Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 951 A Veritable Great Demon King

Chapter 951 A Veritable Great Demon King (Second Change)

"You killed them! Ah! Ahhh!"

Ye Lingtian yelled loudly, seeing his clansman being killed in front of him, his heart almost collapsed, and he fell into a frenzied rage. His muscles and muscles swelled up all over his body, and even the pain of breaking his palm was not as good as the pain in his heart.

"Can't I kill them?" Li Changkong's eyes flickered with indifference, and he sneered, "Aren't you here to kill me? Since you want to kill people, you should naturally do it well." Prepare to be killed by others, do you think that only you can kill others, but others can't kill you?"

He sneered in his heart, here is the battlefield of a hundred worlds, different worlds, different races, when fighting, how could there be any hold back?
What's more, these strong men of all races came here to kill him, and now that they were killed by him, what's there to be angry about?

"I, the Giant Spirit Clan, stand high above the ground, and I am a descendant of the gods. The blood in my body is incomparably noble. How can it be compared to a lowly race like yours?"

In Ye Lingtian's eyes, there were almost raging flames spurting out, and the strong anger supported him. At this moment, he was actually burning blood, bursting out with more vigor.

On top of his huge body, there are many runes that emerge, and the runes contain astonishing power, which seems to be the seeds of power.

"That's right, my Jinwu clan and the giant spirit clan are both high-level races, but you humans are a low-level race, extremely humble slaves, your lives are worthless at all, even if you die 1000 million, it's nothing."

"But our race is different. We are descendants of the gods. To die is a blasphemy against the gods!"

Even Jin Zhong, who is from the Golden Crow tribe, shouted angrily at this moment, with a hideous expression.

As the pride of the Golden Crow clan, he had never been so embarrassed before, and more importantly, the other party was just a human being!
Back then, the Warrior King Wushuang also slaughtered many Golden Crows, but the Warrior King Wushuang was a member of the Warrior King Clan, a descendant of the God of War, and the blood flowing in his body was equally noble!

"It's ridiculous, the descendants of the gods think they are superior to others? If I punch you down, you will hurt too!"

Li Changkong couldn't stop laughing, and immediately, he struck out again, the low-grade holy weapon in his hand, bursting with blazing sword power.

The sword light shrouded down, with the meaning of domineering and destructive, it was the Domineering Sword Style in the Burying Heaven Sword Art, and when he used it at this moment, the power was at least two or three times higher than before.


All of a sudden, the golden bell let out a sharp cry, and his body changed abruptly, turning into a three-legged golden crow, with golden light shining all over his body, even bathed in the real fire of the sun!
This is not a real ferocious three-legged Golden Crow, but Jin Zhong urges the blood of the Golden Crow in his body to take the form of a three-legged Golden Crow. Although it is not a real three-legged Golden Crow, it also possesses unparalleled combat power.

"Kid, die!"

The golden bell rushed out, and the surging sun's real fire turned this space into a purgatory of fire.

There are also sharp claws, sticking out fiercely, colliding with the sword light, and there is an astonishing sound of gold and iron clanging.

Ye Lingtian came again, and this person was even more powerful. He punched out a mighty force, and before the fist reached, there was an astonishing wave of energy, which made the blood in Li Changkong's body twitch.

"Great Five Elements Sword Qi!"

Li Changkong yelled angrily, and above his body, three astonishing bright sword rainbows appeared. They were the Immortal Sword Soul, Destruction Sword Intent, and Wind and Thunder Sword Intent. With the blessing of the three major sword intentions, he performed the Great Five Elements Sword Art, and the sword energy fell like a mountain. !
The sword energy slashed down and landed on Ye Lingtian's fist, but Ye Lingtian's fist hadn't stopped, and it bombarded Li Changkong's body.

Ding Ding Deng

Li Changkong stepped back continuously, more than ten steps back before he stabilized his footsteps. His five-element sword energy had already been activated to the extreme, offsetting [-]% of the strength of his fists, but even so, he was still shocked. Qi and blood rolled, and with a wow, he spit out a big mouthful of blood.

After burning his essence and blood, Ye Lingtian knew that he would die. Compared with his peak state, Ye Lingtian's burst of strength at this moment was even more terrifying.

"Even if it's death, I will drag you on the road together, on the road to Huangquan, and fight with you again!"

Ye Lingtian roared loudly, his aura surged again, and the blood in his body burned crazily.

He strode forward, although he only had one hand left, but his strength was still unparalleled.


Finally, Li Changkong didn't hold back any more, and the current situation couldn't be held back either, and it must be resolved quickly!

Spend a little more time, the greater the danger, it is very likely that you will be chased by a powerful enemy, and you will fall into a situation of eternal doom.

He already knew that the powerhouses of the Pluto clan and the Tiansheng clan were chasing and killing him, so hurry up if you want to kill him!

The sound of the dragon chant shook the heavens, and he turned into a real dragon and soared into the sky.

He was covered in golden dragon scales, shining golden light, and behind him, a blood-colored dragon shadow appeared, and the dragon's majesty surged, spreading out.

The terrifying dragon's majesty enveloped this space and turned into a terrifying aura. The terrifying majesty seemed to be real.

"Let's fight again!"

He shouted loudly, and grabbed the golden dragon claws fiercely!

Grabbing it with one claw, with astonishing tearing power, more spatial fluctuations emerged.

Space crack!

At this moment, the spatial supernatural power he had comprehended was displayed again, and a shocking spatial crack was formed quickly. The spatial crack surged with terrifying spatial fluctuations, like the scythe of death, devouring all life.

"No, what is this?"

Seeing the formation of space cracks, Ye Lingtian's face was full of horror, what kind of supernatural power is this, the power is so terrifying!
He wanted to retreat, but it was too late.


The death scythe formed by the crack in the space slashed down, and Ye Lingtian's huge body was broken in two immediately, and blood gushed out.

Ye Lingtian, the pride of the giant spirit clan, dies!

The next moment, the blood on Ye Lingtian's body gushed out frantically, and poured into the mouth of the blood shadow behind Li Changkong, turning into majestic and pure blood power, filling Li Changkong's body.

"There is no hope..."

Zhong Tianle, who saw Ye Lingtian dead, fell into the distance, and was completely powerless, his eyes were full of despair at this moment. This person, worthy of the name of the Great Demon King, is too powerful. Even Ye Lingtian, who burned his blood, was forced to beheaded.

All of them have underestimated this big demon king, and the price of underestimating is life!
Jin Zhong, the pride of the Golden Crow clan, couldn't help being stunned for a moment, his heart trembled violently, Ye Lingtian was actually killed by this person.

It was still when he was burning his essence and blood and his strength was at its peak, he was beheaded by force.

At this moment, he no longer has the slightest will to fight. This big devil is worthy of the name, and he has no chance of defeating him.

(End of this chapter)

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