Swallow Dragon King

Chapter 958 Stepping on Tianjiao

Chapter 958 Stepping on Tianjiao (Fourth)

Seeing that Du Tianzhao was shot flying out, his head was bleeding, and Zhong Ding, Tianjiao Tianjiao of the Tianji Clan beside him, couldn't help but lose his mind at this moment. The guy who thought he could tease him in the palm of his hand, now, has defeated Yu Wenhuatian in a row. With Du Tianzhao, the ending was unexpected, and a big reversal came!

"Damn it, if I had known this, I would have set up a formation and used the power of the formation to kill this beast!"

Zhong Ding was very annoyed. Although he is the arrogance of the Tianji Clan and has extremely profound attainments in the way of formation, it is definitely not possible to complete a powerful formation in a short time.

When he was setting up the formation, even the Great Demon King could kill him thousands of times.

"Damn it, damn it!"

Zhong Ding roared in his heart, and the celestial instrument in his hand flickered again and again, bursting into bright light, pulling the laws of heaven and earth around him, and turning it into a terrifying small formation.

I saw sword lights forming a terrifying sword formation, attacking Li Changkong. This sword formation is a small formation that Zhong Ding had arranged in the Tianjiyi long ago. Although it is a small formation, it is powerful, but Not weak at all.

Yu Huatian and Du Tianzhao also came to kill again, and now, at the critical moment of life and death, they had to fight desperately!
Yu Wenhuatian had burned the essence and blood in his body. His whole body was like a big sun oven, burning and boiling, and a brighter breath burst out. With surging power, he punched out, and the reincarnation seal appeared, like The six paths of reincarnation are constantly ups and downs, making it even more terrifying.

But at this moment, Du Tianzhao also burned the bloodline, and stimulated the power of the bloodline, surging forward, and the Pluto's Dharma body emerged, and the Pluto's Dharma body became more solid, as if the real Pluto emerged, revealing a monstrous blow.

The terrifying Pluto's handprint blasted again, and when this handprint was blasted out, the world retreated, the mountains collapsed, and the void split open, revealing a terrifying aura.

Li Changkong sneered, he shot out again, urging the body of a fifth-rank real dragon, showing a vast aura, his breath was like a river rushing, rushing, and his power was endless, seemingly endless.

He punched out one punch after another, all bursting out with astonishing power, the power of 500 million dragons had been crushed out without reservation.

bang bang bang...

Immediately, all the sword lights were annihilated, even the Tianjiyi in Zhong Ding's hand was crushed by his majestic power, burst open, turned into fragments, and scattered all over the place.

Then, the bright fist seals continued to bombard, and the rounds of reincarnation seals were completely cracked, and even the six reincarnation seals were crushed by the force and completely collapsed.

Yu Wenhua spit out big mouthfuls of blood, and immediately lost his momentum. He fell three thousand feet, and fell into the air. He fell several kilometers away and fell on the ground, raising a large cloud of dust.

His injuries can be described as extremely serious. His tendons and veins have been injured. The burning essence and blood in his body are flowing backwards at this moment, and his whole body is full of terrifying dark wounds.

Today, he can't even display [-]% of his combat power, and he has almost become a waste.

Boom boom boom!
Li Changkong's fist was invincible in horizontal pushes, crushing all the way, and saw the big handprint of Hades was broken by his punch again, and even the dharma body of Hades was trampled under his feet, crushing it to pieces.

"No, it's impossible!"

Du Tianzhao roared, since he awakened the Pluto bloodline, he has never been humiliated like this. Even the Pluto dharma body summoned by the bloodline was trampled under his feet, it was too humiliating.

This kind of humiliation made him inexplicably sad and indignant, and his chest was filled with shame, indignation, and anger. The Pluto dharma body was transformed from the soul imprint of Pluto, the son of Pluto, the distant ancestor of the Pluto family!
But now, he was trampled underfoot and became the target of humiliation.

"Du Tianzhao, you feel that you have been humiliated, so you are very angry? But before you wanted to kill me, you were not the same domineering. At that time, you probably didn't have the slightest fear, right?"

Li Changkong raised his head, his eyes were full of sarcasm, he knew too well that in this battlefield of a hundred realms, big fists are the last word.

As long as you are strong enough, you can trample on any rules and regulations. This is the battlefield of a hundred worlds, cruel and full of killings.

Originally, they came from different worlds, different races, and there was absolutely no benevolence and righteousness to talk to each other.

"Great Demon King, don't be arrogant, I am the pride of the Pluto clan, you dare to kill me?"

Du Tianzhao raised his head, his eyes were full of sharpness and ferocity, and he shouted: "If you kill me, the Pluto family will not let you go, there is no way out for heaven or earth!"

"Even if the entire battlefield of the Hundred Realms is turned upside down, the elders of my family will avenge me!"

"That's right, Great Demon King, you've taken advantage of it now, you should be content!"

Zhong Ding of the Tianji Clan also spoke, his eyes were serious, he stared at Li Changkong, and shouted: "We are all the true arrogance of the clan, if there is any damage, you can't bear the consequences like that!"

"Those who know current affairs, Wei Junjie, you should go now!"

In Zhong Ding's words, there was a sense of threat.

"Did I hear it wrong?"

"You are so aggressive, the three great talents joined forces to kill me, and now, I have defeated them one by one, and you actually want me to go?"

Li Changkong grinned, the smile looked extremely strange, with a hint of evil charm, this smile fell into the eyes of other people, and I just felt that it was impossible to deduce it.

"How are you going?"

Yu Wenhua yelled loudly, his injuries were too severe, he hated the Great Demon King in front of him, and wished he could swallow his flesh and blood alive.

"Of course it is killing. Do you think that the nickname of the Great Demon King was just called casually? When death is imminent, you still want to use the power of the clan to threaten me?"

"I offended my big demon king, even if you are the king of heaven, I will kill you!"

Li Changkong sneered, raised his hand, and waved lightly. Immediately, a blazing sword light burst out. It was the Immortal Sword Light.

The target of those sword lights was the most seriously injured Yu Huatian!

"Do not……"

Yu Huatian let out a low growl in despair, but soon, his voice fell completely silent.

Today, the pride of the saint clan has completely fallen!
In the distance, many people were silent. This guy really deserved the name of Great Demon King. He actually killed Yu Wenhua Tian. The Tian Sheng Clan would definitely go crazy because of this.

"Next, it's your turn!"

Li Changkong sneered, rushed out, and punched Zhong Ding's body.


His speed was too fast, Zhong Ding couldn't dodge at all, his body exploded and turned into a cloud of blood mist when he was hit by the fist.

In the distance, everyone's hearts trembled again, it was too fierce, killing Tianjiao was like killing ants!
"No, no, no, Great Demon King, we can discuss. I, the Pluto Clan, will give you enough benefits, and I can protect you against the Celestial Saint Clan..."

Seeing Li Changkong's gaze sweeping towards him, Tianzhao panicked, truly terrified. Before, he relied on his status and felt that the Great Demon King would not dare to kill him, but now, Zhong Ding and Yu Wenhuatian died one after another before him. In front of him, how could he remain calm.

"Hehe, do you think I will believe it?"

Li Changkong sneered, rushed up, stepped down, and trampled on Du Tianzhao's chest fiercely. Immediately, how many ribs in his chest were broken, and Du Tianzhao vomited blood wildly, his face extremely pale.

Many people were shocked that the arrogance of the Pluto family, who had not been around for a thousand years, was trampled under the feet of the Great Demon King and trampled hard.

(End of this chapter)

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