Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 953 Escape from birth

Chapter 953 Escape from birth (fourth update)

The terrifying dark hand came down, and the suppressing power rolled down like a vast ocean.

Under the shroud of death at this moment, Li Changkong's energy and spirit gathered, and the bloody dragon shadow behind him was extremely hideous.

The Dragon Palace, Sky-reaching Black Lotus, Hades Heavenly Palace, and the three Heavenly Palaces in his body are all vast and surging, with agitated breath.

The three major sword intents, the five-element god body, the real dragon body, all the hole cards were instantly activated by him.

The Blood Demon Sword reappeared, appearing in his hand, surging power, rippling out, bloody light piercing the sky.

All the accumulation, all burst out and turned into a bright sword!
The sword light is like a rainbow, and the Great Five Elements Sword Art has been urged to the extreme by him, displaying unprecedented power.


The terrifying sword light finally pierced through the dark hand, but the remaining power still sent him into the ground, forming a terrifying deep pit, and countless dust filled it.

The terrifying air waves stirred up the airflow, forming a terrifying storm, raging endlessly on the ground, actually blocking Du Tianzhao's sight.


Du Amaterasu in the sky, with his gaze slightly focused, looked down.

His body turned into a stream of light and rushed down. Immediately, countless dust was swept away by his aura, revealing a terrifying deep pit, but below, there was no longer the figure of the Great Demon King.

Only the bright red blood remained, proving that the Great Demon King had already been injured by that blow.

"He escaped!"

"This great demon king has already cultivated the five-element divine body, so he must have taken advantage of the situation to use the technique of escaping from the ground, and then used the small universe moving talisman to go across the void!"

Du Tianzhao's eyes were burning like a torch, revealing a look of fury, now that he came here in person, he was still escaped by the great demon king.

But soon, he recovered as before, and thought to himself: "The strength of this big devil is not as good as mine, but there are really many ways to save his life. I was careless for a while, and he ran away!"

He withdrew his gaze, his expression was cold, and he didn't feel much annoyance. As long as the Great Demon King is still in the battlefield of the Hundred Realms, he will have a way to find the Great Demon King and kill him!

At this moment, there was another sound of piercing in the distance, and a figure landed down.

This figure, the aura of the physical body, is extremely strong, even stronger than Du Amaterasu's physical body.

The number one pride of the Tiansheng Clan, Yu Wenhua Tian.

He glanced over, frowned slightly, then looked at Du Tianzhao, and asked, "Du Tianzhao, where is the Great Demon King?"

"He escaped."

Du Amaterasu replied calmly with his usual expression.


Yu Wenhuatian looked stunned, Du Tianzhao arrived in person, but was escaped by the big devil?

"This person has many ways to save his life, and I was careless. However, next time, if I meet this son again, he will surely stain the heavens with blood!"

Du Tianzhao drank coldly, with a sharp look in his eyes.


The corner of Li Changkong's mouth was bleeding, and several wounds on his body were split open, blood was constantly oozing out, and there was a dark aura raging in his body.

He had hard-pressed Du Tianzhao's big dark hand, and had already suffered serious trauma. Although he escaped now, he still didn't dare to stay in the slightest. He moved as fast as possible to stay away from this place as much as possible.

"Damn it, this is Amaterasu, the strength is really strong enough, obviously the realm is only two levels higher than mine, but the strength is so strong!"

"The fighting power of the Pluto clan is indeed terrifying, which further shows the importance of the "Pluto Scripture". No matter what, I will definitely get both the "Pluto Scripture" and the "Sacred Body of the Six Heavens"!"

Li Changkong's eyes flickered and shone brightly. The more tyrannical the strength Du Tianzhao displayed, the more he longed for the complete version of "The Book of Hades", and the more he wanted to get it.

Although he can't use "The Heavenly Scripture of Pluto" and "Sacred Physique of the Six Paths", if they are given to Hong Yuan and Hong Qing to practice, the strength of the two brothers and sisters will surely improve by leaps and bounds!

After all, "The Heavenly Scripture of Pluto" and "Sacred Physique of the Six Paths", these two exercises are definitely not under the "Wanmo Tiangong".

Running wildly all the way, he ran a full [-] miles, and then stopped to make sure that Du Tianzhao did not catch up.

"Du Tianzhao's strength is very strong. To deal with him, there is only one way. Completely cultivate the body of a fifth-rank true dragon!"

"Once the fifth-rank true dragon body is cultivated, my background will be even more terrifying, not to mention Du Tianzhao, even if it is the more powerful Duan Tiandao, the first patrol of Qingtiantang, I will not be afraid!"

He got into the ground, used the earth spirit divine body, and created a small space underground, and began to think carefully.

During this period of time, he continued to plunder, and the wealth he obtained was innumerable, and various panacea and medicines piled up like a mountain.

There are also a large number of esoteric fragments. Presumably, it is almost enough to break through the body of a fifth-rank real dragon.

More importantly, he also found two dragon veins deep in the ground of Bailong Mountain Range, one of which was completely destroyed by him to activate the dragon burial array.

But there is also one of the smaller dragon veins, which he collected into the Tianhe Ring.

"Start retreat now, if you don't cultivate the body of a fifth-rank real dragon, you will never leave the closed door!"

With a thought, suddenly, behind him, a bloody dragon shadow appeared directly.

At this moment, the blood-colored dragon shadow is no longer ferocious, but has a little look of expectation and hope. It is a blood shadow of Tuntian's bloodline. At this moment, it seems to feel the surging power of bloodline.

It can't wait to swallow more blood, so as to continue to evolve, and evolve towards a true dragon that truly possesses great supernatural powers and great powers!

In front of Li Changkong, a large amount of elixir and elixir appeared. He drank softly, and immediately the bloody dragon shadow behind him opened his mouth wide and devoured it like crazy.

A steady stream of surging medicinal power rushed into his body crazily, and the terrifying medicinal power almost exploded his body.

The terrifying injuries on his body are continuously recovering immediately, and the terrifying scars are continuously recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There is also the terrifying wood essence, which keeps pouring in and turns into a wood barrier, isolating the breath here from the outside world.

Even, all the power of blood that he stored in the Dragon Palace before was released. It contained the power of blood of the giant spirit clan, Jinwu clan, Tianji clan, Canglang clan and other races. mixed.

Ordinary devouring bloodlines would never dare to devour so many powerful bloodlines all at once, but the Heaven-swallowing bloodlines would never reject anyone who came, and they had no fear at all.

Generally speaking, devouring too many powerful bloodlines will overwhelm the host, and being affected by other bloodlines will affect one's own bloodline, so the gain outweighs the loss.

But for Li Changkong, this problem does not exist. His Swallowing Heaven bloodline is too powerful, enough to suppress other bloodlines.

What bloodlines of giant spirits, golden crows, plutos, and heavenly saints are inferior to the bloodlines of Tuntian.

He is devouring constantly, above the body, the golden light shines brightly, and Longwei is getting stronger and stronger!

(End of this chapter)

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