Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 93 He Is My Slave

Chapter 93 He Is My Slave (Fourth)
Being stared at by the young master of the Lu family, Lu Pingzhi's eyes showed fear. He deeply knew how terrifying this young master of the Lu family was!
More importantly, behind this young master of the Lu family is the No.1 in Xiongwu Prefecture today, Lu Wu, the lord of the mansion!

The strong man like an iron tower finally let go, causing Lu Pingzhi to fall to the ground. He looked at Lu Pingzhi with contempt in his eyes.

If he dared to offend the eldest son of the Lu family, this guy was doomed. As for the young man, he didn't even bother to look at Li Changkong. In his opinion, Li Changkong was just a dead person.

Anyone who offends the youngest of the Lu family has never had a good end.

"This matter has nothing to do with me, I don't know."

Lu Pingzhi's forehead was covered with cold sweat. He shook his head again and again, with a deep look of fear in his eyes. It was a long-term accumulated fear of a person from the bottom of his heart.

After Lu Pingzhi's death, Li Changkong couldn't help showing disappointment when he saw Lu Pingzhi's performance like this. The reason why he didn't act immediately was because he wanted to investigate Lu Pingzhi.

He wanted to see how Lu Pingzhi would deal with this matter in the face of the eldest son of the Lu family.

Obviously, Lu Pingzhi's performance was not satisfactory, but in the end, Lu Pingzhi still kept the secret and did not confess him.

In fact, even if Lu Pingzhi confessed to him, it would have no effect on him. However, if Lu Pingzhi confessed to him, it would show that Lu Pingzhi was not trustworthy at all.

"Talk to Master Lu, you have to kneel!"

The middle-aged man behind the young master of the Lu family had a stern look on his face. He strode forward and kicked Lu Pingzhi in the stomach.


Lu Pingzhi groaned in pain, kneeling on the ground, with cold sweat dripping down his forehead.

His face was pale, his lips were pale, and there was no trace of blood.

He cast a look at Li Changkong asking for help, but Li Changkong glanced aside, showing no intention of intervening.

"Lu Pingzhi, you'd better tell the truth. I'll keep your whole body. Otherwise, I'll make your life worse than death. You should know that I have a hundred ways to torture you!"

The eldest son of the Lu family became more and more stern, staring at Lu Pingzhi with a dim light in his eyes.

"I really don't know, this matter really has nothing to do with me!"

Lu Pingzhi shook his head again and again. Despite the fear in his heart, he still didn't mention Li Changkong.

"court death!"

The young master of the Lu family directly kicked Lu Pingzhi away. With a fierce look on his face, he strode forward, stepped on Lu Pingzhi's face with one foot, and looked at Lu Pingzhi as if he was watching Lu Pingzhi. Like a dog.

"Lu Pingzhi, you dare to betray me? Today, I will kill you!"

The eldest son of the Lu family raised his foot high, and stomped it down hard, carrying the rolling Gangyuan. If this foot hits, Lu Pingzhi will be disabled even if he does not die.

At this moment, Li Changkong finally made a move. He strode forward and slapped him with a slap. The speed of his slap was so fast that he didn't give the Lu family any time to react.

In front of everyone, Li Changkong slapped the youngest of the Lu family fiercely on the face, and directly sent the youngest of the Lu family away.

The young master of the Lu family spun several times in the air before he fell hard to the ground, staring at his eyes, with a bright red five-finger palm print on his face, and blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, he was extremely embarrassed.

"My servant, it's not your turn to teach me a lesson."

Li Changkong's eyes were awe-inspiring, and he spoke lightly.

The youngest of the Lu family covered his face, extremely ashamed and indignant. When had he ever been slapped in the face like this?

Even his father never beat him like this!

"You are such a big dog!"

The middle-aged man who had been standing behind the eldest young master of the Lu family was furious. In front of him, this young man actually attacked young master Lu. Did he pretend that he didn't exist?

The guard, who was as strong as an iron tower, was even more taken aback. Is this guy tired of working?He actually attacked the young master of the Lu family!
He strode out, his tower-like body, and rushed directly towards Li Changkong.

"Boy, you really want to die. Kneel down and confess to Young Master Lu!"

The strong guard threw out a punch with a huge force of tens of thousands of catties, and the wind of the fist roared towards Li Changkong's face.

His punch is so powerful that even warriors of the same realm may not be able to resist his punch!
Li Changkong's face showed a bit of indifference. The guard of the Danbao Pavilion looked down on people with a dog's eyes, did he really think that Li Changkong was easy to bully?

At the moment, he also punched out with only one-tenth of his strength, but when he punched out, the void trembled, and there was a violent sonic boom.

The strong man like an iron tower was instantly sent flying by an unstoppable force. On his arm, his skin was ripped apart, bloody and bloody, and his entire arm was full of blood. Falling down helplessly.

With one punch, one of his arms was directly crippled!
"how is this possible?"

The strong guard fell to the ground, and there was a burning pain in his arm, grinning his teeth in pain, his eyes were full of horror.

He was at the fourth level of Gang Yuan, and this young man, who didn't seem to have any special qualities, actually crippled one of his arms with a single punch, which made him unbelievable.

"Is it impossible?"

Li Changkong's eyes were cold. As the guard of Danbao Pavilion, he actually colluded with such a wicked young man as Lu's young master. This kind of person does not deserve sympathy at all.

He strode forward, stomping down on the body of the strong man's guard, this foot was like a wild elephant trampling past, there was the sound of bones breaking, and blood spattered.


The strong man who was like an iron tower almost fainted, he let out a painful cry, and his eyes were full of misery.

He never imagined that the young man he had looked down upon before would be so powerful, and he would not have the slightest ability to resist in front of this young man.

"who are you?"

The middle-aged man who was following the eldest son of the Lu family showed a dignified look. He had already seen that Li Changkong easily defeated Guardian Ling, who was at the fourth level of Gang Yuan, which showed that his strength was definitely not simple.

With such great strength at such an age, this young man is definitely not an unknown person!
The youngest of the Lu family even pointed at Li Changkong, and roared directly: "Boy, do you know who I am? If you dare to hit me, I will kill you and drag your body to the dogs!"

"Who are you and what have you to do with me?"

There was indifference in Li Changkong's eyes, a cold light flashed, and he said coldly: "However, you beat my servant, and I have to settle the debt with you!"

Afterwards, Li Changkong said to Lu Pingzhi on the side: "Lu Pingzhi, what did he do to you just now, you pay back one by one!"

(End of this chapter)

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