Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 935 Did You Ask Me?

Chapter 935 Did You Ask Me? (first update)
Soon, the other six Pluto clan arrogances also rushed to appear in front of the three starry sky behemoths.

There was also excitement in their eyes, three starry sky behemoths, three starry sky behemoths suddenly appeared!
roar roar...

The three starry sky behemoths were also full of vigilance. They stared at the Pluto clan powerhouse in front of them and roared angrily. There seemed to be a warning in their voices.


Du Tianyu frowned again. The three giant starry sky beasts didn't run away again, as if they were guarding something.

He stared away again, and soon discovered that behind the three starry sky behemoths, there was a human boy sitting on the ground, and the light of darkness shrouded his body, as if he was comprehending the law of darkness.

"These three starry sky behemoths are actually human's war pets and have been tamed by humans. At this moment, are they guarding that human kid?"

A strange thought flashed in Du Tianyu's mind, the giant starry sky beast is an unruly race, but now, it has been tamed by human beings, so loyal, do they want to protect their master with all their might?
"Young Master Yu, this human being is a bit weird!"

A strong man from the Pluto tribe couldn't help but said to Du Tianyu, looking at the human body with doubts in his eyes.

"Whatever, first capture the three starry sky behemoths, then capture the human kid, and then interrogate them carefully!"

"This son, who can tame the giant starry sky beast, perhaps has a big secret in him!"

Du Tianyu sneered, and immediately rushed out first.

The starry sky behemoths are indeed very powerful, a powerful race that traverses the starry sky, but obviously, the three starry sky behemoths are not yet adults, and their strength is not very strong.

Therefore, these powerhouses of the Pluto family did not take the three starry sky behemoths seriously at all.

One by one, the powerhouses of the Pluto clan sacrificed their long swords and directly killed the giant starry sky beast.

As for Du Tianyu, he directly slammed into the giant starry sky beast, punching out an astonishing force.

As the pride of the Pluto clan, his physical body is very strong. The talent of the Pluto clan is a strong physical body, which is comparable to a beast-level physical body, so that he has no fear of giant beasts in the starry sky.

hoo hoo hoo!
The starry sky behemoths also roared. One of the starry sky behemoths opened its bloody mouth, revealing a mouthful of terrifying fangs. The stellar wind blew in front of it, forming a terrifying suction force, which turned all sword lights, Inhale into the big mouth.


All of a sudden, all the sword lights were annihilated, and were annihilated by the astonishing storm from the mouth of the giant starry sky beast.

When Du Tianyu came to kill him, he punched out an astonishing force, an unstoppable momentum, burst out, and a giant starry sky monster like a hill flew out, fell hundreds of meters away, and landed on the ground Above, there was a loud bang.

There were even terrifying cracks on the ground, like spider webs, spreading towards the surroundings.

But immediately, the other two starry sky behemoths continued to charge, their huge size, like wild elephants colliding, with the meaning of violence and ferocity.

The two giant starry sky beasts swallowed precious light, a devouring force, like a black hole, the terrifying devouring force was actually pulling Du Tianyu, as if to swallow Du Tianyu.

Du Tianyu sneered, black rays of light bloomed on his body, and within the rays of light, there was an astonishing law of darkness, he rushed out again, and punched out again.

bang bang bang...

After several punches in a row, the two giant starry sky beasts were also blasted out and fell to the ground, causing a violent vibration as if the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking.

His physical body is extremely powerful, and his strength is far above the starry sky behemoth. Even if three starry sky behemoths join forces, they are not his opponent at all.

The other powerhouses of the Pluto family were only assisting from the side, and they didn't make any moves from the beginning to the end.

"Ow ooh..."

The three starry sky behemoths fell to the ground. They were seriously injured. Their skin was ripped apart and dripping with blood.

"Tsk tsk tsk, three giant starry sky beasts!"

Du Tianyu's eyes became more and more intense, staring at the three giant starry sky beasts, it was like seeing three golden mountains!
"Young Master Yu's strength is indeed strong enough to span the entire battlefield of the Hundred Realms!"

"Yeah, one person subdued three starry sky behemoths. With this level of strength, how dare other talents compare with Yu Shao?"

"In my opinion, Young Master Yu is the real No. [-] pride of the Pluto family. What did Du Tianzhao do?"

The other powerhouses of the Pluto Clan spoke out compliments one after another, and all kinds of compliments made even Du Tianyu feel a little flattered.

"Hmph, even if you are acquainted, I, Du Tianyu, will trample Du Tianzhao under my feet sooner or later!"

Du Tianyu snorted coldly. Thinking of Du Tianzhao, he couldn't help being extremely angry. Among the Pluto clan, he was inferior to Du Tianzhao in every way.

But this time, he captured three starry sky behemoths in exchange for huge wealth. At that time, he will naturally get a large number of resources, surpassing Du Amaterasu, and it is no longer a dream.

"Young Master Yu, these three starry sky behemoths are no longer able to resist, why don't we kill this human being and take the three starry sky behemoths away?"

Someone proposed again.

"You injured my battle pet, and now you have to take it away, have you asked me?"

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded, and his eyes swept towards Du Tianyu and other Pluto clan powerhouses, his eyes were sharp and indifferent.

In his eyes, the magic light surged, overflowing with murderous intent!
It was Li Changkong!
He refined many esoteric fragments that exploded from the underworld dragon, comprehended the law of darkness, and gained a lot. At this moment, he has stepped into the third level of Tiangong!
After waking up from his comprehension, he saw three starry sky behemoths, fell to the ground, and was seriously injured. These guys who came out of nowhere even threatened to kill him and take away the starry sky behemoths !
Can he not be angry?
"Wake up?"

The strong man of the Pluto family looked at Li Changkong unexpectedly, but he didn't care.

He's just a little guy in the third level of the Heavenly Palace, why should he care?

Woke up, so what?
In front of them, after all, the only way to go is to be killed.

"Ask you what to do? It's just a dead person. After you die, the battle pet will naturally become an ownerless thing!"

Du Tianyu also chuckled, with contempt flashing in his eyes, he said with a smile: "Pei Yuan, kill him!"

With an order, a strong Plutonian from the fourth level of the Heavenly Palace immediately strode forward, with dark light surging around him, stretched out one hand, and directly pressed down on Li Changkong.

This big hand turned into a heavy and dark hand, and it fell with one hand, as if darkness enveloped the earth, with a terrifying aura.

"court death!"

Li Changkong sipped lightly, pointed out with one finger, and suddenly, the mighty power erupted, and the pointing out was like a pillar of the sky.


All of a sudden, the big dark hand burst, and the law of darkness was annihilated. The strong man of the Pluto family named Pei Yuan let out a scream, and a blood hole appeared in the palm of his hand, and blood spattered!

He stepped back, his face was pale, and he looked at Li Changkong with a look of fear.

He never imagined that this human kid, who was not in his eyes, was so powerful!

The powerhouses of the Pluto family were all shocked. Although Pei Yuan was the weakest, he was still at the peak of the fourth layer of Tiangong. Compared with this human boy, he was a small realm higher. Now, he can't stop the opponent One finger!
(End of this chapter)

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