of his combat power, showing all his background, and fought desperately.

The dragon's body was knocked into the air, smashed hard and landed on the ground, kicking up a large cloud of dust!
Xihuang also backed away again and again, with a startling light shining in his eyes.

But the next moment, the blood-colored Changhong struck, piercing through his body, and the sharp aura broke through his defense. In front of the blood-colored Changhong, even the overbearing body of the imperial way was useless.

Xihuang fell down and fell to the ground, dusty.

A generation of arrogance has just fallen!

In the distance, the crowd fell silent, all of them were speechless, and each of them looked solemn.

With the qualifications of the Western Emperor, if he does not die, he will definitely be ranked on the top of the Dragon and Tiger Ranking in the future, and even break into the top ten of the Dragon and Tiger Ranking, competing with the Sword Emperor!
But now, such an arrogance, before he had time to shine, was beheaded by Li Changkong!

The way they looked at Li Changkong has changed. In the future, maybe this kid can really compete with the Sword Emperor!

(End of this chapter)

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