Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 944 The Great Demon King Is Coming

Chapter 944 The Great Demon King Is Coming (Fifth Change)
Yu Wenhong's Six Heavens Sacred Body was extremely powerful, and Du Tianlin was seriously injured when he was knocked out by Yu Wenhong!
The blood in his body was constantly tumbling, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, which made him furious and burst out with even brighter fighting spirit.

"Stop talking nonsense, today, either you die or I die!"

Yu Wenhong yelled angrily, his fighting spirit was overwhelming, and he burst out with an astonishing momentum, and he saw waves of air suddenly spreading towards the surroundings.

His injury was more serious than that of Du Tianlin, but at this moment, he was completely fearless of death and came to kill again.

His speed was so fast that it turned into a stream of light, like a shooting star, hitting towards Du Tianlin.


Du Tianlin was also furious, mobilizing the powerful bodies of the Pluto clan, and punched Yu Wenhong hard.

bang bang bang...

The bodies of the two collided completely, and there were loud noises erupting, and the remaining power swept around, the power and influence were astonished.

Yu Wenhong is purely powerful in battle. Every time he fights, he bursts out with powerful strength, just like a vajra violent ape.

But Du Tianlin is surrounded by dark aura, and his pure physical strength may not be as good as Yu Wenhong's, but he keeps blasting out the dark supernatural powers, which are so powerful that they are frighteningly powerful. Hong Zhan's body was tyrannical, but he couldn't last long.

The battle between the two resulted in bruises all over their bodies, but obviously, Du Tianlin had the upper hand, while Yu Wenhong was just trying to hold on, and the winner was about to be decided!
Around them, many strong men from the Pluto family and the strong men from the Tiansheng family also fought together. The battle became more and more fierce, and blood was constantly pouring from the sky. Many people were injured, and the injuries were not serious.

Finally, Yu Wenhong was sent flying, and fell to the ground again, creating a deep pit. His breath was weak, and his face was covered with blood. He had fought to the limit, exhausted his strength, and could not continue to support.

Du Tianlin was also injured all over his body, and there were several terrifying fist marks on his body, but obviously, it was much better than Yu Wenhong's.

At this moment, Du Tianlin was condescending, looking down at Yu Wenhong, and sneered: "Yu Wenhong, don't you want to fight? Now, get up!"

His demeanor was arrogant, and his words were sarcasm, completely like a winner.

Many strong men of the Pluto clan immediately cheered up, and Tianlin won this battle. The Tiansheng clan is doomed to lose!
"Du Tianlin, are you going to start a war with our Heavenly Saint Clan?"

Yu Wenhong shouted angrily, he had exhausted all his strength, roaring and making a hoarse voice.

"Haha, this is the battlefield of the Hundred Worlds. Is there still less melee between each other? And, if we really want to start a war, I, the Pluto Clan, will not be afraid of your Heavenly Saint Clan!"

Du Tianlin laughed and became more and more proud.

Yu Wenhong couldn't help showing a look of despair. The Celestial Saint Clan is also a well-known fighting race in the battlefield of the Hundred Worlds, but now, they have ended up in such a state, being bullied by the Pluto Clan!
But at this moment, a figure rushed out suddenly, appearing in front of the eyes of many powerhouses from the Pluto clan and the Tiansheng clan.

That figure exuded an immortal aura, powerful and vigorous, like a big sun oven, billowing and surging, his eyes were even sharper, sweeping over everyone one by one, with a sneer on his face.


"Who, dare to appear here, don't you know how to write the word 'death'?"

Several strong men of the Pluto family shouted together, with fierce expressions.

"My name is Great Demon King!"

Li Changkong laughed and replied.

Now, whether it is the Tiansheng clan or the Pluto clan, everyone is wounded. He sits on the mountain and watches the tigers fight. Now, it is time to harvest.

In these hundred world battlefields, he had seen battles again and again, all of which were brutal, and it was very different from the martial arts competitions in the academy.

Every battle here is a battle of life and death, only the result, regardless of the process!

No matter what means you use, just survive!
And what he has to do is not only to survive, but also to continuously improve his own strength. Therefore, this method may be somewhat invincible, but he will not have the slightest loss because of it. Relentless.

"The Great Demon King? A human kid, how dare he call himself the Great Demon King?"

Du Tianlin sneered, although he was seriously injured, he was not afraid of a mere Tiangong fourth-layer kid.

"Really? If that's the case, then use your blood to prove my identity as the Great Demon King!"

Li Changkong sneered, a black brick appeared in his hand, he slapped it down, and suddenly towering divine power appeared, the black brick was suppressed like a star.


When he saw the black bricks just now, Du Tianlin looked contemptuous, but immediately after seeing the black bricks crushing down like stars, his expression changed drastically, revealing a look of shock.

In a hurry, he raised his hand to resist, but the black brick was slammed down, and the terrifying power was revealed. His hand was instantly shattered, turning into a blood mist, and continued to slam down!


Du Tianlin shouted in horror, his eyes were full of horror.

The next moment, his head was shattered and turned into blood mist, and the headless corpse fell to the ground without a sound.


"Depend on!"


Whether it is the strong man of the Pluto clan or the strong man of the Tiansheng clan, they are all stunned. The wind is messy, and the powerful Du Tianlin, the pride of the Hades clan, is just like this guy who suddenly appeared and called himself the Great Demon King. Brick shot to death?
Even Yu Wenhong, the seventh-level powerhouse of the Heavenly Palace of the Saint Race that day, couldn't help but feel shocked. Is this really a brick?

He swears, this is the scariest brick he has ever seen in his life!

But at this moment, Li Changkong rushed out again, killing these strong men, the black brick was shot down again, and another strong man of the Heavenly Saint Clan, his head burst open, blood spattered, and died!
"What a great devil!"

Someone shouted loudly, trembling with fear, almost frightened out of their wits, this guy is too ruthless, one brick at a time, what is it if he is not a big devil?

"Run away!"

"My life is important!"

The strong ones all rushed to their lives. At this moment, Li Changkong, who was holding a black brick, in their eyes, really became a terrifying big demon king, like a demon god!
"The Great Demon King has come, do you still want to leave?"

Li Changkong sneered, making a strange laughing sound like a demon king, holding a black brick and chasing after him.

I have to say that this black brick is simply an artifact for killing people and stealing goods, one brick at a time, very neat!


"The Great Demon King is here!"

One by one, the strong men had completely let go of their faces at this moment, and fled in all directions screaming wildly.

It's a pity that Li Changkong's speed was so fast that he turned into a streamer, and none of these powerhouses from the Pluto clan and the Tiansheng clan were in peak condition, and each of them was seriously injured, so they couldn't escape very far.

(End of this chapter)

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